

The dwelling of my grandmother and grandfather had few pretensions. It was a log hut, or cabin, built of clay, wood, and straw. At a distance it resembled--though it was smaller, less commodious and less substantial--the cabins erected in the western states by the first settlers. To my child's eye, however, it was a noble structure, admirably adapted to promote the comforts and conveniences of its inmates. A few rough, Virginia fence-rails, flung loosely over the rafters above, answered the triple purpose of floors, ceilings, and bedsteads.

To be sure, this upper apartment was reached only by a ladder--but what in the world for climbing could be better than a ladder?

To me, this ladder was really a high invention, and possessed a sort of charm as I played with delight upon the rounds of it. In this little hut there was a large family of children: I dare not say how many. My grandmother--whether because too old for field service, or because she had so faithfully discharged the duties of her station in early life, I know not--enjoyed the high privilege of living in a cabin, separate from the quarter, with no other burden than her own support, and the necessary care of the little children, imposed. She evidently esteemed it a great fortune to live so. The children were not her own, but her grandchildren--the children of her daughters. She took delight in having them around her, and in attending to their few wants.

The practice of separating children from their mother, and hiring the latter out at distances too great to admit of their meeting, except at long intervals, is a marked feature of the cruelty and barbarity of the slave system. But it is in harmony with the grand aim of slavery, which, always and everywhere, is to reduce man to a level with the brute. It is a successful method of obliterating <29 "OLD MASTER">from the mind and heart of the slave, all just ideas of the sacredness of _the family_, as an institution.

Most of the children, however, in this instance, being the children of my grandmother's daughters, the notions of family, and the reciprocal duties and benefits of the relation, had a better chance of being understood than where children are placed--as they often are in the hands of strangers, who have no care for them, apart from the wishes of their masters. The daughters of my grandmother were five in number. Their names were JENNY, ESTHER, MILLY, PRISCILLA, and HARRIET. The daughter last named was my mother, of whom the reader shall learn more by-and-by.

Living here, with my dear old grandmother and grandfather, it was a long time before I knew myself to be _a slave_. I knew many other things before I knew that. Grandmother and grandfather were the greatest people in the world to me; and being with them so snugly in their own little cabin--I supposed it be their own--knowing no higher authority over me or the other children than the authority of grandmamma, for a time there was nothing to disturb me; but, as I grew larger and older, I learned by degrees the sad fact, that the "little hut," and the lot on which it stood, belonged not to my dear old grandparents, but to some person who lived a great distance off, and who was called, by grandmother, "OLD MASTER." I further learned the sadder fact, that not only the house and lot, but that grandmother herself, (grandfather was free,) and all the little children around her, belonged to this mysterious personage, called by grandmother, with every mark of reverence, "Old Master." Thus early did clouds and shadows begin to fall upon my path. Once on the track--troubles never come singly--I was not long in finding out another fact, still more grievous to my childish heart. I was told that this "old master," whose name seemed ever to be mentioned with fear and shuddering, only allowed the children to live with grandmother for a limited time, and that in fact as soon <30>as they were big enough, they were promptly taken away, to live with the said "old master." These were distressing revelations indeed; and though I was quite too young to comprehend the full import of the intelligence, and mostly spent my childhood days in gleesome sports with the other children, a shade of disquiet rested upon me.

  • 冰山总裁溺爱独宠小萌妻


  • 猩月夜


  • 梦想


  • 文学会消亡吗:学术前沿沉思录


    本书正是在关注和研究这些(以及其他相关的)前沿问题的基础上,对美学界、哲学界、文艺界热切关注的问题进行思考和研究的成果。 本书分上、中、下三编。上编为“电子媒介时代的文学”,这是当前文艺学界讨论的热点问题,它要追问的是当下的电子媒介时代文学会不会消亡的问题。中编为“观照文艺学学术史”,主要关注并深刻研究中国20世纪文艺学学术史、美学学术史等前沿问题。下编为“美学的沉思”,这实际上是百年美学学术史的缩写,是在总结以往美学研究的历史经验和教训的基础上,提出价值美学的构想。
  • 异能瞳


  • 女老板的极品保镖


  • 老公,求抱大腿


  • 情感纪实:我写儿子


  • 剑破乾坤


  • 废物少女猎食记

