
第88章 XIV.(7)

"And when you were told that a crime had been committed?""I said to myself, 'The countess wants to be a widow.' "All of M. Magloire's blood seemed to rise in his face. He cried,--"Unhappy man! How can you dare accuse the Countess Claudieuse of such a crime?"Indignation gave Jacques strength to reply,--"Whom else should I accuse? A crime has been committed, and under such circumstances that it cannot have been committed by any one except by her or by myself. I am innocent: consequently she is guilty.""Why did you not say so at once?"

Jacques shrugged his shoulders, and replied in a tone of bitter irony,--"How many times, and in how many ways, do you want me to give you my reasons? I kept silent the first day, because I did not then know the circumstances of the crime, and because I was reluctant to accuse a woman who had given me her love, and who had become criminal from passion; because, in fine, I did not think at that time that I was in danger. After that I kept silent because I hoped justice would be able to discover the truth, or the countess would be unable to bear the idea that I, the innocent one, should be accused. Still later, when Isaw my danger, I was afraid."

The advocates' feelings seemed to be revolted. He broke in,--"You do not tell the truth, Jacques; and I will tell you why you kept silent. It is very difficult to make up a story which is to account for every thing. But you are a clever man: you thought it over, and you made out a story. There is nothing lacking in it, except probability. You might tell me that the Countess Claudieuse has unfairly enjoyed the reputation of a saint, and that she has given you her love; perhaps I might be willing to believe it. But when you say she has set her own house on fire, and taken up a gun to shoot her husband, that I can never, never admit.""Still it is the truth."

"No; for the evidence of Count Claudieuse is precise. He has seen his murderer; it was a man who fired at him.""And who tells you that Count Claudieuse does not know all, and wants to save his wife, and ruin me? There would be a vengeance for him."The objection took the advocate by surprise; but he rejected it at once, and said,--"Ah! be silent, or prove."

"All the letters are burned."

"When one has been a woman's lover for five years, there are always proofs.""But you see there are none."

"Do not insist," repeated M. Magloire.

And, in a voice full of pity and emotion, he added,--"Unhappy man! Do you not feel, that, in order to escape from one crime, you are committing another which is a thousand times worse?"Jacques stood wringing his hand, and said--"It is enough to drive me mad."

"And even if I, your friend," continued M. Magloire, "should believe you, how would that help you? Would any one else believe it? Look here I will tell you exactly what I think. Even if I were perfectly sure of all the facts you mention, I should never plead them in my defence, unless I had proofs. To plead them, understand me well, would be to ruin yourself inevitably.""Still they must be pleaded; for they are the truth.""Then," said M. Magloire, "you must look for another advocate."And he went toward the door. He was on the point of leaving, when Jacques cried out, almost in agony,--"Great God, he forsakes me!"

"No," replied the advocate; "but I cannot discuss matters with you in the state of excitement in which you now are. You will think it over, and I will come again to-morrow."He left; and Jacques de Boiscoran fell, utterly undone, on one of the prison chairs.

"It is all over," he stammered: "I am lost."

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