
第32章 THE SNOW MAN(6)

Etienne's bravado was unruffled."Ah! that is no way to win a woman,"he smiled, easily."I make prophecy you will never win 'er that way.

No.Not thees woman.She mus' be played along an' then keessed, this charming, delicious little creature.One kees! An' then you 'ave her." Again he displayed his unpleasant teeth."I make you a bet Iwill kees her--"

As a cheerful chronicler of deeds done well, it joys me to relate that the hand which fell upon Etienne's amorous lips was not his own.

There was one sudden sound, as of a mule kicking a lath fence, and then--through the swinging doors of oblivion for Etienne.

I had seen this blow delivered.It was an aloof, unstudied, almost absent-minded affair.I had thought the cook was rehearsing the proper method of turning a flapjack.

Silently, lost in thought, he stood there scratching his head.Then he began rolling down his sleeves.

"You'd better get your things on, Miss, and we'll get out of here,"he decided."Wrap up warm."

I heard her heave a little sigh of relief as she went to get her cloak, sweater, and hat.

Ross jumped to his feet, and said: "George, what are you goin'

to do?"

George, who had been headed in my direction, slowly swivelled around and faced his employer."Bein' a camp cook, I ain't over-burdened with hosses," George enlightened us."Therefore, I am going to try to borrow this feller's here."For the first time in four days my soul gave a genuine cheer."If it's for Lochinvar purposes, go as far as you like," I said, grandly.

The cook studied me a moment, as if trying to find an insult in my words."No," he replied."It's for mine and the young lady's purposes, and we'll go only three miles--to Hicksville.Now let me tell you somethin', Ross." Suddenly I was confronted with the cook's chunky back and I heard a low, curt, carrying voice shoot through the room at my host.George had wheeled just as Ross started to speak.

"You're nutty.That's what's the matter with you.You can't stand the snow.You're getting nervouser, and nuttier every day.That and this Dago"--he jerked a thumb at the half-dead Frenchman in the corner--"has got you to the point where I thought I better horn in.

I got to revolving it around in my mind and I seen if somethin'

wasn't done, and done soon, there'd be murder around here and maybe"--his head gave an imperceptible list toward the girl's room--"worse."He stopped, but he held up a stubby finger to keep any one else from speaking.Then he plowed slowly through the drift of his ideas.

"About this here woman.I know you, Ross, and I know what you reely think about women.If she hadn't happened in here durin' this here snow, you'd never have given two thoughts to the whole woman question.

Likewise, when the storm clears, and you and the boys go hustlin' out, this here whole business 'll clear out of your head and you won't think of a skirt again until Kingdom Come.Just because o' this snow here, don't forget you're living in the selfsame world you was in four days ago.And you're the same man, too.Now, what's the use o'

getting all snarled up over four days of stickin' in the house? That there's what I been revolvin' in my mind and this here's the decision I've come to."He plodded to the door and shouted to one of the ranch hands to saddle my horse.

Ross lit a stogy and stood thoughtful in the middle of the room.Then he began: "I've a durn good notion, George, to knock your confounded head off and throw you into that snowbank, if--""You're wrong, mister.That ain't a durned good notion you've got.

It's durned bad.Look here!" He pointed steadily out of doors until we were both forced to follow his finger."You're in here for more'n a week yet." After allowing this fact to sink in, he barked out at Ross: "Can you cook?" Then at me: "Can you cook?" Then he looked at the wreck of Etienne and sniffed.

There was an embarrassing silence as Ross and I thought solemnly of a foodless week.

"If you just use hoss sense," concluded George, "and don't go for to hurt my feelin's, all I want to do is to take this young gal down to Hicksville; and then I'll head back here and cook fer you."The horse and Miss Adams arrived simultaneously, both of them very serious and quiet.The horse because he knew what he had before him in that weather; the girl because of what she had left behind.

Then all at once I awoke to a realization of what the cook was doing.

"My God, man!" I cried, "aren't you afraid to go out in that snow?"Behind my back I heard Ross mutter, "Not him."George lifted the girl daintily up behind the saddle, drew on his gloves, put his foot in the stirrup, and turned to inspect me leisurely.

As I passed slowly in his review, I saw in my mind's eye the algebraic equation of Snow, the equals sign, and the answer in the man before me.

"Snow is my last name," said George.He swung into the saddle and they started cautiously out into the darkening swirl of fresh new currency just issuing from the Snowdrop Mint.The girl, to keep her place, clung happily to the sturdy figure of the camp cook.

I brought three things away from Ross Curtis's ranch house--yes, four.One was the appreciation of snow, which I have so humbly tried here to render; (2) was a collarbone, of which I am extra careful; (3) was a memory of what it is to eat very extremely bad food for a week; and (4) was the cause of (3) a little note delivered at the end of the week and hand-painted in blue pencil on a sheet of meat paper.

"I cannot come back there to that there job.Mrs.Snow say no, George.I been revolvin' it in my mind; considerin' circumstances she's right."End

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