
第5章 Travelling行


Would you prefer first class or economy?您想要头等舱还是经济舱?


You may purchase your ticket at any of our offices.Thank you for calling Beijing Airlines.您可以在我们的任何一家办事处购买机票。感谢您光顾北京民航。

Thank you.谢谢您。

I'd like to make a plane reservation to Washington.我想预订去华盛顿的机票。

Your name,please.请告诉我您的姓名。

What flight would you like to change for?您想换乘哪次航班呢?

I want to leave on June 15th.我想换乘6月15日的航班。

I'd like to make a reservation to Los Angeles on August 3rd,the day after tomorrow.我想预订一张后天也就是8月3日去洛杉矶的机票。

I'm sorry but our flights are fully booked on that day.The next available flight leaves at 4:00 p.m., Saturday,August 4th.Shall I reserve you a seat then?很抱歉,我们那天的票全部订完了。下一趟您能乘坐的航班是8月4日,星期六,下午4点起飞。我给您预订那个时间的座位好吗?

Have you reserved a seat?你有没有预订机位?

I reserved flight 203 on May 1st.我预定了五月一日的203次班机。

I'd like to reconfirm my reservation.我想再确认一下预约。

Of course,just wait a minute.当然,请等一会。

What's your destination,please?请问您要去哪儿?


What can I do for you?能为你做点什么吗?

I want to change my reservation.我想要更改预订的机票。

Which date do you prefer?你订哪一天的票?

The day after tomorrow.后天。

What are you doing?你在做什么?

I'm expecting the ticket returned.我正在等退票。

Do you offer special prices to students in summer?你们夏季对学生提供便宜机票吗?

I'm afraid not.我想恐怕没有。

Sorry,but the flight is fully booked.对不起,航班已经预订满了。

I want to be on the waiting list.我想被列在候补名单上。

By what time should I get to the airport?我要什么时候到达机场?

Please come to the airport at least two hours before the departure time.至少要在起飞前2小时到达。

Can I make to connecting flight?我能赶上临近的航班吗?

I'm afraid not.We'll arrange the next flight for you.恐怕不能,我们会为您安排下一个航班。

Can I carry this bag into the cabin?我能将这个包带上飞机吗?

That's too large to take into the cabin.那太大了,不能。

Excuse me.Can you direct me to Gate 20,please?打搅一下,请问能不能告诉我20号登机门怎么走?

Sure.Go down the stairs right over there and you'll see some directions.Just follow them.当然。顺着那边的楼梯下去,你就会看到一些指示,照着指示走就到了。

Excuse me.What's the actual flying time from here to San Francisco?打搅一下。从这儿到旧金山的实际飞行时间是多久?

It's about twelve hours.大约12个小时。

Can you tell me what time we're arriving?能否告诉我什么时候到达?

Sure.Let me see...at 6∶15 a.m.local time tomorrow.当然。让我想一下……我们会在当地时间明天清晨6点15分到达。

May I have a magazine or something?可以给我一本杂志之类的东西看吗?

Certainly.Just a moment.I'll be right back with one.Which do you prefer,one in English or in Chinese?没问题。请等一等。我马上就带一本来。你想要英文还是中文的?

Could I have a blanket?可以给我拿条毯子吗?

I'm afraid there aren't any at the moment.Can you wait just a little while?现在恐怕没毯子。能不能请您稍候一下呢?

What's the departure time?请问飞机什么时候起飞?

At 9∶00.Here is your boarding card.9点钟。这是您的登机卡。

Thank you. Can I board the plane now?谢谢。我现在可以登机了吗?

No,there're ten minutes left.不行,还有10分钟。

Good morning.Welcome aboard.This way,please.上午好,欢迎乘坐本次航班。请往这边走。

Stewardess,can you direct me to my seat?服务员,你能带我到我的座位上吗?

Excuse me,can I help you with your safety belt? The plane is about to take off.请原谅,我可以帮您系上安全带吗?飞机马上就要起飞了。

I'm sorry,I forgot to do that. Let me do it now.对不起,我忘了系。我马上就系好。

Excuse me,miss. I'm not feeling very well.对不起,小姐。我感觉有点儿不舒服。

Take it easy,sir. Are you feeling airsick?放松点,先生。你是晕机吗?

Excuse me. Would you mindtrading seats with me?I prefer a window seat.打扰了,换一下座位好吗?我比较喜欢靠窗的座位。


Give me some white wine,please.请给我来点儿白葡萄酒。

Certainly,sir. But there is a charge for alcoholic beverages in economy class.当然可以,先生。可是在经济舱,喝带酒精的饮料是要付费的。

Would you like smoking or nonsmoking?您要吸烟区或非吸烟区?

I'd prefer smoking.我要吸烟区。

May I put my bag on the rack?我能把包放在行李架上吗?

No,you can't.You should place it under your seat.Or it might fall down and hurt somebody.不行。您应该把它放在座位下面,否则它有可能掉下来砸伤人。

What can I do for you?您有事吗?

I want to change my seat.我想换座位。

Where are the safety belts?安全带在哪里?

On either side of the seat.在椅子的两旁。

Do I have to keep the belts fastened all the time?我需要一直系着安全带吗?

No.After taking off,you can unfasten them.不。起飞后,您可以解开它。

Do you have any drinks?有饮料吗?

Yes,after a while,we'll offer that for you.是的。一会儿就给您。

We have a choice of cake or ice cream.我们有蛋糕或冰淇淋供您选择。

No.Thank you.不了,谢谢。

Does the plane serve lunch?飞机上提供午餐吗?

Yes.About two hours after we take off.是的。大约起飞后两个小时。

May I have some magazines,please?请给我几份杂志好吗?

Just a minute,please.请稍等。

Booking Tickets 订机票

I'd like to book a ticket from Beijing to London.我想预订一张从北京到伦敦的机票。

Please hold on.I'll check the availability.请不要挂断电话,我查一下座位情况。

May I put you on the waiting list?我可以把您列入等候名单吗?

What date and what number of the flight do you want to book?您想订哪一天、哪次航班的机票?

There is a flight from here to Hongkong every two hours.从这儿到香港的航班每隔两小时一趟。

The air fare is five hundred dollars please.票价为500美元。

First class or economy class?请问是要头等舱还是经济舱?

A window seat or an aisle seat?座位要靠近窗户的还是靠近过道的?

Please remember to confirm your flight.请记得确认您的航班。

I'm sorry,but the economy class seats on that flight have already been sold out.对不起,那次航班经济舱的座位已售完了。

Do you want a oneway ticket or roundtrip tickets?您是要单程票还是往返票?

We do have some space left in our firstclass section.I can change your ticket if you like.我们头等舱还有空位。如果您想坐头等舱,我可以给您换票。

OK.Your ticket is in order now.好的,您的票现在完全办妥了。

Thank you for calling to reconfirm.谢谢您打电话再次确定您的机位。

That's our regular flight to Los Angeles.这是我们飞往洛杉矶的定期航班。

Could I change the flight and date for you?我可以给您更改航班和日期吗?

Your cancellation fee is 10% of the original fare because you ask for a refund 24 hours before the departure time.因为您是在飞机起飞前24小时申请退票,所以按原票价的10%收取退票费。

Let me see your ticket please.It is a discounted roundtrip ticket and you are not encouraged to refund it.However,if you persist,you'll have to pay a cancellation fee.让我看看您的机票。对不起,您购买的是一张往返折扣票,原则上不能退票,如果您坚持退票的话,需要收取一定的手续费。

Finding the Seat 找座位

What's your seat number?您的座位号是多少?

Your seat is over there,18A.The seat number is indicated along the edge of the overhead storage compartment.您的座位在那儿,18A。座位号就标在行李架边上。

Show me to my seat,please.请带我到我的座位。

I'll show you your seat.我来为您引位。

Come with me,please.请随我来。

You should be seated in the assigned seat in order to ensure proper weight and balance for the aircraft when it takes off.为了使飞机在起飞时保持配载平衡,请您按指定的座位入座。

Could you please take the seat according to your seat number?您能按座位号入座吗?

I'm afraid you are in the wrong seat.恐怕您坐错座位了。

I appreciate your problem and I'll see if there is a vacant seat for you.Please take the seat for the time being.我理解您,我替您去看看是否有空位,请暂时坐这个位子。

The two passengers want to sit together.I'm wondering if it would be possible for you to exchange your seat with his.这两位旅客想坐在一起,我想知道您是否愿意和他换一下座位。

Please take this aisle to the fourth and sixth row.请沿着通道走到第4排和第6排。

Is this my seat?这是我的座位吗?

I'm sorry.No more aisle seats are available.Will the window seat be all right?对不起,靠过道的座位没有了,窗口的座位行吗?

Service on the Plane 机上服务

Would you mind me putting your bag somewhere else?您介意我把您的包放在其他地方吗?

I'm sorry.You couldn't put your bag here as we'll stow little bags after dinner.对不起,您不能把包放在这里,供餐后我们要把垃圾袋放在这里。

The air conditions are uncertain.Please fasten your seat belts.天气状况不稳定,请系牢您的安全带。

Please keep all valuables with you.请把您所有的贵重物品带在身边。

The plane is taking off.Please fasten your seat belt.飞机就要起飞了,请系好安全带。

Please remain in your seat until the plane has come to a complete stop.飞机尚未完全停稳前,请勿离开您的座位。

Steak or Chicken?您要牛排还是鸡肉呢?

I'll bring you a glass of milk to help you relax.我给您拿杯牛奶,喝了以后您会放松一点。

I'll bring you some roast beef,which will build up your strength.我拿份烤牛肉给您,它可以帮助您增加体能。

Do you feel like anything to eat?您想吃点东西吗?

We only serve drinks and light refreshments on this short flight.我们在短途航班上只供应饮料和点心。

It is time for lunch.Would you please put down the tray?现在开始供应午餐,请把餐桌放下来,好吗?

