

The master, as though oblivious of my presence or absence, was explaining the new lesson to Woloda. When he had finished doing this, and had put his books together (while Woloda went into the other room to fetch his ticket), the comforting idea occurred to me that perhaps the whole thing was over now, and that the master had forgotten me.

But suddenly he turned in my direction with a malicious smile, and said as he rubbed his hands anew, "I hope you have learnt your lesson?""Yes," I replied.

"Would you be so kind, then, as to tell me something about St.

Louis' Crusade?" he went on, balancing himself on his chair and looking gravely at his feet. "Firstly, tell me something about the reasons which induced the French king to assume the cross (here he raised his eyebrows and pointed to the inkstand); then explain to me the general characteristics of the Crusade (here he made a sweeping gesture with his hand, as though to seize hold of something with it); "and lastly, expound to me the influence of this Crusade upon the European states in general" (drawing the copy books to the left side of the table) "and upon the French state in particular" (drawing one of them to the right, and inclining his head in the same direction).

I swallowed a few times, coughed, bent forward, and was silent.

Then, taking a pen from the table, I began to pick it to pieces, yet still said nothing.

"Allow me the pen--I shall want it," said the master. "Well?""Louis the-er-Saint was-was-a very good and wise king.""What?"

"King, He took it into his head to go to Jerusalem, and handed over the reins of government to his mother,""What was her name?


"What? Belanka?"

I laughed in a rather forced manner.

"Well, is that all you know?" he asked again, smiling.

I had nothing to lose now, so I began chattering the first thing that came into my head. The master remained silent as he gathered together the remains of the pen which I had left strewn about the table, looked gravely past my ear at the wall, and repeated from time to time, "Very well, very well." Though I was conscious that I knew nothing whatever and was expressing myself all wrong, Ifelt much hurt at the fact that he never either corrected or interrupted me.

"What made him think of going to Jerusalem?" he asked at last, repeating some words of my own.

"Because--because--that is to say--"

My confusion was complete, and I relapsed into silence, I felt that, even if this disgusting history master were to go on putting questions to me, and gazing inquiringly into my face, for a year, I should never be able to enunciate another syllable.

After staring at me for some three minutes, he suddenly assumed a mournful cast of countenance, and said in an agitated voice to Woloda (who was just re-entering the room):

"Allow me the register. I will write my remarks."He opened the book thoughtfully, and in his fine caligraphy marked FIVE for Woloda for diligence, and the same for good behaviour. Then, resting his pen on the line where my report was to go, he looked at me and reflected. Suddenly his hand made a decisive movement and, behold, against my name stood a clearly-marked ONE, with a full stop after it! Another movement and in the behaviour column there stood another one and another full stop! Quietly closing the book, the master then rose, and moved towards the door as though unconscious of my look of entreaty, despair, and reproach.

"Michael Lavionitch!" I said.

"No!" he replied, as though knowing beforehand what I was about to say. "It is impossible for you to learn in that way. I am not going to earn my money for nothing."He put on his goloshes and cloak, and then slowly tied a scarf about his neck. To think that he could care about such trifles after what had just happened to me! To him it was all a mere stroke of the pen, but to me it meant the direst misfortune.

"Is the lesson over?" asked St. Jerome, entering.


"And was the master pleased with you?"


"How many marks did he give you?"


"And to Nicholas?"

I was silent.

"I think four," said Woloda. His idea was to save me for at least today. If punishment there must be, it need not be awarded while we had guests.

"Voyons, Messieurs!" (St. Jerome was forever saying "Voyons!")"Faites votre toilette, et descendons."

  • 十八空论


  • 后画录


  • The Monk

    The Monk

  • 明七子诗选注


  • 止观义例


  • 哈里发传奇


  • 眼力:刘光启自述




    ALL true histories contain instruction; though, in some, the treasure may be hard to find, and when found, so trivial in quantity, that the dry, shrivelled kernel scarcely compensates for the trouble of cracking the nut.汇聚授权电子版权。
  • 半张脸


    小说刻画了一群追求精致生活的新贵族,他(她)们无依无靠,飘荡在大大的北京城,物质上的充裕依然不能免除精神上的苦闷。作者从一个全新的角度向读者诠释了一种物质以外的困惑。同性之爱 跨国姻缘,迷醉的酒吧街,上演几多悲欢离合。
  • 化工大明


  • 剪爱


  • 不抱怨地工作


    调查显示,有八成的职场人会习惯性地表达哀伤、痛苦或不满。65.7 %的职场人表示自己一天抱怨次数在1~5次之间。抱怨与工作相关的人达 80.5%。没有老板喜欢爱抱怨的员工,积极地解决问题才是职场生存之道。
  • 凤起叶落


  • 神引道录


  • 最具影响力的艺术大师(下)(影响你一生的世界名人)


    本套书精选荟萃了古今中外最具有代表性的也最具有影响力的名人, 主要有政坛伟人、发明始祖、经济导师、军事将帅、科技精英、谋略奇才、企业富豪、思想先驱、外交巨擎、文坛巨匠、艺术大师。阅读这些世界名人的个人简介, 能够领略他们的人生风采与成功智慧, 使我们受到启迪和教益, 能够激励我们的理想和志向, 指导我们的人生道路和事业发展。