
第49章 生活与品德 (4)

"What would you think," be wrote me, "of a person who would knock his head against a stone wall with the intention of overthrowing it? Such an idea might be the result of very beautiful feelings, but in realization it would be ridiculous and stupid. I believe that certain questions demand a general solution, and do not admit, today, of specific solutions, and that one who begins a course that has no issue, may do much harm. I believe, further, that justice is not of this world, and that the strongest system or rather the one best developed from the economic point of view will be that which will stand. A man may exhaust himself by work, and yet live, at best, miserably. This is a revolting fact, but it will not, because of that, cease. It will disappear probably because man is a kind of machine, and it is of economic advantage to make every machine work in its normal manner, without forcing it."

He felt the same necessity for clarity and understanding in considering his own inner life as in examining a general problem. A great necessity of loyalty to himself and toward others made him suffer from the compromises imposed by life, even though he reduced them to a minimum.

"We are all the slaves of our affections," he wrote, "slaves of the prejudices of those we love. Besides, we must make a living, and this forces us to become a wheel in the machine. The most painful are the concessions we are forced to make to the prejudices of the society in which we live. We must make more or fewer compromises according as we feel ourselves feebler or stronger. If one does not make enough concessions he is crushed; if he makes too many he is ignoble and despises himself. I find myself far from the principles I held ten years ago. At that time I believed it necessary to be excessive in everything, and to make no concessions whatsoever to one's environment. I believed it necessary to exaggerate one's faults as well as one's virtues."

This was the credo of the man who, without fortune himself, desired to share his life with that of a student also without fortune, whom he had met by chance.

After my return from my vacation our friendship grew more and more precious to us; each realized that he or she could find no better life companion. We decided, therefore, to marry, and the ceremony took place in July, . In conformity with our mutual wish it was the simplest service possible, -- a civil ceremony, for Pierre Curie professed no religion, and I myself did not practice any. My husband's parents received me with great cordiality, and reciprocally my father and my sisters, who were present at our marriage, were happy in knowing the family to which I was to belong.

Our first home, an extremely simple one, consisted of a little apartment of three rooms in the rue de la Glacière, not far from the School of Physics. Its chief attraction was its view of a large garden. It was furnished very simply with objects that had belonged to our families. Our means did not permit our having servants, so that I had to assume practically all the household duties, as I had been in the habit of doing during my student days.

Professor Curie's salary was francs a year, and we held that he should not undertake any supplementary work, at least in the beginning. As for myself, I was preparing to take the examination for the agregation of young women, in view of obtaining a teaching post. These I passed in . We ordered our life to suit our scientific work and our days were passed in the laboratory, where Schützenberger permitted that I might work with my husband.

He was then engaged in a research on the growth of crystals, which interested him keenly. He wished to know if certain faces of a crystal had a preferential development chiefly because they have a different rapidity of growth or because their solubility is different. He quickly obtained interesting results (not published) but he had to interrupt his investigations to undertake others on radioactivity. And he often regretted that he was never able to return to them. I was occupied at this time with the study of the magnetization of tempered steel.

The preparation of his class lectures was for Pierre Curie a genuine care. The Chair was a new one, and carried no prescribed course of study. He divided his lectures, at first, between crystallography and electricity. Then, as he recognized more and more the utility of a serious theoretical course in electricity for future engineers, he devoted himself entirely to this subject, and succeeded in establishing a course (of about lectures) that was the most complete and modern then to be had in Paris. This cost him a considerable effort, of which I was the daily witness; for he was always anxious to give a complete picture of the phenomena and of the evolution of theories, and of ideas. He was always anxious, too, that his mode of exposition should be clear and precise. He thought of publishing a treatise summing up this course, but unfortunately the many preoccupations of the following years prevented him from putting this plan into execution.

  • 诺贝尔


  • 老舍 茅盾(中外名人的青少年时代丛书)

    老舍 茅盾(中外名人的青少年时代丛书)

  • 开宗立派的艺术家(2)


  • 民国枭雄杜月笙


  • 哥白尼


    尼古拉·哥白尼(Nicolaus Copemicus,1473-1543),波兰天文学家,第一个提出日心说。他所著的《天体运行论》,是现代天文学的起步点。哥白尼于1473年2月19日出生于波兰西部托伦城圣阿娜港。他的父亲是富商,曾任过市政官吏。哥白尼10岁时,父亲去世,由舅父路加斯·瓦兹罗德抚养。瓦兹罗德博学多才,思想开放,提倡研究实际,这对少年时期的哥白尼有很深刻的影响。
  • 原来一我直在爱着你


  • 最具影响力的思想先驱(上)(影响你一生的世界名人)


    本套书精选荟萃了古今中外最具有代表性的也最具有影响力的名人, 主要有政坛伟人、发明始祖、经济导师、军事将帅、科技精英、谋略奇才、企业富豪、思想先驱、外交巨擎、文坛巨匠、艺术大师。阅读这些世界名人的个人简介, 能够领略他们的人生风采与成功智慧, 使我们受到启迪和教益, 能够激励我们的理想和志向, 指导我们的人生道路和事业发展。
  • 性格激活智慧(上)


    性格是什么呢?性格对人的心理活动的影响巨大吗?其实性格塑造的重要目的, 就是要克服不良性格, 实现从不良性格向优良性格的转变。性格激活智慧。
  • 灵武行


  • 我的欧陆联盟果然没有这么可爱


  • 王俊凯之哥哥,好久不见


  • 钱夫,我要劫色


  • 桃花多多:冷王我就要放肆


  • 网游之有狐来袭


  • 鸭子呱呱叫


    李东文, 70后。1999年开始学习写作,以小说及情感专栏为主,曾在《天涯》《长城》《十月》《西湖》《长江文艺》等杂志发表小说,作品多次被《小说选刊》《中篇小说选刊》《读者》等转载。