Can I offer you a snack?我给您一份快餐好吗?

If you are not feeling any better,go to the hospital after you arrive.如果您感觉还是不太好,落地后直接去医院吧。

If you want to vomit,please use the airsickness bag in the seat pocket in front of you.如果您要吐的话,您可以用前面椅背口袋里的清洁袋。

Did you call,sir?What can I do for you?先生,是您按的呼叫钮吗?要我为您做些什么吗?

Don't worry.I'll page for a doctor and ask for an ambulance when we reach the airport.别着急,我将广播为您寻找大夫并在您到达机场时叫辆救护车。

I'm sorry to tell you there's no doctor on board.But we've got in touch with the ground staff at destination airport.And they'll take you to the hospital as soon as we get to the airport.对不起,飞机上没有大夫。但我们已与目的地机场的地面人员取得联系,我们一到机场他们就把您送往医院。

Would you like a headset,sir,for the movie and music?先生,您要不要耳机,用来看电影和听音乐?

A:I'd like to reserve a ticket from New York to Hong Kong on 9th August for one person.B:Let me check.Do you want a direct flight?

A:Actually,I'm looking for a cheaper one.

B:I'm afraid that all the flights of 9th August are booked.

A:How about 10th August?

B:There're two flights available on 10th August.

A:How much are they?

B:The one in the morning is $1,500 while the one in the afternoon is $1,200.

A:I'll take the afternoon one.My name is Lin Qing.

B:Thank you very much.Here's your receipt.

A:Thank you.








B:早上的班机是1 500美元,而下午那班是1200美元。




A:Excuse me.I thought what I took was a “nonstop flight”.Why do I have to transit here?B:I am sorry,sir.Your ticket shows that your flight will fly directly to New York.You don't have to change flights,but you do have to stop over here for about two hours.

A:I am a little confused.Do you mean “nonstop flight” and “direct flight”are not the same?

B:No,they are not.Nonstop flights won't make any stops during the flight.

A:What about direct flights?

B:Direct flights just mean you don't have to make any connection on the way to the destination.

A:Oh,now I see.Well,if I had to transfer here and continue my journey to San Francisco,what should I do?

B:Then,you would have to go to the Transfer Counter and recheck in.

A:Thank you for your detailed explanation.What time do we board again?

B:Your flight will depart at 5 p.m..However,you might need to get ready for boarding 40 minutes before the departure.












international airline services国际航线

domestic airlines国内航线

an airport terminal机场大楼

boarding procedure登机程序

a transit card换机卡






high ceiling/high clouds高云层

low ceiling/low clouds低云层

mechanical disorder机器故障

forced landing迫降

an arm rest扶手

cruising altitude飞行高度

flying speed航速

call button叫人按钮

light button灯开关

first class头等舱

business class公务舱


air stairway登机梯

ground squawk地面故障

flight squawk飞行故障

emergency exit紧急出口

emergency slide紧急滑梯

flight information飞行动态

Just Plane Awful

The world's first fully computerized airliner was ready for its maiden flight without pilots or crew.The plane taxied to the loading area automatically,its doors opened automatically,the steps came out automatically.The passengers boarded the plane and took their seats.

The steps retreated automatically,the doors closed,and the airplane taxied toward the runway.

“Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen,”a voice intoned.“Welcome to the debut of the world's first fully computerized airliner.Everything on this aircraft is run electronically.Just sit back and relax.Nothing can go wrong...Nothing can go wrong...Nothing can go wrong...”






Do I need to reserve a seat?我需要订座吗?

As the train might be crowded,I suggest you do so.由于列车可能很拥挤,我建议你订座。

Is this a direct train to Beijing?这是到北京的直达车吗?

No,you need to change trains.不是,你得换车。

Is there enough time to change trains?有足够的时间换车吗?

You'll have more than 20 minutes.你会有20多分钟时间。

Do you need a ticket?您要买票吗?

I'd like to have two soft berth tickets for tomorrow.我要2张明天的软卧票。

What time is the next train to Victoria,please?请问下一趟去维多利亚的车几点开?

9:26. Platform 4. Right up at the front.9∶26。4号站台。走到前面就是。

When do we get there?我们什么时候可以到达那里?

It's due in at 11∶35 ,but they're running late today.正常时间应该是11点35分到站,但今天要晚点了。

Need I change trains?我需要转车吗?

Yes. Change at Beijing.要的。到北京转车。

By the way,where is the dining car?顺便问一下,餐车在哪儿?

The dining car is next to this sleeping car.餐车在卧铺车厢隔壁。

What time do we get to Pairs?我们什么时候到巴黎?

You'd better buy a time schedule.你最好买一张列车时刻表。

Dinner is being served.开饭了。

Let's go to the dinning car.咱们到餐车上去吃吧。

Do you want to catch an express or local train?你是要乘快车还是普通车?

Express train.快车。

Do I need a transfer?我需要不需要换车?

Yes.Take the “A”train.是的,换乘“A”火车。

Can I transfer by this ticket?我可以凭这张票转车吗?

Yes,you can.是的,可以。

Does this train have a sleeping car?这列火车有卧铺车厢吗?

Yes.The sleeping car is so clean and tidy.是的,卧铺车厢既干净又整齐。

Attention please,the train is to go across the tunnel.注意,列车将要穿越山洞了。

Should I close the windows?我应该关好窗户是吧?

Is this an express train?这是快车吗?

Sorry,I don't know.You can ask the conductor.抱歉,我不知道。你可以去问问乘务员。

When is the train due to arrive?这趟列车预计什么时候到站?

It's due at 3 p.m.,but it's already five minutes behind schedule.定于下午三点到站,但已经晚点五分钟了。

Which platform is for the train to Washington?开往华盛顿的列车是在哪个站台?

Just a moment,please.I'll check for you.It's at platform 2.请稍等,我给您查一下。在2号站台。

Can I help you with your luggage?可以帮您拿行李吗?

Thank you very much.太感谢了。

Carriage 11,Berth 13.Here it is.11号车厢,13号铺。在这儿。

The suitcase and the bag can go on the luggagerack.手提箱和包裹可以放在行李架上。

Can you help me find my seat,please?您能帮我找到我的座位吗?

Your ticket?请问您的票?

Where is the dining car?请问餐车在哪儿?

Two cars forward.往前走两个车厢。

Where is the washroom?请问卫生间在哪儿?

The washroom is in the next car.卫生间在下一个车厢。

Can I smoke here?我可以在这儿吸烟吗?

Sorry,I'm afraid you have to go to the smoking section.对不起。您最好到吸烟区。

I'm afraid you have taken the wrong seat.恐怕您坐错位子了。

Oh,we exchanged our seats.哦,我们换座位了。

Your ticket,please?查票了。

Sorry,I cannot find it now.对不起,我找不到我的票了。

I cannot find my ticket.What can I do?我找不到票了。我该怎么办呢?

Try to find it.Or you'll have to buy another one.再找一找,否则您只能再买一张了。

At the Train Station 在火车站

Wait a moment,please.I'll check the berth chart.请您等一会儿,我查一查卧铺登记表。

Tickets to Qingdao are sold out.到青岛的票卖完了。

I'm afraid only oneway tickets are available.恐怕只有单程车票了。

Date and the number of the train please?请问日期和车次?

I'm sorry,sir,you can only book tickets two days earlier.对不起,先生,您只能提前两天预订票。

The fare is 120 yuan.票价为120元。

Which train should I take for Beijing?请问,我该乘哪次列车去北京?

You can buy a roundtrip ticket.A roundtrip ticket saves you about 15% of the fare.您可以买张往返票,往返票可以为您节省大约15%的车费。

Do you want a oneway ticket or a return one?您是要单程票还是往返票?

How long is the journey?路途要多长时间?

Hello.I'm waiting for the train from Beijing.Can you tell me when it'll arrive?您好。我在接从北京方向开来的火车,您能告诉我它什么时候到吗??

The next train for Beijing leaves at 10:00.开往北京的下一班火车10点出发。

When does the next train for Guilin leave?请问去桂林的下一班列车什么时候离站?

Is there a direct train from here to Beijing?从这儿到北京有直达车吗?

Service in the Train 车上服务

The carriage staff will ensure you have the right bed and that you get off at the right stop.乘务员能够确保您找到您的铺位和按站下车。

The smoking section is at the end of the carriage between this carriage and the next.吸烟区在两节车厢之间。

A crew member will come by soon,selling food,drink and cigarettes.列车员一会儿就会过来卖食品、饮料和香烟。

The toilet is always locked when the train is at the station.When the train begins moving again,we will unlock it.火车进站后厕所是要锁上的,火车重新开动后,我们才会开门。

The toilets are available only when the train is travelling.厕所只有在车行驶中才可以使用。

Sorry,I'm afraid you have to go to the smoking section.对不起。您最好到吸烟区。

The soft sleeper has a restaurant next door.软卧车厢旁边有个餐厅。

The train chief's room is in the next car.列车长的办公室在下一节车厢。

Our next stop will be Lanzhou Station,please prepare yourself for getting off the train.下一站将要到达兰州车站,请您提前做好下车准备。

A:Let's go into this car, shall we?

B:All right.So crowded today.

A:Now let me settle the luggage. This suitcase should go on the rack. Could you give me a hand?

B:Sure. Here it is... Oh, this is really heavy.

A:I'm sorry. You know my wife always packs in a lot of things for me when I travel.

B:Well, it's nice to have somebody to worry about you all the time. But I prefer to travel light. Look, this suitcase is all I've got when I travel, and I always have everything I need.

A:I guess you're right. Now we can make ourselves comfortable.








A:Well,shall we get the luggage down before it stops?

B:That's a good idea.Are these two suitcases ours?

A:How forgetful you are! Ours are on the other side,there.

B:Oh,I'm sorry.I know this is yours,right?

A:Yes.We'll be at the station in a minute.

