

Do not be alarmed; act fairly, and you are safe; but make one treacherous move, and you will read in the next day's papers a paragraph something to this effect: 'Yesterday some workmen, engaged in excavations near so-and-so, discovered the body of a new-born infant. Every effort is being made to discover the author of the crime.' You know me, and that I work promptly. To the shawl I have added a handkerchief and a few other articles belonging to Clarisse, which will render it an easy matter to fix the guilt on you."Catenac was absolutely stunned, and had lost all power of defending himself. The few incoherent words that he uttered showed his state of utter despair.

"You have killed me," gasped he, "just as the prize, that I have been looking for for twenty yeas, was in my grasp.""Work does a man no harm," remarked the doctor sententiously.

There was, however, little time to lose; the Marquis de Croisenois and Paul might be expected to arrive at any moment, and Mascarin hastened to restore a certain amount of calmness to his prostrate antagonist.

"You make as much noise as if we were going to hand you over to the executioner on the spot. Do you think that we are such a pair of fools as to risk all these hazards without some almost certain chance of success? Hortebise was as much startled as yourself when I first spoke to him of this affair, but I explained everything fully to him, and now he is quite enthusiastic in the matter. Of course you can lay aside all fear, and, as a man of the world, will bear no malice against those who have simply played a better game than yourself.""Go on," said Catenac, forcing a smile, "I am listening."Mascarin made a short pause.

"What we want of you," answered he, "will not compromise you in the slightest degree. I wish you to draw up a document, the particulars of which I will give you presently, and you will outwardly have no connection with the matter.""Very good."

"But there is more yet. The Duke of Champdoce has placed a difficult task in your hands. You are engaged in a secret on his behalf.""You know that also?"

"I know everything that may be made subservient to our ends. I also know that instead of coming direct to me you went to the very man that we have every reason to dread, that fellow Perpignan, who is nearly as sharp as we are.""Go on," returned Catenac impatiently. "What do you expect from me on this point?""Not much; you must only come to me first, and report any discovery you may have made, and never give any information to the Duke without first consulting us.""I agree."

The contending parties seemed to have arrived at an amicable termination, and Dr. Hortebise smiled complacently.

"Now," said he, "shall we not confess, after all, that there was no use in making such a fuss?""I allow that I was in the wrong," answered Catenac meekly; and, extending his hands to his two associates with an oily smile, he said:

"Let us forget and forgive."

Was he to be trusted? Mascarin and the doctor exchanged glances of suspicion. A moment afterward a knock came to the door, and Paul entered, making a timid bow to his two patrons.

"My dear boy," said Mascarin, "let me present you to one of my oldest and best friends." Then, turning to Catenac, he added: "I wish to ask you to help and assist my young friend here. Paul Violaine is a good fellow, who has neither father nor mother, and whom we are trying to help on in his journey through life."The lawyer started as he caught the strange, meaning smile which accompanied these words.

"Great heavens!" said he, "why did you not speak sooner?"Catenac at once divined Mascarin's project, and understood the allusion to the Duke de Champdoce.

  • 特种兵在乡村


  • 鲁滨逊漂流记(中小学生必读丛书)


    本书是被称为“现代小说之父”的英国著名作家丹尼尔·笛福的代表作。在西方文学史上, 鲁滨孙的形象众所周之, 他航海遇险, 一个人漂流到南美洲某荒岛, 靠着双手和工具, 造房子, 修田地、种粮食, 养牲畜, 还从土著的刀下救了一个人, 取名礼拜五, 收为自己的奴隶……鲁滨孙用28年的时间把荒岛建设成为一个世外桃源, 最后又奇迹般地回到欧洲, 成为巨富。


  • EXO之有种距离叫爱情


  • 学生版时文选萃:有一缕阳光就要灿烂


  • 秋星阁诗话


  • 态度决定一切


    优秀员工必须具有的价值理念,卓越人士必须具备的工作态度。有什么样的态度,就有什么样的人生,做一名杰出的人并不难,只需 要具备七种工作态度:敬业、勤奋、忠诚、自制、进取、协作、热情。每一个希望自己有所作为的人,也许能从这七个词中汲取到成功的力量。
  • 《腹黑幻师:邪魅四小姐》


  • 摄大乘义章卷第四


  • 陌晴忆冉

