

To make this part of my story clear, I append the following plan of the first floor of Styles.The servants' rooms are reached through the door B.They have no communication with the right wing, where the Inglethorps' rooms were situated.

It seemed to be the middle of the night when I was awakened by Lawrence Cavendish.He had a candle in his hand, and the agitation of his face told me at once that something was seriously wrong.

"What's the matter?" I asked, sitting up in bed, and trying to collect my scattered thoughts.

"We are afraid my mother is very ill.She seems to be having some kind of fit. Unfortunately she has locked herself in.""I'll come at once."

I sprang out of bed; and, pulling on a dressing-gown, followed Lawrence along the passage and the gallery to the right wing of the house.

John Cavendish joined us, and one or two of the servants were standing round in a state of awe-stricken excitement.Lawrence turned to his brother.

"What do you think we had better do?"

Never, I thought, had his indecision of character been more apparent.

John rattled the handle of Mrs.Inglethorp's door violently, but with no effect.It was obviously locked or bolted on the inside.The whole household was aroused by now.The most alarming sounds were audible from the interior of the room. Clearly something must be done.

"Try going through Mr.Inglethorp's room, sir," cried Dorcas."Oh, the poor mistress!"Suddenly I realized that Alfred Inglethorp was not with us--that he alone had given no sign of his presence.John opened the door of his room. It was pitch dark, but Lawrence was following with the candle,and by its feeble light we saw that the bed had not been slept in, and that there was no sign of the room having been occupied.

We went straight to the connecting door.That, too, was locked or bolted on the inside. What was to be done?

"Oh, dear, sir," cried Dorcas, wringing her hands, "what ever shall we do?""We must try and break the door in, I suppose.It'll be a tough job, though.Here, let one of the maids go down and wake Baily and tell him to go for Dr.Wilkins at once.Now then, we'll have a try at the door.Half a moment, though, isn't there a door into Miss Cynthia's rooms?""Yes, sir, but that's always bolted.It's never been undone." "Well, we might just see."He ran rapidly down the corridor to Cynthia's room.Mary Cavendish was there, shaking the girl--who must have been an unusually sound sleeper--and trying to wake her.

In a moment or two he was back.

"No good.That's bolted too.We must break in the door.I think this one is a shade less solid than the one in the passage."We strained and heaved together.The framework of the door was solid, and for a long time it resisted our efforts, but at last we felt it give beneath our weight, and finally, with a resounding crash, it was burst open.

We stumbled in together, Lawrence still holding his candle.Mrs.Inglethorp was lying on the bed, her whole form agitated by violent convulsions, in one of which she must have overturned the table beside her.As we entered, however, her limbs relaxed, and she fell back upon the pillows.

John strode across the room, and lit the gas.Turning to Annie, one of the housemaids, he sent her downstairs to the dining-room for brandy.Then he went across to his mother whilst I unbolted the door that gave on the corridor.

I turned to Lawrence, to suggest that I had better leave them now that there was no further need of my services, but the words were frozen on my lips. Never have I seen such a ghastly look on any man's face. He waswhite as chalk, the candle he held in his shaking hand was sputtering onto the carpet, and his eyes, petrified with terror, or some such kindred emotion, stared fixedly over my head at a point on the further wall.It was as though he had seen something that turned him to stone.I instinctively followed the direction of his eyes, but I could see nothing unusual.The still feebly flickering ashes in the grate, and the row of prim ornaments on the mantelpiece, were surely harmless enough.

The violence of Mrs.Inglethorp's attack seemed to be passing.She was able to speak in short gasps.

"Better now--very sudden--stupid of me--to lock myself in."A shadow fell on the bed and, looking up, I saw Mary Cavendish standing near the door with her arm around Cynthia.She seemed to be supporting the girl, who looked utterly dazed and unlike herself.Her face was heavily flushed, and she yawned repeatedly.

"Poor Cynthia is quite frightened," said Mrs.Cavendish in a low clear voice.She herself, I noticed, was dressed in her white land smock.Then it must be later than I thought.I saw that a faint streak of daylight was showing through the curtains of the windows, and that the clock on the mantelpiece pointed to close upon five o'clock.

A strangled cry from the bed startled me.A fresh access of pain seized the unfortunate old lady.The convulsions were of a violence terrible to behold.Everything was confusion.We thronged round her, powerless to help or alleviate.A final convulsion lifted her from the bed, until she appeared to rest upon her head and her heels, with her body arched in an extraordinary manner.In vain Mary and John tried to administer more brandy.The moments flew.Again the body arched itself in that peculiar fashion.

At that moment, Dr.Bauerstein pushed his way authoritatively into the room.For one instant he stopped dead, staring at the figure on the bed, and, at the same instant, Mrs.Inglethorp cried out in a strangled voice, her eyes fixed on the doctor:

  • 前妻,劫个色


  • 粉丝经济


  • 温暖灵魂的味道


  • 你若不来,我怎敢老去


  • 星空之爱


  • 心理三术:洞察术、操纵术、调节术


  • 重生之我的后世


  • 孔夫子的麻辣学堂


    你必定也已经知道,孔丘老师早就不满足于旅游教学的形式,为了把自己的思想更加系统地传授给学生们,他便决定不再到处闲晃,专门开办一所成功学校。这可是个干载难逢的机会,上了他老人家的课,成功还不是手到擒来之事!你若还是不信,不妨先去试听两节再下定论。瞧!学校已经打出广告:孔氏成功学校,历史悠久(两千余年),师资优良(圣人亲传),免试入学,欢迎试听! 没见过孔子拿西瓜刀砍人? 居然还鼓动学生去收保护费? 放狗咬客人?率众扁人? 有没有搞错,至圣孔子何时成了“极道鲜师? 本书彻底颠覆你对孔子的刻板印象,在嬉笑怒骂之中,让你深刻领会孔子的微言大义。
  • 总有一个故事打动你


  • 重生之富在深山

