
第7章 PREFACE(7)

Downstairs were three people, a tall soldier of the bodyguard in grey; an A.D.C., Captain Moreno, and Col.Matteoli, the minister of the household.I went upstairs to a drawing-room of much the same easy and generalised character as the one in which I had met General Joffre a few days before.I gave my hat to a second bodyguard, and as I did so a pleasantly smiling man appeared at the door of the study whom I thought at first must be some minister in attendance.I did not recognise him instantly because on the stamps and coins he is always in profile.He began to talk in excellent English about my journey, and Ireplied, and so talking we went into the study from which he had emerged.Then I realised I was talking to the king.

Addicted as I am to the cinematograph, in which the standard of study furniture is particularly rich and high, I found something very cooling and simple and refreshing in the sight of the king's study furniture.He sat down with me at a little useful writing table, and after asking me what I had seen in Italy and hearing what I had seen and what I was to see, he went on talking, very good talk indeed.

I suppose I did a little exceed the established tradition of courts by asking several questions and trying to get him to talk upon certain points as to which I was curious, but I perceived that he had had to carry on at least so much of the regal tradition as to control the conversation.He was, however, entirely un-posed.His talk reminded me somehow of Maurice Baring's books; it had just the same quick, positive understanding.And he had just the same detachment from the war as the French generals.He spoke of it--as one might speak of an inundation.And of its difficulties and perplexities.

Here on the Adriatic side there were political entanglements that by comparison made our western after-the-war problems plain sailing.He talked of the game of spellicans among the Balkan nationalities.How was that difficulty to be met? In Macedonia there were Turkish villages that were Christian and Bulgarians that were Moslem.There were families that changed the termination of their names from /ski/ to /off/ as Serbian or Bulgarian prevailed.I remarked that that showed a certain passion for peace, and that much of the mischief might be due to the propaganda of the great Powers.I have a prejudice against that blessed Whig "principle of nationality," but the King of Italy was not to be drawn into any statement about that.

He left the question with his admission of its extreme complexity.

He went on to talk of the strange contrasts of war, of such things as the indifference of the birds to gunfire and desolation.One day on the Carso he had been near the newly captured Austrian trenches, and suddenly from amidst a scattered mass of Austrian bodies a quail had risen.that had struck him as odd, and so too had the sight of a pack of cards and a wine flask on some newly-made graves.The ordinary life was a very /obstinate/ thing....

He talked of the courage of modern men.He was astonished at the quickness with which they came to disregard shrapnel.And they were so quietly enduring when they were wounded.He had seen a lot of the wounded, and he had expected much groaning and crying out.But unless a man is hit in the head and goes mad he does not groan or scream! They are just brave.If you ask them how they feel it is always one of two things: either they say quietly that they are very bad or else they say there is nothing the matter....

He spoke as if these were mere chance observations, but everyone tells me that nearly every day the king is at the front and often under fire.He has taken more risks in a week than the Potsdam War Lord has taken since the war began.He keeps himself acutely informed upon every aspect of the war.He was a little inclined to fatalism, he confessed.There were two stories current of two families of four sons, in each three had been killed and in each there was an attempt to put the fourth in a place of comparative safety.In one case a general took the fourth son in as an attendant and embarked upon a ship that was immediately torpedoed; in the other the fourth son was killed by accident while he was helping to carry dinner in a rest camp.From those stories we came to the question whether the uneducated Italians were more superstitious than the uneducated English; the king thought they were much less so.That struck me as a novel idea.

But then he thought that English rural people believe in witches and fairies.

I have given enough of this talk to show the quality of this king of the new dispensation.It was, you see, the sort of easy talk one might hear from fine-minded people anywhere.When we had done talking he came to the door of the study with me and shook hands and went back to his desk--with that gesture of return to work which is very familiar and sympathetic to a writer, and with no gesture of regality at all.

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