

As vessels of considerable tonnage can ascend the St.Mary's River from the sea on a full tide to the wharves of the city, its citizens prophesy a future growth and development for the place when a river and canal route across the peninsula between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico shall have been completed.For many years Colonel Raiford has been elaborating his plan "for elongating the western and southern inland system of navigation to harbors of the Atlantic Ocean." He proposes to unite the natural watercourses of the coast of the Gulf of Mexico by short canals, so that barges drawing seven feet of water, and freighted with the produce of the Mississippi River and its tributaries, may pass from New Orleans eastward to the southern ports of the Atlantic States.The great peninsula of Florida would be crossed by these vessels from the Suwanee to the St.Mary's River by means of a canal cut through the Okefenokee Swamp, and this route would save several hundred miles of navigation upon open ocean waters.The dangerous coral reefs of the Florida and Bahama shores would be avoided, and a land-locked channel of thirty thousand miles of navigable watercourses would be united in one system.

Lieutenant-Colonel Q.A.Gilmore's report on "Water Line for Transportation from the Mouth of the St.Mary's River, on the Atlantic Coast, through Okefenokee Swamp and the State of Florida to the Gulf of Mexico," in which the able inquirer discusses this water route, has recently been published.I traversed a portion of this route in 1875-6, from the head of the Ohio River to New Orleans, and along the shores of the Gulf of Mexico to Cedar Keys, in a cedar duck-boat; and as the results of my observations may some day be made public, I will at this time refer the reader, if he be interested in the important enterprise, to the Congressional reports which describe the feasibility of the plan.

Another portage by rail was made in order to complete my journey to the Gulf of Mexico, and Rixford, near the Suwanee River, was reached via the A.G.& W.I.T.C.Railroad to Baldwin, thence over the J.P.& M.Railroad to Live Oak, where another railroad from the north connects, and along which, a few miles from Live Oak, Messrs.Dutton & Rixford had recently established their turpentine and resin works.

At Rixford I found myself near the summit, or backbone of Florida, from which the tributaries of the water-shed flow on one side to the Atlantic Ocean, and on the other to the Gulf of Mexico.

It was a high region of rolling country, heavily wooded with magnificent pine forests, rich in terebinthine resources.The residence of the proprietor, the store and the distillery, with a few log cabins inhabited by negroes and white employees, made up the establishment of Rixford.

The Crackers and negroes came from long distances to see the paper boat.One afternoon, when a number of people had gathered at Rixford to behold the little craft, I placed it on one of those curious sheets of water of crystal purity called in that region a sink; and though this nameless, mirror-like lakelet did not cover over an acre in extent, the movements of the little craft, when propelled by the double paddle, excited an enthusiasm which is seldom exhibited by the piny-woods people.

As the boat was carefully lifted from the silvery tarn, one woman called out in a loud voice, "Lake Theresa!" and thus, by mutual consent of every one present, did this lakelet of crystal waters receive its name.

The blacks crowded around the canoe, and while feeling its firm texture, and wondering at the long distance it had traversed, expressed themselves in their peculiar and original way.

One of their number, known as a "tonguey nigger," volunteered to explain the wonder to the somewhat confused intellects of his companions.

To a question from one negro as to "How did dis yere Yankee-man cum all dis fur way in de paper canoe, all hissef lone?" the "educated"negro replied: "It's all de Lord.No man ken cum so fur in paper boat ef de Lord didn't help him.De Lord does eberyting.He puts de tings in de Yankee-man's heads to du um, an' dey duz um.Dar was de big Franklin up norf, dat made de telegraf.Did ye eber bar tell ob him?""Neber, neber!" responded all the negroes.

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