B:The train is slowing down,so let's walk down the corridor.








soft berth软卧




ticket gate检票口

platform ticket站台票

a local express普通快车

a through express直达快车

a nonsmoker无烟车厢

a berth ladder床梯

a tourist coach二等席

a chief conductor列车长

a train attendant列车员

a ticket inspector查票员

parcels office 承运包裹处

luggage counter 行李柜台

suitcase 手提箱

luggage sticker 行李标签

luggage receipt 行李收据

luggage clerk 行李员

poster 招贴

station mailbox 车站邮箱

station restaurant 车站餐厅

waiting room 候车室

schedule 时刻表

porter 搬运工

tunnel to the platforms 通向站台的地道

steps to the platforms 通向站台的台阶

station bookstand 车站报刊柜

information office 问讯处

railway map 铁路地图

ticket office 售票处

ticket counter 售票柜台

The Clever Conductor

Passenger:The train is always late.What's the timetable used for?

Conductor:If the train is always on time,what's the waitingroom used for?





How much is the fare,please?车费要多少钱?

One dollar. Drop it in the box,please. There are plenty of seats in the rear.1美元,请把钱放到收钱箱里。车厢后部有很多座位。

Does this bus go to the station?这趟车开往火车站吗?

No,you'll have to get off at the Bank, then take a 184.不去。你到银行那一站就得下车,然后转乘184路车。

Can you tell me where to get off?请告诉我在哪儿下车好吗?

It is the next stop but one.再过两站下车。

Is this the right bus for the Town Hall?这是开往市政厅的公共汽车吗?

No,you should have caught a 13. Jump up at the park and get one there.不是,你应该乘13路车。在公园那站下车,然后乘13路吧。

Is this bus for the park?这路车到公园吗?

No.It only goes as far as the Xinhua Bookstore.You have to change to Bus No.27 there.不,它只到新华书店。之后您得改乘27路车。

Does this bus go to the Xinhua Bookstore?这趟车到新华书店吗?

No,you're going the wrong way.You should get off at the next stop and take the bus on the other side of the street.不,您坐错了。您应该下站下车,在街对面上车。

Where shall I get off?我应在哪站下车?

I'll let you know at that stop.车到站时我会告诉您的。

Excuse me,ma'am.Can I have a look at your ticket?对不起,女士。我可以看一下您的票吗?

Here you are.给您。

Excuse me,it's time to show your tickets.对不起,该检票了。

Here're the tickets for the child and me.这是我和孩子的车票。

Next stop is the Children's Hospital.For those who need to get off,please get ready.下一站是儿童医院。下车的乘客请做好准备。

I want to go to the library.Shall I change to another bus here?我想去图书馆,我可以在这儿换车吗?

I'm going to the supermarket.Am I right to get off at this stop?我想去超市,在这站下车对吗?

Yes,you need to change to Bus No.24 to get there.对,之后您得换乘24路车。

When will it get to the terminal?什么时候到终点站?

Here we are.我们到了。

How often do they run?他们多长时间开一班车?

The bus leaves every ten minutes.汽车每隔十分钟来一趟。

I am sorry you have got the wrong bus.对不起,您上错车了。

Please let me off at the next stop.请让我在下一站下车。

Hurry up or you'll miss the stop.快点儿,不然你就坐过站了。

There are too many people near the door.I can't move.但车门口有很多人,我动不了。

We just missed our bus.我们刚刚错过了那趟汽车。

How soon is the next one?下趟要多久才能来?

How many stops are there before I get there?我要坐多少站才到那里呢?

Oh,about fifteen.噢,大约15站。

I see buses are crowded with people in rush hours.我发现在高峰时间的公交车很拥挤。

But things are much better now than before.现在比以前好多了!

Do these buses charge the same?这些公交车票价是一样的吗?

No.The airconditioned buses charge more than non air conditioned ones.不一样。空调车的票价比一般车贵。

Is this seat taken?这儿有人坐吗?

No,it's not.没有人。

Should I get off at this stop?我是应该在这一站下车吗?

No.You should get off at next stop.不是,您应该在下一站下车。

Something about Taking a Bus 乘车情况

Do I have to change anywhere?我是不是得换车?

I want to go to Beijing Hotel.Do you go there?我想去北京饭店。你们这辆车到吗?

Could you tell me how long the ride is?请问,要坐多久?

I'm sorry.You are going in the wrong direction.You should have caught the bus on the other side of the street.对不起,您坐反方向了。您应该在路对面坐这路车。

Don't worry.You can get off at the next stop and go across the street through the underpass.The bus stop is right there.别担心,您在下一站下车,经地下通道过马路,上去就是车站。

This bus only travels part of its normal route.We only go as far as Fuchengmen.这是区间车,最远就到阜成门站。

Where should I change for the Summer Palace?我应该在哪儿换车才能到颐和园呢?

Buying Tickets and Swiping Card 买票与刷卡


Here are your tickets.这是您的票。

Any more fares?还有要买票的吗?

How many tickets do you want?您要几张票?

Here is your ticket and your change,three yuan and five jiao.给您票和找零,3元5角。

Sorry,sir.could you give me a smaller bill?对不起,先生。您能给我小面额的钞票吗?

You'd better give me some change,please.您最好给我零钱。

I'm so sorry.No change is available.对不起,已经没有零钱了。

IC cards are accepted on this bus.本车可以使用IC卡。

Please swipe your card.请刷卡。

It didn't work.没刷上。

This is a selfservice bus.本车是无人售票车。

Put your money into the slot of the box,please.请把钱投入投币箱。

Service on the Bus 公交车上服务

Please board the bus from the front door.请前门上车。

Please exit from the back door.请后门下车。

Move to the middle of the bus,please.请往中间走。

You have got on the wrong bus.您上错车了。

Please allow these passengers to get off before you get on.请先下后上。

Please don't push.请不要拥挤。

I'm sorry,I'm so tired.Is this where I get off?对不起,我太累了。我是该下车了吗?

Could you please tell me when I get there?到站时请告诉我一声,好吗?

I'll let you know when we arrive there.Take a seat,please.到时候我会告诉您的。请您坐好。

This is your stop.您到站了。

Please wait for the next one.请等下一辆车。

Do you need any help?您需要帮助吗?

Don't worry.I'll help you find it.别着急。我来帮您找。

Let me help you get on the bus first.我先扶您上车。

A:Fares, please. Any more fares?

B:To the Central Garden, one ticket.

A:You're on the wrong bus. We don't go to the Central Garden.

B:I thought you go there.

A:No, this is No.30 bus. You want No.13 bus.

B:Where is the nearest bus stop of No.13, please?

A:Get off at the next stop and walk down the road for a few minutes, then you can find the stop.

B:Thank you very much.









A:Is this the bus that goes by the mall?

B:No,it isn't.But you can transfer from this bus to bus number 24 when we get to the 1st Street.

A:Good.How much is the fare?

B:It's seventyfive cents for adults and thirty cents for children under twelve.

A:Will it cost for the transfer?

B:Yes.When you get on the transfer bus,just show the bus driver this ticket stub.You will only have to pay another ten cents and a nickle for your child.

A:That sounds pretty good.

B:You can take a seat now.When you're ready to get off,remember to press the button near your seat.










get off下车



every ten minutes每十分钟

turn left 向左拐

rush hour (交通的)高峰时间;交通拥挤

catch the bus 赶上公共汽车

Fares, please! 请买票(公共汽车售票员用语)

get off 下车

straight bus 直达公共汽车



route map路线图

Who's in the Shopping Bag?

Exasperated by an argument with a woman passenger as to whether she should pay five or ten cents fare,the conductor picked up her shopping bag as the bus crossed a bridge,and threw it into the river.

“You monster,”cried the woman,“First,you try to rob me,and now you drown my boy.”





Sir,is this the right subway to go to the park?先生,这是去往公园的地铁吗?

Yes,the fifth station is what you want.是的,第5站便是。

Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?换车时还要额外付费吗?

No,you don't have to .Here comes the train. Be careful! Subway doors open and close automatically.不用。车来了。当心,地铁门是自动开关的。

By the way,how can I get out of the platform after I get off the train?顺便问一下,下车后怎么出站台?

That's very easy. The exit is always open.很容易,出口一直是开着的。

Which subway line should I take?我该搭哪一线地铁?

Any line that stops at the Grand Central Terminal.I think you could take C line from here.任何会停靠在中央车站的线都可以,我想,从这里你可以搭C线车。

How close to the subway is it?离地铁站有多远?

It's two blocks from the subway.从这儿过两个街区就是地铁站。

Is this line to the Central Square?这条线路到中央广场吗?

You're in the opposite direction.你坐反了。

Let's look at the map on the wall.我们看看墙上的列车运行图。

We'll transfer to Line 1 there.我们就在那儿换乘一号线。

Let's buy the tickets at the counter.我们去售票处买票吧。

OK.Two tickets,please.好的。两张。

Which exit shall I go to to get the library?我想去图书馆,应该走哪个出口?

Exit B,please.请走B出口。

Here comes the train.车来了!

Be careful! Subway doors open and close automatically.小心点!车门是自动开关的。

I'm a little afraid I'll get lost on the subway.我恐怕在地铁里会迷路。

Don't worry.You'll soon learn it.不用着急,很快就会明白的。

I'll bet the subways are crowded.我想地铁很拥挤。

Yes.we are at rush hours.对啊,现在是上下班的高峰时间。

What's a suitable time to take a subway?乘地铁较合适的时间是何时?

Before 4 o'clock in the afternoon.下午四点之前。

Where is the subway?地铁站在哪儿?

Do you see that sign? The subway station is just over there.看到那个标志了吗?地铁站就在那边。

Which subway should I take?我该坐哪趟地铁呢?

Where are you going?你要去哪儿?

Is this the right subway to the China World Tower?这是到国贸的地铁吗?

