

The day of the Gathering broke gray and still, and the Baron, who was no weather prophet, declared gloomily--"It vill rain. Donnerwetter!"

A couple of hours later the sun was out, and the distant hills shimmering in the heat haze.

"Himmel! Ve are alvays lucky, Bonker!" he cried, and with gleeful energy brandished his dumb-bells in final preparation for his muscular exploits.

"We certainly have escaped hanging so far," said the Count, as he drew on the trews which became his well-turned leg so happily.

His arrangements were admirable and complete, and by twelve o'clock the castle lawn looked as barbarically gay as the colored supplement to an illustrated paper.

Pipes were skirling, skirts fluttering, flags flapping; and as invitations had been issued to various magnates in the district, whether acquainted with the present peer or not, there were to be seen quite a number of dignified personages in divers shades of tartan, and parasols of all the hues in the rainbow. The Baron was in his element. He judged the bagpipe competition himself, and held one end of the tape that measured the jumps, besides delighting the whole assembled company by his affability and good spirits.

"Your performance comes next, I see," said Eleanor Maddison, throwing him her brightest smile. "I can't tell you how I am looking forward to seeing you do it!"

The Baron started and looked at the programme in her hand. He had been too excited to study it carefully before, and now for the first time he saw the announcement (in large type)--"7. Lord Tulliwuddle throws the 85-lb. hammer."

The sixth event was nearly through, and there--there evidently was the hammer in question being carried into the ring by no fewer than three stalwart Highlanders! The Baron had learned enough of the pastimes of his adopted country to be aware that this gigantic weapon was something like four times as heavy as any hammer hitherto thrown by the hardiest Caledonian.

"Teufel! Bonker vill make a fool of me," he muttered, and hastily bursting from the circle of spectators, hurried towards the Count, who appeared to be busied in keeping the curious away from the Chieftain's hammer.

"Bonker, vat means zis?" he demanded.

"Your hammer," smiled the Count.

"A hammer zat takes tree men----"

"Hush!" whispered the Count. "They are only holding it down!"

The Baron laid his hand upon the round enormous head, and started.

"It is not iron!" he gasped. "It is of rubber."

"Filled with hydrogen," breathed the Count in his ear. "Just swing it once and let go--and, I say, mind it doesn't carry you away with it."

The chief bared his arms and seized the handle; his three clansmen let go; and then, with what seemed to the breathless spectators to be a merely trifling effort of strength, he dismissed the projectile upon the most astounding journey ever seen even in that land of brawny hammer-hurlers. Up, up, up it soared, over the trees; high above the topmost turret of the castle, and still on and on and ever upwards till it became a mere speck in the zenith, and at last faded utterly from sight.

Then, and not till then, did the pent-up applause break out into such a roar of cheering as Hechnahoul had never heard before in all its long history.

"Eighty-five pounds of pig-iron gone straight to heaven!" gasped the Silver King. "Guess that beats all records!"

"America must wake up!" frowned Ri.

Meanwhile the Baron, after bowing in turn towards all points of the compass, turned confidentially to his friend.

"Vill not ze men that carried it----?"

"I've told 'em you'd give 'em a couple of sovereigns apiece."

The Baron came from an economical nation.

"Two to each!"

"My dear fellow, wasn't it worth it?"

The Baron grasped his hand.

"Ja, mine Bonker, it vas! I vill pay zem."

Radiant and smiling, he returned to receive the congratulations of his guests, dreaming that his triumph was complete, and that nothing more arduous remained than pleasant dalliance alternately with his Eleanor and his Eva. But he speedily discovered that hurling an inflated hammer heavenwards was child's play as compared with the simultaneous negotiation of a double wooing. The first person to address him was the millionaire, and he could not but feel a shiver of apprehension to note that he was evidently in the midst of a conversation with Mr. Gallosh.

"I must congratulate you, Lord Tulliwuddle," said Mr. Maddison, "and I must further congratulate my daughter upon the almost miraculous feat you have performed for her benefit. You know, I dare say"--here he turned to Mr. Gallosh--"that this very delightful entertainment was given primarily in my Eleanor's honor?"

"Whut!" exclaimed the merchant. "That's--eh--that's scarcely the fac's as we've learned them. But his lordship will be able to tell you best himself."

  • 人生与慈济:证严法师开示录


    普天之下,没有我不爱的人;普天之下,没有我不信任的人;普天之下,没有我不能原谅的人。——证严法师真善美,是人类的福音,也是你的福音。用一个什么样的姿态,活在这个世上,许多人可能都没有仔细想过吧,看看这本书。 如何活得快乐,如何活得幸福,如何活得有尊严,如何活得心安理得,上人证严法师都和你娓娓道来。这本书教你另一种生活方式:散钱得钱,散福得福,给人快乐自己快乐。
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