

The blood of a clean life flamed in her cheeks and nerved her with reckless daring.Her figure stiffened and her voice rang with defiant scorn:

"Yes.I know at last--a thief who would drag his own mother down to hell with him!"Not a muscle of his powerful body moved; his face was a stolid mask.He threw his words slowly through his teeth:

"Now you listen to me.You're my wife.I didn't invent this marriage game.I played it as I found it.And that's the way you're going to play it.You're good and sweet and clean--I like that kind, and I won't have no other.You're mine.MINE, do you hear! Mine for life-- body and soul--`FOR BETTER FOR WORSE, FOR RICHER FOR POORER, IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH, TO LOVE, CHERISH'----"He paused and thrust his massive jaw squarely into her face:

"`----AND OBEY!'" he hissed, "`UNTIL DEATH DO US PART, ACCORDING TO GOD'S HOLY ORDINANCE'--you said it, didn'tyou?"



She turned from him with sudden aversion: "I didn't know what you were----""Nobody ever knows BEFORE they're married!" he broke in savagely."You took your chances.I took mine--`FOR BETTER FOR WORSE.' We'll just say now it's for worse and let it go at that!"The little body stiffened.

"I'll die first!"

He held her gaze without words, searching the depths of her being with the cold, blue flame in his drooping eyes.If she were bluffing, it was easy.She could talk her head off for all he cared.If she meant it, he might have his hands full unless he mastered the situation at once and for all time.

There was no sign of yielding to his iron will.An indomitable soul had risen in her frail body and defied him.His decision was instantaneous.

"Oh, you'll die sooner than live with me--eh?"There was something hideous in the cold venom with which he drawled the words.Her heart fairly stopped its beating.With the last ounce of courage left, she held her place and answered:


With the sudden crouch of a tiger he drew his clenched fist to strike."Forget it!"She sprang back with terror, her body trembling in pitiful weakness."You snivelling little coward!" he growled.

"Oh, Jim, Jim," she faltered,--"you--you--couldn't strike me!"A step nearer and he stood over her, his big, flat head thrust forward, his eyes gleaming, his muscles knotted in blind rage.

"No--I won't STRIKE you," he whispered."I'll just KILL you--that's all!"With the leap of an infuriated beast he sprang on her and his sharp fingers gripped her throat.

The world went black and she felt herself sinking into a bottomless abyss.With maniac energy she tore his hands from her throat and the warm blood streamed from the gash his nails had torn.

Jim!Jim!For God's sake!" she moaned in abject terror.

With a sullen growl, his fingers, sharp as a leopard's claw, found her neck again and closed with a grip that sent the blood surging to her brain and her eyes starting from their sockets.

The one hideous thought that flashed through her mind was that hewas going to plunge his claws into her eyes and blind her for life.He could hold her his prisoner then.She made a last desperate struggle for breath, her hands relaxed, she drooped and sank to the couch toward which he had hurled her in the first rush of his assault.

He lifted her and choked the slender neck again to make sure, loosed his hands and the limp body dropped on the couch and was still.

He stood watching her in silence, his arms at his side.

"Damned little fool!" he muttered."I had to give you that lesson.The sooner the better!"He waited with contemptuous indifference until she slowly recovered consciousness.She lay motionless for a long time and then slowly opened her eyes.

Thank God! They had not been gouged out as poor Ella's.She didn't mind the warm blood that soaked her collar and ran down her neck.If he would only spare her eyes.Blindness had been her one unspeakable terror.She closed her eyes again and silently prayed for strength.Her strength was gone.Wave after wave of sickening, cowardly terror swept her prostrate soul.She could feel his sullen presence--his body with its merciless strength towering above her.She dared not look.She knew that he was watching her with cruel indifference.A single cry, a single word and he might thrust his claw into her eyes and the light of the world would go out forever.

Her terror was too hideous; she could endure it no longer.She must move.She must try to save herself.She lifted her head and caught his steady, venomous gaze.

A quick, sliding movement of abject fear and she was erect, facing him and backing away silently.

He followed with even step, his gaze holding her as the eyes of a snake its victim.She would not let him know her terror of blindness.She preferred death a thousand times.If he would only kill her outright it was all the mercy she would ask.

"You--won't--kill--me--Jim!" she sobbed."Please-- please, don't kill me!"He lifted his sharp finger and followed her toward the shed-room door, his voice the triumphant cry of an eagle above his prey.

"`FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE--UNTIL DEATH DO US PART!'"Her heart gave a bound of cowardly joy.He had relented.He would not blind her.She could live.She was young and life was sweet.

She tried to smile her surrender through her tears as she backed slowly away from his ominous finger.

"Yes, I'll try--Jim.I'll try--`UNTIL DEATH DO US PART--UNTIL DEATH--UNTIL DEATH----'"Her voice broke into a flood of tears as she blindly felt her way through the door and into the darkened room.

He paused on the threshold, held the creaking board shutter in his hand and broke into a laugh.

"The world ain't big enough for you to get away from me, Kiddo.Good night--a good little wife now and it's all right!"

  • 鼠璞


  • 不退转法轮经


  • 清稗琐缀


  • 海畔秋思


  • 小儿推拿广意


  • 诸经要略文


  • 无事生非


  • 蝶泳


  • 中国起名100法


  • EXO说好的幸福


  • 邻家老二名孔丘


    孔子的一生是—— 以神笔马良的速度,规划并实施了农业改革,由是,他升任了司空; 以精卫填海的精神,兴修了水利,由是,他升任了大司寇; 以后羿射日的担当,震慑了齐国,由是,他升任了代理宰相; 以盘古开天的力量,打杀黑恶势力,由是,他下岗了。 他触犯了当权者的利益,他的救国理想俨若神话,他背着神话,该何去何从?
  • 微臣有喜


  • 不甘心平凡那就呐喊


  • 我的美女总监


  • 邪夫毒妻

