

'But that's exactly what I do mean to say,' said the doctor, looking up from his papers with a tear in his eye, and a smile on his mouth; 'and what is more, squire, you owe her at the present moment exactly--I've got that down too, somewhere, only I am so bothered with all these papers. Come, squire, when do you mean to pay her? She's in a great hurry, as young ladies are when they want to get married.'

The doctor was inclined to joke if possible, so as to carry off, as it were, some of the great weight of obligation which it might seem that he was throwing on the father and son; but the squire was by no means in a state to understand a joke: hardly as yet in a state to comprehend what was so very serious in this matter.

'Do you mean that Mary is the owner of Boxall Hill?' said he.

'Indeed I do,' said the doctor; and he was just going to add, 'and of Greshamsbury also,' but he stopped himself.

'What, the whole property there?'

'That's only a small portion,' said the doctor. 'I almost wish it were all, for then I would not be so bothered. Look here; these are the Boxall Hill title-deeds; that's the simplest part of the whole affair; and Frank may go and settle himself there to-morrow if he pleases.'

'Stop a moment, Dr Thorne,' said Frank. These were the only words which he had yet uttered since the tidings had been conveyed to him.

'And these, squire, are the Greshamsbury papers:' and the doctor, with considerable ceremony, withdrew the covering newspapers. 'Look at them; there they all are once again. When I suggested to Mr Snilam that I supposed they might now all go back to the Greshamsbury muniment room, I thought he would have fainted. As I cannot return them to you, you will have to wait till Frank shall give them up.'

'But, Dr Thorne,' said Frank.

'Well, my boy.'

'Does Mary know all about this?'

'Not a word of it. I mean that you shall tell her.'

'Perhaps, under such very altered circumstances--'


'The change is so great and so sudden, so immense in its effects, that Mary may wish perhaps--'

'Wish! wish what? Wish not to be told of it at all?'

'I shall not think of holding her to her engagement--that is, if--I mean to say, she should have time at any rate for consideration.'

'Oh, I understand,' said the doctor. 'She shall have time for consideration. How much shall we give her, squire, three minutes? Go up to her Frank: she is in the drawing-room.'

Frank went to the door, and then hesitated, and returned. 'I could not do it,' said he. 'I don't think that I understand it all yet. I am so bewildered that I could not tell her;' and he sat down at the table, and began to sob with emotion.

'And she knows nothing of it?' said the squire.

'Not a word. I thought that I would keep the pleasure of telling her for Frank.'

'She should not be left in suspense,' said the squire.

'Come, Frank, go up to her,' again urged the doctor. 'You've been ready enough with your visits when you knew that you ought to stay away.'

'I cannot do it,' said Frank, after a pause of some moments; 'nor is it right that I should. It would be taking advantage of her.'

'Go to her yourself, doctor; it is you that should do it,' said the squire.

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  • King Henry VI Part 2

    King Henry VI Part 2