Yes.It's the last one today.嗯,这是今天的末班车。

How often does the subway come?地铁多长时间来一趟?

About once every five minutes.大约每5分钟一趟。

It's quite crowded in the subway train.地铁列车里非常拥挤。

That's true.And it's always stuffy inside.没错!而且里面还总是很闷。

How can I get out of the station after getting off the subway?我下车后该怎么出站?

That's easy.Just follow the other people.那很容易,跟着其他人就行了。

Questions about Travelling by Subway 有关乘地铁的问题

Where is the subway station?地铁站在哪里?

How long does it take me by subway to get to the zoo?地铁到动物园需要多长时间?

Which line goes downtown?哪条线去市区?

Where do I change?我在哪里换车?

Is it far to the last stop?终点站远吗?

You take the uptown C train and get off at 22nd street.您乘北线方向的C路车到第22街下车。

Is this the right subway to the Rockefeller Center?这就是去洛克菲勒中心的地铁吗?

You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform.您把它投入旋转栅门的投币孔里,然后推动旋转栅门就可以进入站台了。

By the way,how can I get out of the platform after I get off the train?顺便问一下,我下车后该怎么出站台呢?

A:Here we are on the subway train.It is so clean and there are not many people.

B:Yeah,we are not travelling at rush hours.It could be very crowded in the morning and after 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

A:I hear many people have cars.Why don't they use their cars?

B:Yes,almost every family has a car or two.They generally use the car as a transport means to go to work.When they go to the city,they would like to park the car outside the city and use the subway for transportation.A:Why is that? Isn't a car more convenient than the subway?

B:Well,it is difficult to find a parking place in the city.Besides,parking is quite expensive in the downtown.

A:I see.

B:Here we are at Downtown Crossing.Let's get off and change to the Red Line.

A:OK.Do we have to buy another token?

B:No,we needn't.With one token,you can travel all over Boston on the four Lines as long as you remain underground.However,if you get out of the subway station,you'll have to use another token,even if you want to travel one stop further.

A:This is the same in China.But we use tickets instead of tokens.

B:Different countries have different practice.













A:Let's to go Chinatown by bus.I know how to ride bus now.

B:Better take the subway.It's much quicker and less complicated.

A:But I don't know how to ride subway.

B:Don't worry.This is a rather comprehensive subway system.You can get almost anywhere very quickly on a subway,especially at this time of day.

A:Why especially at this time of day?

B:Because at this time of day there is a heavy traffic on the ground.It's the rush hour now.

A:Does it operate day and night?

B:Yes,and seven days a week.

A:Where do we pay the fare?

B:At the ticket window.

A:Let me pay for it.Where can I get a subway map?

B:Also at the ticket window.It's free of charge.Actually maps showing subway routes are posted at most stations.

A:What happen if I want to change trains? Do I have to pay an additional fare to it?

B:No,you don't have to.Here comes the train.Be careful! Subway doors open and close automatically.A:我们坐公共汽车去唐人街吧。我现在知道怎样乘坐公共汽车了。
























the first train车







Goether's Tolerance

Goether was once strolling on a narrow path in a park in Weimar.As luck would have it,he met with a critic who was hostile to him.Both of them stopped,staring at each other.Then the critic said,“I'll never make way for a fool.”

“But I will.”with that Goether retreated aside.






Get in please.Where would you like to go?请上车,您要到哪里?

Where would you like to go,miss?小姐,您要去哪里?

To Taihe Sports Center,please.Can you take me there?请去泰河体育中心,可以载我去那儿吗?

How long does it take to go to it from here?从这里到那儿有多远?

It takes about 40 minutes to ride.大概要40分钟的车程。

Where would you like to go,sir?先生,您想到哪里?

To the airport,please.请到机场。

Where are we going,ma'am?太太,我们要去哪儿?

To the Holiday Inn.去假日饭店。

Where do you want me to take you,sir?先生,您希望我把您送到哪儿?

I'd like to have a good look at the scenery along the sea.我想沿着海滩好好看一看大海。

Don't worry.We'll get there in time.不要担心。我们会按时赶到的。

Thank you.谢谢您。

How long before we get there?需要多长时间呢?

About thirty minutes,but it all depends on the traffic.大约30分钟,但完全取决于交通。

Please get to the International Airport within 1 hour.请在一小时之内赶到国际机场。

It's rush hour now.I'm not sure.现在是交通高峰时间,我不能保证。

Have you had trouble finding a car?您一直叫不到出租车吗?

No,you're the first one,I found you right away.不是的,您是第一辆,我立刻就招呼您了。

Could you put the luggage in the trunk?您可不可以把行李放到行李箱里?

Could you help me with the luggage?你能帮我搬一下行李吗?

Which way do you want me to go?您要我走哪条路线?

Take the shortest way,please.请走最短的路线。

Can you drive a little quicky more?再快一点行吗?

Sir,I will be fined if I did so.先生,再快我就要被罚款了。

Could you take a stop please?请停一下车好吗?

What's the matter,sir?怎么了,先生?

Stop here,please.就停这儿吧。

Sorry,it's not allowed to stop here.对不起,这里不让停车。

What? You're overcharging me?什么,你一定多收我的钱了!

No way.Look.That's what the meter says.没这回事,你看计程表显示就这么多。

Where can we take a taxi?我们在哪儿能叫到车?

We can just wait here.There're always taxis passing by.我们就在这儿等吧,这儿经常有出租车经过。

Well,we can't see a taxi passing by.哎呀,一辆出租车也看不见。

Let's call the taxi company,and ask for one.我们给出租车汽车公司打个电话,叫一辆吧。

Can we make a right turn at the next corner?我们可以在下个拐角向右拐吗?

I'm afraid not.That street is one way.恐怕不行,那条街是单行线。

The taxi meter says it's 10 yuan.Why do we have to pay 12 yuan?计价器上写的是10元,为什么我们要付12元。

Because we've crossed a bridge which is not free.因为刚才我们过了一座桥,过桥要付钱。

I hadn't expected the fare to be so much.我没想到车费这么贵。

After 10 p.m.,there's an additional charge.晚上10点以后有附加费用。

Reserving a Taxi 预约出租车

I'd like to reserve a taxi for tomorrow morning.我想预约明天早上的出租车。

I want to book a taxi.我想预订一辆出租汽车。

Can you send a taxi?可以派一辆出租车过来吗?

I'll send a taxi right away.我马上派车过去。

Where should we pick you up?我们去哪儿接您?

Where are you now?您现在在哪儿?

Can you give me the address?可以告诉我地址吗?

How many people will there be?总共有几个人要坐车?

What time do you need the taxi?您什么时间需要出租车?

At what time should we pick you up?我们什么时候去接您?

A taxi will be there in less than 15 minutes.15分钟内车子就会到。

I'll be waiting on the sidewalk for you at 2:00.2点我会在路边等您。

On the Way 在路上

Do you know the way?您认识路吗?

I'll guide you as we go.您开车,我来指路。

I'm not sure about the street names.我不确定街名。

Let me know when to turn.要转弯的时候,请告诉我。

Turn right at the first intersection.第一个十字路口向右转。

Go straight as far as you can.一直走到路的尽头。

Do you know the route to your destination?Point out the way as we go along,please.您知道路怎么走吗?请您边走边告诉我。

Do I turn left or right here?在这儿左转还是右转?

Sir,I have to ask you to put the cigarette out.先生,我得请您把烟熄了。

It's not my decision.We don't allow smoking in our taxis.这不是我决定的。在我们的车上是不准抽烟的。

Can you please turn on the air conditioner?能把空调打开吗?

Could you please turn the heat up?您能把暖气开大点儿吗?

Please roll up your window.请把车窗往上摇。

We have a few blocks to go.再过几条街就到了。

There are a few kilometers to go.还有几公里。

Fare 收费

It's $15 on the metre.计价器上显示的是15美元。

The tip is generally fifteen percent of the fare.小费通常是车费的15%。

Can you make change for a 100 dollars?一百美元的您找得开吗?

Have you got anything smaller?有没有面额小一点的?

I need a receipt.我要一张发票。

This is your change and receipt.这是您的找零和收据。

Can I have a receipt?可以给我开张发票吗?

Sorry,I don't have any receipts.对不起,我没有发票。

A:Do you need a taxi?

B:Yes,please.To the train station.

A:I can take you there.

B:I have a few suitcases.

A:The big one won't fit in the car.

B:Can you put it in the trunk?

A:Sure.I'll open it.Put the small bags in the backseat.








A:Where are you going?

B:I'm taking a short cut.

A:But I don't usually go this way.

B:It's faster.

A:I'm not so sure.

B:Trust me.I know this area very well.

A:Is it going to cost more?

B:Actually,it will be cheaper for you.












phone booking电话预约

pick up用车子接(人)




fit in刚好可以放进去

Where to?去哪儿?

more or less大约,……左右

in a hurry匆忙地,急忙地

in a rush赶时间






traffic jam交通阻塞





come to总计,共达



make change找零钱


make out写出

Real Life

A young man had just graduated from Harvard and was very excited just thinking about his future.He gets into a taxi and the driver says,“How are you on this lovely day”?

“I'm the Class of 2000,just graduated from Harvard and I just can't wait to go out there and see what the world has in store for me!”

The driver looks back to shake the young man's hand and says,“Congratulations,I'm Mitch-Class of 1985.”






This is my new car.这是我新买的车。

It's real cool.这车真棒。

Do you plan to buy a new car?你打算买辆新车吗?

No.My car is still in good shape,so I don't want to get a new one.没打算。我的车状况仍然很好,因此我没打算买新的。

I will take my car to go to the seaside.我要开自己的车去海边。

That's a good idea.May I go with you?好主意。我能和你一起去吗?

