

Others do not approve this method, which they deem too violent;and which, they say, deprives the poor man of THE ONLY PLEASUREWHICH HE KNOWS IN THIS WORLD.They would simply recommend him to be PRUDENT.This opinion is held by Malthus, Sismondi, Say, Droz, Duchatel, &c.But if the poor are to be PRUDENT, the rich must set the example.Why should the marriageable age of the latter be fixed at eighteen years, while that of the former is postponed until thirty?

Again, they would do well to explain clearly what they mean by this matrimonial prudence which they so urgently recommend to the laborer; for here equivocation is especially dangerous, and Isuspect that the economists are not thoroughly understood."Some half-enlightened ecclesiastics are alarmed when they hear prudence in marriage advised; they fear that the divine injunction--INCREASE AND MULTIPLY--is to be set aside.To be logical, they must anathematize bachelors." (J.Droz: Political Economy.)M.Droz is too honest a man, and too little of a theologian, to see why these casuists are so alarmed; and this chaste ignorance is the very best evidence of the purity of his heart.Religion never has encouraged early marriages; and the kind of PRUDENCEwhich it condemns is that described in this Latin sentence from Sanchez,--_An licet ob metum liberorum semen extra vas ejicere_?

Destutt de Tracy seems to dislike prudence in either form.He says: "I confess that I no more share the desire of the moralists to diminish and restrain our pleasures, than that of the politicians to increase our procreative powers, and accelerate reproduction." He believes, then, that we should love and marry when and as we please.Widespread misery results from love and marriage, but this our philosopher does not heed.True to the dogma of the necessity of evil, to evil he looks for the solution of all problems.He adds: "The multiplication of men continuing in all classes of society, the surplus members of the upper classes are supported by the lower classes, and those of the latter are destroyed by poverty." This philosophy has few avowed partisans; but it has over every other the indisputable advantage of demonstration in practice.Not long since France heard it advocated in the Chamber of Deputies, in the course of the discussion on the electoral reform,--POVERTY WILLALWAYS EXIST.That is the political aphorism with which the minister of state ground to powder the arguments of M.Arago.

POVERTY WILL ALWAYS EXIST! Yes, so long as property does.

The Fourierists--INVENTORS of so many marvellous contrivances--could not, in this field, belie their character.They invented four methods of checking increase of population at will.

1.THE VIGOR OF WOMEN.On this point they are contradicted by experience; for, although vigorous women may be less likely to conceive, nevertheless they give birth to the healthiest children; so that the advantage of maternity is on their side.

2.INTEGRAL EXERCISE, or the equal development of all the physical powers.If this development is equal, how is the power of reproduction lessened?

3.THE GASTRONOMIC REGIME; or, in plain English, the philosophy of the belly.The Fourierists say, that abundance of rich food renders women sterile; just as too much sap--while enhancing the beauty of flowers--destroys their reproductive capacity.But the analogy is a false one.Flowers become sterile when the stamens--or male organs--are changed into petals, as may be seen by inspecting a rose; and when through excessive dampness the pollen loses its fertilizing power.Then,--in order that the gastronomic regime may produce the results claimed for it,--not only must the females be fattened, but the males must be rendered impotent.

4.PHANEROGAMIC MORALITY, or public concubinage.I know not why the phalansterians use Greek words to convey ideas which can be expressed so clearly in French.This method--like the preceding one--is copied from civilized customs.Fourier, himself, cites the example of prostitutes as a proof.Now we have no certain knowledge yet of the facts which he quotes.

So states Parent Duchatelet in his work on "Prostitution."From all the information which I have been able to gather, I find that all the remedies for pauperism and fecundity-- sanctioned by universal practice, philosophy, political economy, and the latest reformers--may be summed up in the following list: masturbation, onanism, sodomy, tribadie, polyandry, prostitution, castration, continence, abortion, and infanticide.

_Hoc inter se differunt onanismus et manuspratio, nempe quod haec a solitario exercetur, ille autem a duobus reciprocatur, masculo scilicet et faemina.Porro foedam hanc onanismi venerem ludentes uxoria mariti habent nunc omnigm suavissimam_ Polyandry,--plurality of husbands.

Infanticide has just been publicly advocated in England, in a pamphlet written by a disciple of Malthus.He proposes an ANNUAL MASSACRE OF THE INNOCENTS in all families containing more children than the law allows; and he asks that a magnificent cemetery, adorned with statues, groves, fountains, and flowers, be set apart as a special burying-place for the superfluous children.Mothers would resort to this delightful spot to dream of the happiness of these little angels, and would return, quite comforted, to give birth to others, to be buried in their turn.

All these methods being proved inadequate, there remains proscription.

  • Dolly Dialogues

    Dolly Dialogues

  • 清世宗实录台湾资料选辑


  • 双槐岁钞


  • 马关议和中之伊李问答


  • 佛说阿难分别经


  • 英雄联盟之主宰者


  • 姐姐再爱我一次


  • 神殇·啼血无痕


  • 招财猫拉面馆


  • 远离心理误区(人生高起点)


  • 我们,都曾年少


  • 红娘临时工


  • 放一些温柔在爱情里


  • 爱是有故事的旅行


    两年前,湖南姑娘和德国小伙子开始了一段疯狂蜜月,他们骑着一辆摩托车,跨越上海到德国的梦想旅程。去时两人,回深圳后变成三人。飞德国养胎,临时在以色列转机,被中东的神秘气质吸引。住在阿尔卑斯山脚下,周游欧洲,每天的生活就是度假。 生下孩子三个星期后,他们带着孩子去死海,在花花公子家里坐沙发客,参加以色列女人“辩论赛”。孩子一岁后,带着孩子爬青藏高原,在最高的哑口高原反应.....最美的故事正是这样:既然我们既放不下亲人的双手,又想拥有说走就走的自由,就大手拉小手,一起看世界。"

