
第6章 STONE SOup

One cold, rainy night an old man was walking along a road. He was wet and hungry, for he had walked a long way. All at once he saw a house and, knocking at the door, he asked the cook for some food. But she told him she had none.

"May I come in and dry myself by the fire then? " asked the old man. "Oh yes, " said the cook, "but you must not get in my way. " So the old man came in and sat down. Soon he was dry and warm. But he was still very hungry.

Soon he said, "I am a good cook myself. I can make a lovely soup. It is called stone soup. " The cook wanted very much to know how to make such a cheap soup. So the old man said he would show her how it was done.

"Just fetch me a pot with some water in it, " he said. When she brought it, he put it on the fire. Then, taking a clean white stone from his pocket, he dropped it into the water.

When the water was hot the old man tasted it. "Thisis going to be fine soup, " he said; "but a little seasoning would add to the taste. I see an old piece of cabbage and some onions on the table. May I drop them in? "The cook, who was watching closely, nodded, and in went the vegetables. After a time the old man tasted the soup again. "This is good, " he said, "but it wants some stirring. I see a ham bone over there. May I use that? "Again the cook nodded, and the maker of soup began to stir his soup with the ham bone. He took care to use the end with a little meat still clinging to it. Soon he tasted the soup again. "This is the best soup I have ever made, " he said. "But I think it could do with a little thickening. Could I have a little flour?"The cook passed him some flour. He mixed it with water and put it into the pot. After a time he tasted the soup once more. "This, " he said, "is fit for the best in the land. A wee lump of butter and a drop of milk would make it fit for the King himself. "The cook went to get the butter and the milk. "And while you are getting those, " the old man said, "I will just drop in that chicken that I see hanging over there. It can"t do any harm."So he dropped in the chicken and the butter and the milk, and he stirred and stirred. Soon he poured out thesoup, some for the cook and some for himself. He fished out the stone, dried it, and put it in his pocket.

"This soup tastes fine, " said the cook. "And to think that it was made from a stone! I am so glad that I have been able to learn how to make stone soup. "About the Story.-This is an old story that has been told for hundreds of years in Ireland. Write out a recipe, like those in Mother"s cookery book, telling how to make "stone soup" Begin this way : "Take a clean white stone and put it into..." This is another story with much conversation. Could you make up a play about the tramp and the cook?

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