You were driving too fast.你开得太快了。

I was only going 60 miles an hour.我的车速才每小时60英里。

Slow down,please!You mustn't exceed the speed limit.请慢点开!你不能超出限速。

The speed limit here is 65 miles per hour.这里的限速是每小时65英里。

Keep your eyes open for traffic signs while you're driving.开车时,要仔细留意交通标志。

I have problems doing that.我办不到。

Applying for a Driver's License.申请驾照

Anybody with one year's driving experience can teach you.任何有一年以上驾驶经验的人都可以教你。

What class of license do I need to get?我需要考哪个类别的驾照呢?

How many courses are included in the road test?路考包括几项呢?

You should go to Driver Examination Center to register.你要到驾照考试中心登记。

That depends upon what license you apply for.那要看你申请的是哪一种驾照。

Will my previous driving experience help me to get international driver's license?我过去的驾驶经历能帮助我换领国际驾照吗?

Is it convenient to exchange an international driver's license abroad?在国外换领国际驾照简便吗?

Buying a Car 购置车辆

This model is very popular.这款车现在很流行。

If you want comfort,this one is for you.如果您要买舒适型的,那么这一款值得推荐。

I'd like a used one.我要买辆二手车。

I'd like an economy car.我想要一辆经济型车。

I'm looking for a station wagon.我要买辆客货两用车。

I need a sports car.我要买辆跑车。

What are the standard features?这车有什么基本配置?

What safety features does it have?这款车的安全特点是什么?

What sort of mileage does this car get?这车一加仑汽油能跑多少英里?

Can I take it for a test drive?试开一下怎么样?

Can I take it for a road test?您能让我开到路上试一下吗?

Talking about Driving 谈开车

We'll have to make a Uturn here.我们只好在这里掉头了。

We've got to be careful.The road ahead is pretty icy.我们要小心点,前面的路结满了冰。

We'll have to slow down,the road ahead is under construction.我们要开慢一点,前面正在施工。

I have been driving for 5 years.我开车已经有5年了。

I always drive to work.我一直都是开车上班。

I do a lot of country driving.我常在郊外开车。

How long have you been driving?你开车有多久了?

When did you learn to drive?你是什么时候学开车的?

A:We'd better hurry or we'll be late.

B:Don't be a back seat driver.The last time I drove you someplace we hurried too fast and I got a speeding ticket.Remember?

A:Sure I remember,but this is important.

B:And so is my driver's license.If I get one more ticket this year,the judge will take it away from me,and then how will I get to work?

A:What's that red light behind us?

B:Oh,no!Is it a Highway Patrol car?I'm dead!






A:Hello,I phoned last Sunday,and I am coming to select a car.

B:Yes,I remember.Mr.Zhang,right? May I know what your budget is?

A:I want to buy a compact car that cost under $250,000.

B:Then,I'd like to recommend this red Toyota to you.Although it's a compact car,the interior is very spacious and full of equipment.

A:Great! German cars are my favorite.May I check it out?

B:Sure.And its gas mileage is 20 miles to a gallon.It's quite good!

A:Hmm,it's really good.Besides,are there any other special features?

B:It also has power windows,power steering,automatic door lock,and power brake.

A:By the way,do you have any used car with those features?

B:We also have a twoyearold Ford,but it has a lot of mileage.I think the new one would be a wise choice.It is $150,000 total,with all equipment.And you can take delivery within two weeks.

A:That's about what I expected.OK,I'd like a white one.











compact car小型车

power brake机动刹车

car dealer车行,汽车经销商

automatic transmission自动排档

automatic door lock自动车门锁






air conditioner空调

used car二手车

test drive试车


road test路考



knowledge test笔试

driver school驾训班

type of vehicle车类型


class of license驾照类别

general driver's license普通驾照

parking garage停车库

car park停车场


motor vehicle机动车

The Accident

A young man just out of college found that the only car he could afford was an old wreck that,to put it frankly,no one could understand why or how it kept running.The body was dented in spots,the paint was peeling.

One morning,as he left his apartment building,he noticed a young woman sobbing near a car parked next to his.

“What's wrong?”said he.

“I know I hit this car,”said she,“but I can't figure out where...”







How long will you stay in the US?你将在美国待多久?

About two weeks.大约2周。

What's the purpose of your visit?你此行的目的是什么?


Good morning. Would you please show me your passport and papers?早上好。请让我看看您的护照与证件好吗?

Certainly. Here is my passport with visa and here are the other papers.当然啦。这是我的护照和签证。这是其他证件。

Show me your documents,please.请出示您的证件。

Here you are.给您。


Sorry,I can't find it now.对不起,我找不着了。

May I see your passport,please?我可以看看您的护照吗?

Here you are.给您。

Your visa and passport,please?请出示您的签证和护照。

Wait a minute.I put them in my suitcase.请等一下。我把它们放在手提箱里了。

May I help you?你有事吗?

I'll apply for a passport for my traveling.我要申请一份旅行护照。

The expiry date of this passport is July 20,2009.本护照有效期到2009年7月20日。

I'll apply for an extension before the expiration date.在到期之前,我将申请延期。

How long will my passport expire?我的护照有效期有多长?

Your traveling passport will expire in six months after the date of issue.您的旅行护照有效期为六个月。

How long will it take before I get my passport?我多长时间可以拿到护照呢?

In three days.三天以后。

My passport has expired,and I have to apply for a new one.我的护照过期了,只能重新办理。

Your travel passport cannot be extended.您的是旅游护照,不能延期。

What should I do if my passport is lost?如果我的护照丢了,我该怎么办呢?

You should have it reissued.你应该申请补发护照。

Will you settle down permanently in America?你在美国会永久居住吗?

No,I'll come back as soon as I get my degree.不会,我一获得学位就会回国。

You have to show a notarized marriage certificate for your visa application.你需要为签证申请提供一份公证的结婚证书。

All right.I have brought it with me.可以,我带来了。

I obtained the entry visa.我获得了入境签证。


What kind of visa do you have?您的是哪种签证?

I have a student's visa with five years'validity.我有学生签证,为期五年。

My visa met with continual rejections.我的签证一再遭到拒签。

I'm sorry to hear that.真不幸。

Learning the Procedures 了解海关手续

Do they have any restrictions on the articles we're carrying at the customs?海关对个人所带的物品有限制吗?

Shall we have to state the purpose of going to a certain country?我们去一个国家时得陈述旅行目的吗?

What should I say if they inquire about my purpose?如果他们问我旅行的目的该怎么说呢?

Are all the luggage subject to duty?所有的行李都要纳税吗?

So set the passport ready at that place.到那儿一定要准备好护照。

They'll check to see if you're carrying any contraband.海关要检查你有没有带违禁品。

Sometimes they'll ask you to declare things,make a record of your foreign currencies,and so on.有时海关会让你申报物品,登记一下你随身带的外汇等等。

Accepting the Inspection of Passport and Visa 接受护照与签证检查

Would you please show me your passport and papers?请让我看看您的执照和证件好吗?

Here is my passport and visa and here are the other papers.这是我的护照和签证, 这是其他证件。

May I see your Customs Declaration Form?我可以看看你的海关申报表吗?

Here is my Customs Declaration Form.这是我的海关申报表。

Passport and Embarkation Card,please.请你出示护照和登机牌。

A:You've covered much,Mr. Wang. I'm told the Customs officer will check the passport at the immigration control,is it true?

B:Yes,so get it ready at that place.

A:What about the visa?

B:Well,it's placed on your passport and they'll check both of them.






B:Here you are.

A:Are you Chinese?

B:Yes,I am.

A:Where in China are you from?

B:Guang Dong Province.

A:There sure are a lot of people from China visiting right now.

B:I'm not surprised.Our school year just ended,and a lot of Chinese are on vacation.

A:How long do you plan to stay?

B:About half a month.

A:All right.Here's your passport.Welcome to England.

B:Thank you.A:请出示护照!















entry visa入境签证

transit visa过境签证

at this case照这种情形

fill out填写(文件)等




transit card过境卡

recheck in再办登机手续

transit passenger过境旅客

make a stopover作短暂停留

transit counter过境柜台

transit lounge过境室












Teacher:“There is direct and indirect taxation.Give me an example of indirect taxation.”

Student:“The dog tax,sir.”

Teacher:“How is that?”

Student:“The dog itself does not have to pay it.”







Do you have anything to declare?你有什么要申报的吗?

No,everything in these suitcases is for my personal use.没有。这些箱子里的所有东西都是我个人用的。

Would you please open your suitcases?请打开你的箱子行吗?

All right.行。

Good morning.May I see your Customs Declaration Form? And please put your things on the counter here.早上好。我可以看看您的海关申报表吗?请把行李放在这柜台上。

Certainly. Here is my Customs Declaration Form. I have nothing to declare.当然啦。这是海关申报表。我没有需要申报的物品。

Do you have anything particular to declare?您有什么特别的东西要申报吗?

I'm not sure.Are these vases subject to customs duties?我不大清楚,这些花瓶要付关税吗?

Fill in this Customs Baggage Declaration Form,please.请填好这份《海关行李申报表》。


Open your briefcase,please.请打开您的公文包。


Don't you have anything to declare?您没有要报关的东西吗?

I'm not sure.Is it allowed to take this watch?我也不清楚。允许带这块手表吗?

Have you anything dutiable?您有应缴税的物品吗?

I'm not sure.Do I have to pay duty on cigarettes?我不确定。我得付香烟税吗?

Have you anything dutiable?您有应缴税的物品吗?

Yes.I have some necklaces with me.是的,我带了一些项链。

I'm afraid you'll have to pay quite a sum of duty on these valuables.恐怕您得为这些贵重物品付相当一笔税金。


How much is the duty I have to pay?我要付多少税金?

The duty is 200 yuan.您得付200元的税金。

Do I have to pay duty on this bottle of perfume?这瓶香水用付关税吗?

Yes,this is a dutiable article.是的,这是一件应缴税物品。

Anything dutiable?有应缴税的东西吗?

