

"This barkeeper got converted at a Moody and Sankey meeting, in New York, and started home on the ferry-boat, and there was a collision and he got drowned. He is of a class that think all heaven goes wild with joy when a particularly hard lot like him is saved; they think all heaven turns out hosannahing to welcome them; they think there isn't anything talked about in the realms of the blest but their case, for that day. This barkeeper thinks there hasn't been such another stir here in years, as his coming is going to raise. -And I've always noticed this peculiarity about a dead barkeeper -he not only expects all hands to turn out when he arrives, but he expects to be received with a torchlight procession.""I reckon he is disappointed, then."

"No, he isn't. No man is allowed to be disappointed here.

Whatever he wants, when he comes - that is, any reasonable and unsacrilegious thing - he can have. There's always a few millions or billions of young folks around who don't want any better entertainment than to fill up their lungs and swarm out with their torches and have a high time over a barkeeper. It tickles the barkeeper till he can't rest, it makes a charming lark for the young folks, it don't do anybody any harm, it don't cost a rap, and it keeps up the place's reputation for making all comers happy and content.""Very good. I'll be on hand and see them land the barkeeper.""It is manners to go in full dress. You want to wear your wings, you know, and your other things.""Which ones?"

"Halo, and harp, and palm branch, and all that.""Well," says I, "I reckon I ought to be ashamed of myself, but the fact is I left them laying around that day I resigned from the choir. I haven't got a rag to wear but this robe and the wings.""That's all right. You'll find they've been raked up and saved for you. Send for them.""I'll do it, Sandy. But what was it you was saying about unsacrilegious things, which people expect to get, and will be disappointed about?""Oh, there are a lot of such things that people expect and don't get. For instance, there's a Brooklyn preacher by the name of Talmage, who is laying up a considerable disappointment for himself. He says, every now and then in his sermons, that the first thing he does when he gets to heaven, will be to fling his arms around Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and kiss them and weep on them. There's millions of people down there on earth that are promising themselves the same thing. As many as sixty thousand people arrive here every single day, that want to run straight to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and hug them and weep on them. Now mind you, sixty thousand a day is a pretty heavy contract for those old people. If they were a mind to allow it, they wouldn't ever have anything to do, year in and year out, but stand up and be hugged and wept on thirty-two hours in the twenty-four. They would be tired out and as wet as muskrats all the time. What would heaven be, to THEM? It would be a mighty good place to get out of - you know that, yourself. Those are kind and gentle old Jews, but they ain't any fonder of kissing the emotional highlights of Brooklyn than you be. You mark my words, Mr. T.'s endearments are going to be declined, with thanks. There are limits to the privileges of the elect, even in heaven. Why, if Adam was to show himself to every new comer that wants to call and gaze at him and strike him for his autograph, he would never have time to do anything else but just that. Talmage has said he is going to give Adam some of his attentions, as well as A., I. and J. But he will have to change his mind about that.""Do you think Talmage will really come here?""Why, certainly, he will; but don't you be alarmed; he will run with his own kind, and there's plenty of them. That is the main charm of heaven - there's all kinds here - which wouldn't be the case if you let the preachers tell it. Anybody can find the sort he prefers, here, and he just lets the others alone, and they let him alone. When the Deity builds a heaven, it is built right, and on a liberal plan."Sandy sent home for his things, and I sent for mine, and about nine in the evening we begun to dress. Sandy says, -"This is going to be a grand time for you, Stormy. Like as not some of the patriarchs will turn out.""No, but will they?"

"Like as not. Of course they are pretty exclusive. They hardly ever show themselves to the common public. I believe they never turn out except for an eleventh-hour convert. They wouldn't do it then, only earthly tradition makes a grand show pretty necessary on that kind of an occasion.""Do they an turn out, Sandy?"

  • The Wind in the Willows

    The Wind in the Willows

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  • 把健康带回家:绿色购物指南


    自古以来,追求健康与长寿就是人类的一种美好愿望。随着社会的不断发展,生活节奏的日趋加快,健康也似乎成了人类的一种奢求。特别是近年来,随着新闻媒体的打假、曝光,一些震惊全国的食物中毒事故、美容所致的身心受损案等频繁曝光,更让人们不禁深思,健康难道真的离我们越来越远了?除了食品、美容化妆品之外,还有哪些产品存在着潜在的健康杀手呢? 这也是“绿色生活”及“绿色消费”成为人们追求的一种时尚的原因。 绿色不是单纯地指“绿颜色”,而是代表生命、健康、安全、希望。
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