

WHEN Mr.Tetlow, a little later, entered his office he found Flossie and Freddie standing by one of the windows, looking out on the other children marching to their classrooms.They had cried a little, but had stopped now.

"I am very sorry to have to punish you two twins," said the principal, "but I had given strict orders that no one was to play with that water.Why did you do it?""Because," answered Flossie.

"Danny Rugg told us to," added Freddie."He said it was a new kind offaucet.""Now be careful," warned Mr.Tetlow.Often before he had heard pupils say that someone else told them to break certain rules."Are you sure about this?" he asked.

"Yes!sir," said Freddie, eagerly."Danny told us to do it." "But didn't you know it was forbidden?.""No, sir," answered Flossie.

"Why, I spoke of it in all the rooms."

"We wasn't here yesterday or the day before," said Flossie."Freddie was sick."Mr.Tetlow began to understand.

"I will look this up," he said, "and if find -"He was interrupted by a boy from one of the higher classes coming in with a note from his teacher.She wanted a new box of chalk.

"When you go back, George," said the principal to the boy, as he gave him what the teacher had sent for, "go to Miss Hegan's class, and have her send Danny Rugg to me.Flossie and Freddie say he told them to spray water with one of the new faucets.""Yes, sir, he did!" exclaimed George."I heard him, but I didn't think they would do it.He did tell them."At this unexpected information Mr.Tetlow was much surprised.

If that is the case, Danny is the one to be punished," he said."I am sorry, Flossie and Freddie, that I suspected you.You may go back to your class, and I will write your teacher a note, saying you may go out half an hour ahead of the others to make up for coming to my office.But, after this, no matter whether anyone tells you or not, don't spray the water.""No, sir, we won't!" exclaimed the Bobbsey twins, now happy again.

Danny Rugg was punished by being kept in after school for several days, and Mr.Tetlow sent home a note to his father, explaining what a mean trick the bully had played.

"I wish I had heard Danny telling you that - just to get you in trouble," said Bert, when he was told of what had happened."I'd have fixed him.""Oh, don't get into any more fights," begged Nan.

Bert did not come to blows with Danny over this latest trouble, but he did tell the bully, very plainly, what he thought of him, and said if Danny ever did a thing like that again that he would not get off so easily.

"Oh, I'm not afraid of you," sneered Danny.

Lessons and fun made up many school days for the Bobbsey twins.And, as the Fall went on, lessons grew a little harder.Even Freddie and Flossie, young as they were, had little tasks to do that kept them busy.But they liked their school and the teacher, and many were the queer stories they brought home of the happenings in the classroom.

It was now toward the end of October, and the weather was getting cooler, though during the day it was still very warm at times.The twins, as did their friends, looked forward to the coming of Winter and the Christmas holidays.

Thanksgiving, too, would be a time of rejoicing and of good things to eat, and this occasion was to be made more of than usual this time, for some boys and girls the Bobbseys had met in the country and at the seashore were to be invited to spend a few days in Lakeport.

But before this there was another event down on the program.This was to be a party for Flossie and Freddie, the occasion being their joint birthdays.

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