No,nothing that I'm aware of.没有,据我所知,没有需要缴税的东西。

Have you any contraband in your luggage?您的行李里有违禁品吗?

I have a small bottle of perfume.我有一小瓶香水。

I'm sorry these curios are prohibited here.对不起,这些古玩是禁止出口的。

Sorry,I forgot that.对不起,我忘记了。

I'm sorry, you'll have to leave these paintings here until you come back.对不起,您得把这些画留下来直到您回来。

Really? What a pity!真的吗?太遗憾了!

How do I go through customs?怎样才能通过海关检查?

Don't worry,ma'am.The formalities are quite simple.不用担心,女士。程序非常简单。

Is my briefcase exempted from examination?我的公文包是否免检?


I have to open my bag,right?我得打开袋子是吧?

Yeah.I'll check what you've brought with you.是的。我要检查您都带了些什么。

Do I have any dutiable articles?我有需要纳关税的物品吗?

No,you don't.您没有。

Do I have to pay duty on the camera?我需要为照相机缴付税金吗?


Are all the articles I am carrying subject to duty?我带的所有物品都要纳税吗?

No,only some of them are.不,仅有其中的一部分需要。

Anything to declare?有要报关的物品吗?

Only cigarettes.The rest of my belongings are dutyfree.只有香烟。我其余的物品都是免税的。

What kinds of articles are dutyfree?哪些物品是免税的?

Here is the catalogue of dutyfree articles.这是免税物品的目录。

What's the camera for?这台照相机是做什么用的?

It is for my personal use.这是给我自己用的。

What's in the box?这盒子里的是什么?

It is only a gift that I bought for my mother.那只不过是我买给母亲的礼物。

We'll check to see if you're carrying any contraband.我们要检查您是否带有违禁物品。

Go ahead,please.请检查吧。

Telling the Purpose of Travel 陈述旅行目的

I'm going to stay here for a week as a tourist.我打算以观光游客的身份在此地停留一个星期。

I have been invited as a visiting scholar to teach Chinese language at the University of California at Los Angels.我应聘作为访问学者到加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校讲授汉语。

I'm here on business.我因公到此地。

I'm a transit passenger going to New Zealand.我是要去新西兰的过境旅客。

I'm only passing through the country.我只是过境贵国。

I am here on a student visa.我是持学生签证来的。

I'm going to visit friends.我要去拜访朋友。

Will you be doing any other touring while you're here?你在这儿时还打算去别的地方吗?

What's your trip for?你此行的目的是什么?

Declaration 申报物品

Would you open this suitcase,please?请你打开手提箱好吗?

Don't you have anything more to declare?你再没有什么要申报的了吗?

These are gifts for my friends.这些是我给朋友们的礼物。

Am I allowed to bring in the fruit?能允许我把这些水果带进来吗?

Perishables are not allowed.易腐烂的东西是不允许带进来的。

You're allowed $100 dutyfree,so you don't have to pay any duty on your watch and suit.我们允许你携带100美元的免税品,所以你不必为你的表和衣服上税了。

The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty free,if purchased in a dutyfree shop.如果东西是免税店购买的话,法律允许你免税带进两瓶葡萄酒或烈性酒及一条香烟。

In this item you will have to pay import duties.这件东西你得付进口关税。

Do you have with you now more than $5,000 in any form of currency,checks or traveler's checks?你随身携带的各种货币、支票或旅行支票超过5000美元了吗?

I'm sorry,but agricultural products are not allowed to be brought into the country,especially seeds.对不起,农产品,尤其是种子,不准带入本国。

Is this camera a gift for someone?这台相机是送给别人的礼物吗?

Do you have any prohibited things?你带了什么违禁品吗?

Would you please make a record of all your foreign currencies?请把你所带的外币登记一下。好吗?

You don't have to pay duty on personal belongings.个人物品不必缴税。

I'm sorry that the export of these paintings is prohibited.对不起,这些画是禁止出口的。

You'll spend quite a sum of duty on these valuables.你要为这些贵重物品付一大笔税金。

A:Here's my ticket,passport and the entry card.

B:Thank you. Have you got anything to declare?

A:Yes. I have a personal computer.

B:Please fill in this form. The personal computer is considered one of your two dutyfree items.A:I see. Excuse me,sir,I'm also entitled to buy a dutyfree car. What shall I do at the customs here?

B:Have you got any US dollars? Is it cash or check?


B:All right. Put the amount of your US dollars down on the form. When you get home,go to the Beijing Customs Building and they'll tell you what you should do for your car.






B:您带美元了吗? 用的是现金还是支票?



A:Do you have anything to declare?

B:No, I don't think so.

A:Well, would you mind opening this bag?

B:I guess not, although I might not be able to close it again.

A:Aha, what are these magazines?

B:Oh, dear.I didn't realize I still had those.

A:Well, sir, since we are very strict about pornography, I will have to confiscate them.


A:And what's this?Three bottles of whiskey...

B:That's the legal limit.

A:And what's this?

B:An aloe plant-good for the health.

A:It's illegal to bring it into the country-sorry.Well, I guess you'd declare all those you take.

B:You're not kidding.You've taken most of my souvenirs from the States.

A:Well, think of it this way-now you'll be able to shut your bag, no problem.





















Customs clearance结关

fill out填好

Baggage Declaration行李申报单

customs declaration form海关申报单

oral declaration口头申报

valuables declaration贵重物品申报


dutiable articles需要上税的物品

the Red Pass红色通道

the Green Pass绿色通道

yellow printings黄色出版物







the quarantine office检疫站

vaccination certificate预防接种证明

quarantine regulations检疫规章

have a medical examination体格检查

Butcher and lawyer

A dog runs into a butcher's shop,grabs a string of sausages and runs back out again.The irate butcher recognizes the dog as belong to one of his regular customers,a lawyer,so that afternoon he goes to the lawyer's office and says to the lawyer “If a dog steals meat from my store,do I have the right to demand payment from the dog's owner?”

The lawyer replies,“Yes,absolutely.”

“Well,”says the butcher,“You own me $5 for the sausage your dog stole this morning.”

The lawyer sighs and writes out a cheque of $5.

A week later the butcher receives an envelope from the lawyer containing a bill for $20 for consultation.








Why do you need a Chinese interpreter?你为什么需要一名汉语翻译?

I can't speak English.我不会说英语。

What did you say?您说什么?

Can you tell me what time it is?请问现在几点了?

Could you use an easier expression?请你用简单一点儿的措辞好吗?

No problem,please listen to me slowly.没问题,请慢慢听我说。

What can I do for you?您有什么事?

I'd like a Chinesespeaking guide,please.我们想请一位会说汉语的导游。

What's this in English?这个用英语怎么说?

I don't know how to say it in English.我不知道这用英语怎么说。

Are you Jack?你是杰克吗?

Would you please repeat yourself?请您再说一遍行吗?

My English isn't good enough.我的英语不太好。

Do you want an English interpreter?你要不要一位英语翻译?

What did you say? Pardon me?您说什么?请再说一遍。

OK.I'll say it slowly.行,我慢慢说。

I can't make myself understood.我们语言不通。

Does anyone here speak English?这儿有会说英语的人吗?

Would you slow down,please?您能慢一点儿说吗?

I can't express it in English.我不能用英文表达。

No wonder your English is poor.怪不得你的英语很差。

I am now in language school.我现在在语言学校。

Is there any difficulty with your pronunciation?你的发音有问题吗?

No,but my vocabulary is limited.没有,但词汇量有限。

Asking about Language Situation 询问语言情况

Do you speak any French?你会说法语吗?

How is his accent in Chinese? 他说汉语的口音怎么样?

What is your native language? 你的本族语言是什么?

How many languages do you speak?你能说多少种语言?

How well do you know Russia? 你的俄语程度如何?

Can you understand spoken English? 你能听懂英语吗?

I'm sorry. I don't speak French. 对不起,我不会说法语。

I'm sorry. My French isn't very good. 对不起,我的法语讲得不怎么好。

I only speak a little French. 我只会讲一点法语。

Language Barriers 语言障碍

Pardon me?你说什么?

Can you repeat that?能再重复一遍吗?

What was that?什么?

I didn't quite catch you.对不起,我没听懂你说的话。

I don't understand you.我不懂你的话。

I can't follow you.我不明白您说什么。

Would you mind saying that once more?您能再说一遍吗?

Please slower!请您说慢点儿!

Could you write it down,please?您能把它写下来吗?

Could you spell that?您能把它拼一下吗?

A:Are you a newcomer?

B:Yeah,this is my first visit here.

A:You speak good English,though.

B:Thanks,but I speak English with a strong German accent.

A:But let me tell you,you're doing just fine.I couldn't do half as well as you do when I was learning German.By the way,how long have you been learning English?

B:On and off,for quite a few years.







A:I've heard you're going to study abroad this autumn.Really?

B:Yes.I'll go to America to study for MBA.I'm waiting for the visa.

A:Which college will you study in?

B:Harvard University.That's the university I've been dreaming of for years.

A:Congratulations! It's very lucky you can attend the firstrate university in the world.

B:But my poor English is a pain in the neck.I'm afraid I'll have some difficulty in communicating with Americans.

A:Don't worry too much.You can absolutely deal with it depending on your English level.

B:I can manage in everyday conversation.But I don't know whether I can understand the teachers who teach in full English in class.

A:It's not very strange to have the language barrier.After all.English is not your mother tongue.The students from other nonEnglishspeaking countries will also meet such a problem.But you still have a lot of chances to improve your English quickly because you'll have a good environment of learning English.

B:Thank you very much.What you said gave me more confidence.












on and off时断时续

pick up获得,习得


mother tongue母语

They Also Say He's Deaf

One day,Mr.Churchill overheard a conversation between two M.P.s about his own good self.The two fellows were sitting behind him and did not seem to realize how loudly they spoke nor how well they could be heard.

