

"Whew!" whistled Tom, as he caught sight of a peculiarly shaped box."See that, Ned?""Yes, what is it? A new kind of magazine gun?""It's a moving picture camera, or I lose my guess!" whispered Tom."One of the old fashioned kind.Those men are no more tourists, or after big game, than I am! They're moving picture men, and they're here to get views of that native battle! Ned, we've got to be on our guard.They may be in the pay of that Turbot and Eckert firm, and they may try to do us some harm!""That's so!" exclaimed Ned."We'll keep watch of them, Tom."As they neared their airship, there came, running down what served as the main village street, an African who showed evidence of having come from afar.As he ran on, he called out something in a strange tongue.Instantly from their huts the other natives swarmed.

"What's up now?" cried Ned.

"Something important, I'll wager," replied Tom."Ned, you go back to the missionaries house, and find out what it is.I'm going to stand guardover my camera."

"It's come!" cried Ned a little later, as he hurried into the interior of the airship, where Tom was busy working over a new attachment he intended putting on his picture machine.

"What has?"

"War! That native, whom we saw running in, brought news that the battle would take place day after to-morrow.The enemies of his tribe are on the march, so the African spies say, and he came to summon all the warriors from this town.We've got to get busy!""That's so.What about those Englishmen?""They were talking to the missionaries when the runner came in.They pretended to have no interest in it, but I saw one wink to the other, and then, very soon, they went out, and I saw them talking to their native bearers, while they were busy over that box you said was a picture machine.""I knew it, Ned! I was sure of it! Those fellows came here to trick us, though how they ever followed our trail I don't know.Probably they came by a fast steamer to the West Coast, and struck inland, while we were delayed on the desert.I don't care if they are only straight out-and-out rivals--and not chaps that are trying to take an unfair advantage.I suppose all the big picture concerns have a tip about this war, and they may have representatives here.I hope we get the best views.Now come on, and give me a hand.We've got our work cut out for us, all right.""Bless my red cross bandage!" cried Mr.Damon, when he heard the news."A native fight, eh? That will be something I haven't seen in some time.Will there be any danger, Tom, do you think?""Not unless our airship tumbles down between the two African forces," replied our hero, "and I'll take care that it doesn't do that."We'll be well out of reach of any of their blow guns, or arrows.""But I understand that many of the tribes have powder weapons," said Mr.Nestor.

"They have," admitted Tom, "but they are 'trader's' rifles, and don't carry far.We won't run any risk from such old-fashioned guns.""A big fight; eh?" asked Koku when they told him what was beforethem."Me like to help."

"Yes, and I guess both sides would give a premium for your services," remarked Tom, as he gazed at his big servant."But we'll need you with us, Koku.""Oh, me stay with you, Mr.Tom," exclaimed the big man, with a grin.

Somewhat to Tom's surprise the two Englishmen showed no further interest in him and his airship, after the introduction at the missionaries' bungalow.

With the stolidity of their race the Britishers did not show any surprise, as, some time afterward, they strolled down toward Tom's big craft, after supper, and looked it over.Soon they went back to their own camp, and a little later, Koku, who walked toward it, brought word that the Englishmen were packing up.

"They're going to start for the seat of war the first thing in the morning," decided Tom."Well, we'll get ahead of them.Though we can travel faster than they can, we'll start now, and be on the ground in good season.Besides, I don't like staying all night in the same neighborhood with them.Get ready for a start, Ned."Tom did not stop to say good-bye to the Englishmen, though he bade farewell to the missionaries, who had been so kind to him.There was much excitement in the native town, for many of the tribesmen were getting ready to depart to help their friends or relatives in the impending battle.

As dusk was falling, the big airship arose, and soon her powerful propellers were sending her across the jungle, toward Stanley Falls in the vicinity of which the battle was expected to take place.

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