

But with the sheep-dog it was otherwise.Being a female, she possessed no such instinct.On the other hand, being a sheep-dog, her instinctive fear of the Wild, and especially of the wolf, was unusually keen.White Fang was to her a wolf, the hereditary marauder who had preyed upon her flocks from the time sheep were first herded and guarded by some dim ancestor of hers.And so, as he abandoned his rush at her and braced himself to avoid the contact, she sprang upon him.He snarled involuntarily as he felt her teeth in his shoulder, but beyond this made no offer to hurt her.

He backed away, stiff-legged with self-consciousness, and tried to go around her.He dodged this way and that, and curved and turned, but to no purpose.

She remained always between him and the way he wanted to go.

"Here, Collie!" called the strange man in the carriage.

Weedon Scott laughed.

"Never mind, father.It is good discipline.White Fang will have to learn many things, and it's just as well that he begins now.He'll adjust himself all right."The carriage drove on, and still Collie blocked White Fang's way.He tried to outrun her by leaving the drive and circling across the lawn;but she ran on the inner and smaller circle, and was always there, facing him with her two rows of gleaming teeth.Back he circled, across the drive to the other lawn, and again she headed him off.

The carriage was bearing the master away.White Fang caught glimpses of it disappearing amongst the trees.The situation was desperate.He essayed another circle.She followed, running swiftly.And then, suddenly, he turned upon her.It was his old fighting trick.Shoulder to shoulder, he struck her squarely.Not only was she overthrown.So fast had she been running that she rolled along, now on her back, now on her side, as she struggled to stop, clawing gravel with her feet and crying shrilly her hurt pride and indignation.

White Fang did not wait.The way was clear, and that was all he had wanted.She took after him, never ceasing her outcry.It was the straightaway now, and when it came to real running, White Fang could teach her things.

She ran frantically, hysterically, straining to the utmost, advertising the effort she was making with every leap; and all the time White Fang slid smoothly away from her, silently, without effort, gliding like a ghost over the ground.

As he rounded the house to the porte-coch re , he came upon the carriage.It had stopped, and the master was alighting.At this moment, still running at top speed, White Fang became suddenly aware of an attack from the side.It was a deer-hound rushing upon him.White Fang tried to face it.But he was going too fast, and the hound was too close.It struck him on the side; and such was his forward momentum and the unexpectedness of it, White Fang was hurled to the ground and rolled clear over.He came out of the tangle a spectacle of malignancy, ears flattened back, lips writhing, nose wrinkling, his teeth clipping together as the fangs barely missed the hound's soft throat.

  • 女人就是要有钱大全集(超值金版)


  • 鬼魔神


  • 绝世征途


  • 赵佗


  • 演武纪


  • 安全健康教育综合读本5


  • 只有失败的父母  没有平庸的孩子

    只有失败的父母 没有平庸的孩子

    父母是孩子的启蒙老师,榜样的力量是无穷的。父母的一言一行,都将在孩子幼小的心灵留下深深的烙印。在我们要求孩子“完美无缺”的同时,何不扪心自问:“这样要求孩子,我自己做到了吗?” 本书作者长期从事儿童教育及心理咨询工作,从大量耳闻目睹的生活实例中,总结出教育孩子的宝贵经验:只有失败的父母,没有平庸的孩子! 百年大计,教育为首。本书旨在为恨铁不成钢的父母指点迷津,引导广大父母走出教育误区,帮助他们实现望子成龙的梦想。
  • 风华如神


  • 索爱:大少宠妻无度


  • 农家庶女妃