“They say he's too old to be a Prime Minister,”said one voice.Hearing this Mr.Churchill turned round and added:

“They also say he's deaf.”






Excuse me.Could you give me directions?对不起,能给我指个方向吗?

Sure.Where do you want to go?当然可以,你想去哪儿?

Which building is ABC Tower?哪个建筑物是ABC塔?

It's the one right behind you.在你正后面的就是。

Could you tell me how to get to Union Square?你能告诉我怎样才能到联合广场去吗?

Go straight and turn to the right at the next corner.直走,在下个路口右转。

Where am I on this map?我在这张地图的什么位置?

You're right here,on Houston Street.你正好在这儿,休斯敦大街。

I seem to be lost.Can you tell me the way to the Friendship Hotel?我好像迷路了。您能告诉我去友谊宾馆怎么走吗?

Oh,it's far from here.You can take bus number 7 to get there.哎呀,友谊宾馆离这儿很远啊。你可以乘7路公交车过去。

Can I help you? What's up?我能帮忙吗?发生什么事了?

I have lost my way.我迷路了。

Which road should we take?我们应当走哪条路呢?

I'm a bit confused.There are so many small roads.我都被搞糊涂了。有这么多的岔路。

What's up?怎么了?

I'm having trouble reading this map.I'm so puzzled.Which direction should we go?我看不懂这地图。我都糊涂了,我们应该往哪个方向走啊?

Do you know where the post office is?您知道邮局在哪儿吗?

Go straight for one block,and it is just on the lefthand side of the street.直走,过一个路口,马路左边就是。

May I help you?能帮您什么忙吗?

Do you know where I can find a supermarket?您知道哪里可以找到超市吗?

Can you show me the way to the police station?您能告诉我去警察局的路吗?

Yes,take the first left and you will find it.是的,第一个路口向左拐就能看见。

What's the best way to get to the Times Square?哪一条是去时代广场最好的路?

Take bus Number 10, that's the fastest way.乘10路车,那是最快的。

Do you know if there is a bookstore here?您知道这儿有书店吗?

Yes.You can find it by walking straight for one block.有,直行一个路口就能看见。

Is there a company named ABC in this district?在这附近有一个ABC公司吗?

Sorry,I'm a stranger here myself.You could try asking the policeman standing there.抱歉,我也是新来的。你可以问问那边那个警察。

Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the theatre?劳驾,能告诉我怎样去剧院吗?

Go straight down the street.You will find it.沿着这条街直走,就能看见。

Where is the movie house?电影院在哪里?

Turn left and you will be able to see it.向左转,就能看到。

Do we need to take a bus there?我们需要乘车去吗?

It's straight ahead.We can go there on foot.就在前面。我们可以走着去。

Is the zoo quite near?动物园离这儿近吗?

No,Keep going until you come to a dead end.不,顺着这条路一直走到头。

Where is your home?你家在哪儿啊?

Oh,it's right next to the middle school.You can walk there.哦,紧挨着中学。你可以走着去。

Which building is your office in?你的办公室在哪一栋楼?

It's the third building on your right.你右手边的第三栋楼就是。

Asking the Way 问路

Can you tell me where the museum is?请问博物馆在哪儿?

Can you tell me the way to the nearest station?你能告诉我怎么到最近的车站吗?

Would you please tell me how to get to this address?请告诉我去这个地址的路好吗?

Could you tell me the way to the Fifth Avenue?您能告诉我去第五大街怎么走吗?

Excuse me.How can I get to the nearest post office?请问去最近的邮局怎么走?

Could you draw me a map,please?请你帮我画张地图好吗?

Excuse me.Is there a drug store nearby?打扰一下,请问这附近有药房吗?

Excuse me.I wonder if you could help me.I'm looking for the post office.对不起,不知您能否帮助我,我正在找邮局。

Am I on the right road to the zoo?去动物园走这条路对吗?

Can you tell me where I can find a supermarket?您能告诉我哪儿有超市吗?

What street is this?这是什么街?

How can I get to the subway station?我怎么去地铁站?

Pointing the Way 指路

It's that way.在那边。

It's opposite the post office.就在邮局对面。

It's just round the corner.就在拐角处。

It's on the corner opposite the hospital.就在医院对面拐角处。

It's only two blocks away.过两个街区就到了。

I'm afraid you're going in the opposite direction.恐怕你走反方向了。

I'll walk with you to the cinema.It's on my route.我陪你走到电影院吧,我是顺路的 。

I'm going there myself.Let me lead you the way.我也要去那儿,让我给你带路吧。

Go straight along this street to the traffic lights.沿着这条街一直往前走到交通灯处。

Follow this road until you come to an ad. post.顺着这条街一直走到广告牌处。

Turn right at the first turning.在第一岔路口向右拐。

You can walk there within ten minutes.十分钟内你可以走到。

It'll take you about five minutes to get there.到那要花五分钟左右的时间。

Follow this path back for about half a mile.沿这条小路往回走大约半英里。

It's too far to walk.步行去太远了。

You could go by bus,but it's hardly worth it.你可以坐公共汽车去,不过基本上用不着。

A:Excuse me.Could you tell me where I can find a bank?

B:A bank? Yes,there is one on the corner of East Street and Maple Street next to the post office.

A:The corner of East Street and Maple Street,next to the post office.

B:That's it.

A:Is it far away from here?

B:Not really.It's just ten minutes' walk.

A:Thank you very much.Goodbye.










A:Excuse me.Could you tell me how can I go to the post office?

B:Well,first take this street until the second stoplight.Then take a left on the East Street.You will see a library on your right.The post office is behind it.

A:OK.Turn left at the second stoplight,and it is behind the library.Am I right?

B:Yes,you are right.

A:Thank you very much.

B:My pleasure.

















go down/along沿着

traffic light信号灯

zebra crossing斑马线

walk sign行人信号灯

at the first turning 在第一个拐角处

two lane双行道



Asking the Way

“Excuse me,how can I go to the police station?”a pedestrain stopped to ask another man.

“That's very easy.You go into the butcher's and take some beefsteak without paying,then,you'll arrive there in ten minutes.”





Our car is running out of gas.我们的汽车快没汽油了。

In that case,we need to find a gas station.那样的话,我们得找一个加油站。

We need to find a gas station.我们得找一个加油站。

Why bother? We still have gas.干嘛那么麻烦?我们还有油呢。

What can I do for you,sir?先生,有什么可以为您效劳?

Please fill up the gas tank with premium unleaded gas.给油箱灌满优质无铅汽油。

Your gas tank is almost empty.您的油箱几乎空了。

Really? Fill it up with unleaded gas,please.是吗?那么请加满无铅汽油。

What kind of gas do you buy?您要加哪种汽油?

My car takes regular gas.我的车得加普通汽油。

What's the price difference between regular unleaded gas and premium unleaded gas?普通无铅汽油和优质无铅汽油价格上有什么差别?

Premium gas is more expensive than regular unleaded gas.优质无铅汽油比普通无铅汽油贵。

How much gas do you want,please?请问您要加多少汽油?

10 dollars' worth,please.请加10美元的汽油。

There is little gas left in the gas tank.How much gas do you want?油箱里没什么油了。您想加多少汽油?

Two gallons,please.请加两加仑汽油。

Getting Some Gas 加油

Fill it up with unleaded gas.加满无铅汽油。

Is the tank full now?现在油箱满了吗?

Can you look at the oil,please?请你看看油好吗?

How much is it per gallon?一加仑汽油多少钱?

What can I get you?要什么型号的油?

I need an oil change.我要换油。

Can I check your oil?我能检查一下您的车油吗?

You need an oil change.您的车要换油了。

You should use a higher grade of gasoline.您应当使用质量好点儿的汽油。

I've run out of gas.汽油用光了。

I'm out of gas.没汽油了。

Other Service 其他服务

I've got enough oil,but I haven't much water.机油足够了,但水不多了。

Can you get the car going again?你能把车修好吗?

The breaks are not holding well.刹车不太好使了。

Could you check my battery?你能查一下蓄电池吗?

Will you check the shocks?您能检查一下减震器吗?

I think my tires are low.Could you please check them?我觉得轮胎坏了。您能检查一下轮胎吗?

My engine is knocking.我的发动机老响。

My car won't start.我的车启动不起来了。

My battery is dead.我车上电瓶坏了。

You want me to check under the hood?要我检查发动机,对吧?

Clean your windows?擦擦窗子吗?

Your tires are low.您的车胎瘪了。

A:Fill it with premium,please.

B:All right.Do you want me to check the tires?

A:No,that's OK.Maybe you can check my battery.


A:What does it come to?

B:It comes to two hundred and fiftyfive.







A:Hi.Do you want a fill up?


A:Which type of gas do you want?Regular,Super,or Premium Unleaded?

B:What's the price difference?

A:Regular is $1.15,Super is $1.25 and Premium is $1.39.

B:Just fill it up with Regular, Unleaded,please.

A:Do you want me to check the tires and the fluids?

B:Yes,I would.Thanks a lot.



A:你要加哪种汽油?“普通”、“超级”还是“特级”无铅汽油 ,哪一种?













CVjoint boot转向接头,俗称“和尚头”,用以提供车轮转向时的倾角。

far gone完全磨损的,用坏的

go out脱落

gas station加油站






light oil轻质汽油

sales slip销售单






To Save Gas

“Hear you've been having car trouble,”said one neighbor to another.

“Yes,”replied the car owner.“I bought a new carburetor that saved thirty percent on gas,a new transmission that saved fifty percent on gas,and a new set of spark plugs that saved forty percent on gas.”

“So what happened?”asked the neighbor.

“After I drove about forty miles,the gas tank overflowed.”







Is anything missing?有东西不见了吗?

I can't find my passport!我的护照找不到了!

Excuse me.Has anyone found a watch around here?劳驾,请问有人在这儿捡到手表了吗?

No,sir.Not at the moment.没有,先生,目前还没有。

What's the matter,dear?出了什么事儿,亲爱的?

Something awful happened.We went to the Portobello Road and someone stole my handbag.出了点很糟糕的事儿,我们去波特拜洛大街时有人偷了我的手提包。

Did you report it to the police?你向警察报告了吗?

No,I couldn't find a policeman.没有,我找不着警察。

Who should I report it to?我应该向谁报案?

You need to go to the police station.你应该去警察局。

What kind of bag was it?什么样的包?

It's a black overnight bag.那是个黑色的旅行包。

What's in the bag?包里面有什么?

My camera and clothes are in it.里面有我的照相机和衣物。

How much money was in the wallet?钱包里有多少钱?

About 100 dollars in cash and my credit card are in it.里面有大约100美元现金和信用卡。

Where did you leave it?你把它落在哪儿了?

I think I left it at the cashier.我认为我把它落到收银台上了。

I left my coat in the restaurant.我把外套落在了餐馆里。

Call them now.Maybe it's still there.给他们打电话,说不定还在那儿。

What did you leave?你落了什么东西?

It's an envelope with some papers in it.是个装着几份报告的信封。

Did you find it?你找到了吗?

So far,we have no report of a white jacket.到现在为止,没有关于白色夹克衫的报告。

Please call me when you find it.你们发现它就给我打电话。

Write down your contact number.写下你的联系电话。

What will happen if the card is used?如果这个卡被用了会发生什么事情?

You'll be compensated.你将得到赔偿。

My suitcase was stolen.我的手提箱被偷了。

What about your travel documents?那你的旅行证件呢?

I can't find the camera I left in the drawer.我找不到放在抽屉里的相机了。

Are you sure you put it in the drawer?你确定你把它放在抽屉里了吗?

Beware of that pickpocket.当心那个扒手。

I hate pickpockets.Stealing is really disgusting.我憎恨扒手。偷窃真是让人厌恶。

My bag is missing.我的包不见了。

Maybe someone took it by mistake.也许有人拿错了。

Was there anything else stolen?还有别的东西被偷了吗?

I'm not sure.不太确定。

Something Is Lost 丢失物品

I lost my credit card.我的信用卡遗失了。

My purse was stolen.我的钱包被偷了。

I left my bag in the taxi.我的袋子掉在出租车上了。

My pendant was stolen while I was away from my room.在我离开房间的时候,我的皮夹被扒手偷了。

I lost my briefcase.我的公文包丢了。

I left my camera somewhere in the hotel.我把照相机忘在旅馆里了。

I had my pocket picked.我遇上扒手了。

I might have had it stolen in the Mall.我可能在购物中心被偷了。

Passport Is Lost 护照遗失

I've lost my passport.我把护照遗失了。

I left my passport in a taxi.我把护照掉在出租车上了。

I'm not quite sure whether I had my passport pickpocketed or it simply dropped out of my pocket.我不敢确定我的护照是否被窃或是从口袋掉出来了。

Please call the American Embassy.请打电话给美国大使馆。

Can I have them reissued?我能重办它们吗?

May I have a certificate of the accident,please?请给我开一个事故证明,可以吗?

Reporting the Losses 报失

Where is the lost and found?失物招领处在哪里?

What kind of bag?什么样的袋子?

What's in it?里面有什么?

We'll call you if we find it.如果我们找到了,就打电话给你。

Could you fill out this form?请你把这张表填一下好吗?

Please write down your contact address here.请把你在本地的联络地址写上。

Where should I come to get it?我该到哪里去取呢?

A:Sir,someone broke into my room.

B:Was anything stolen?A:Yes,my camcorder was missing.

B:I am sorry this happened.I'll report this to the police right now.

A:Thank you.






A:My bag was stolen.I probably left it in the restaurant.

B:Did you call the restaurant? Maybe they already found it.

A:Actually,I did.However,nobody saw it.

B:What was in it?

A:Well,my purse,a camera,and a travel guide book.And my driver's license,student ID,and credit cards were all inside.

B:That's too bad.When did you notice that it was missing?

A:About half an hour ago.What should I do now?

B:I think you had better report it to the police.They will ask you to fill out a form first,and they won't ask you anything that's too difficult.










hardened thief惯偷



break into强行进入






in charge负责



item stolen被偷物品

Chinese Embassy中国大使馆

The Robber

The old colonel was asleep in his rooms when he was awakened by faint sounds.Finding the sword he had used in the Great War,he initiated a search of the premises and at last confronted a badly frightened robber.

“Sir,”began the shaken thief,“do you intend to finish me now or send me to prison?”“Neither,”replied the colonel.“Son,if you can find anything of value here in the dark,while I myself can find nothing worth while in daylight,by all means proceed and I'll share it with you...”






Miss.I am sorry to bother you.I'm a neighbour of yours.I have no telephone in my room and my mother is seriously ill and needs to call doctor immediately.Can I just come in and make a phone call?小姐,对不起打扰你了。我是你的一个邻居。我屋子里没电话,可我母亲病得厉害,需要立刻打电话叫医生。我可以进来打个电话吗?

Please give me the doctor's telephone number and I'll call for you.请给我医生的电话号码,我替你打电话。

I feel dizzy suddenly.我突然感到头晕目眩。

You must have been exhausted.You should take a break.你一定是累坏了。休息一下吧。

You look rather pale.Are you OK?你脸色看起来很苍白。没事吧?

No.I have a splitting headache.我头痛欲裂。

I strained a muscle.我拉伤了肌肉。

Should I take you to the doctor?需要我送你去医院吗?

Tom! Your nose is bleeding!汤姆!你的鼻子流血了。

I know.I have tried everything I can think of,but it won't stop bleeding. 我知道。只要想得到的办法我都试了。可就是止不住血。

Keep the injured boy quiet.让受伤的男孩儿别乱动。

OK.We'd better take him to a hospital.好的,我们最好送他去医院。

Stay put.躺着别动。

But even when I stay still,my stomach hurts badly.可即使我躺着不动,我的胃疼得也很厉害。

My nose is bleeding again.我又流鼻血了。

You should elevate your arm.你应该抬高胳膊。

How can I stop my leg bleeding?我怎么才能止住腿流血呢?

Apply pressure to stop the bleeding.用力下压,把血止住。

My legs hurt.I can't walk anymore.我腿疼,走不了了。

Your injuries are quite severe.你的腿伤得很严重。

I feel as if I'm coming down with something.我感到好像生病了。

Did you see a doctor?你看过医生了吗?

What's the matter?怎么啦?

I fell down and scratched my forehead.我跌倒了,把额头擦伤了。

What's your appetite like?你的胃口怎么样?

I feel sick at meat or greasy things.我见到肉和油腻食物就恶心。

What kind of pain? Acute?是什么样的痛?剧痛?

No,not very sharp.不,不是剧痛。

I suggest you have your chest Xrayed.我建议你做一下胸部X光。

Oh! Is it serious?哦,严重吗?

I have got an indigestion.I feel sick.我消化不良,想吐。

Now.Let me feel your pulse.我给你摸一下脉。

My chest is tight and my head is heavy.我觉得胸口闷,头发沉。

You must be getting the flu!你一定是得了流感!

I am suffering from insomnia.我患了失眠症。

How long like this?像这样多久了?

I have a ringing in my ears.我耳鸣。

I guess you had a touch of the sun.我想你可能是中暑了。

Motion Sickness 晕车

I don't feel very well.I think it's motion sickness.我觉得有点难受。我想我是晕车了。

Here,do you want to sit by the window? Let's change places.Maybe fresh air will help.要不要坐到靠窗的位子?跟你换个位子。新鲜空气也许会让你觉得好一些。

Oh,my God! I don't know if I can make it that long.Are there any stops along the way,master?哦,天啊!我恐怕坚持不了那么久。师傅,沿途还会不会停车?

Do you have any motionsickness medicine,Jack?杰克,你带晕车药了吗?

You should have taken it 30 minutes before we started off.你应该在开车前30分钟吃药。

We have a special method to relieve motion sickness.我们有专门的办法对付晕车。

Getting Ill 生病

He needs first aid.他需要急救。

How long will it take to get well?需要多久能恢复健康?

May I have some medicine?请给我一些药好吗?

Please call a doctor.请叫医生来。

Is there a hospital near here?附近有医院吗?

Could you take me to a hospital,please?请把我送到医院好吗?

Is there a doctor who speaks English?有说英文的医生吗?

I have a fever.我发烧了。

I feel chilly.我感到很冷。

Can I have a medical certificate?请给我一份医疗证明书好吗?

A:Oh,you look kind of pale.What's the matter?

B:I feel sick.

A:Do you? Just a minute.Let me get the airsick bag ready...Here.

B:Thank you.

A:Shall I get you some water?

B:No,thank you.I'll be all right as soon as the plane gets out of this turbulence.







A:How do you feel?

B:I feel awful.I've had this cough for a couple of days.

A:Anything else?

B:Yes,the running nose,headache and sore throat.

A:Let me check it for you.You'll be all right.

















sore throat喉咙疼








Doctor's Referral

A patient was waiting nervously in the examination room of a famous specialist.

“So who did you see before coming to me?”asked the doctor.

“My local General Practitioner.”

“Your GP?”scoffed the doctor.“What a waste of time.Tell me,what sort of useless advice did he give you?”

“He told me to come and see you.”







  • 365天日常口语放口袋


  • 从Hello到玩转英语


  • 享受一分钟的感动


  • 出国英语对答如流


  • 硝烟中的黑虎


  • 巧克力之夏


  • 拳在手心


  • 复仇三公主的拽校草


  • 妖孽王爷绝色妃


  • 英灵著造者


  • 异宿体


  • 霸道总裁王源我爱你


  • 好父母你该如何爱孩子


  • 历代宦官(下)


  • 蛇王专宠:兔妃,红烧了吃

