

Paralyzed for a moment by the agony that followed the June days, the French republic had lived through a continuous series of feverish excitements since the raising of the state of siege, since October 14.First the struggle for the presidency, then the struggle between the President and the Constituent Assembly; the struggle for the clubs; the trial of Bourges which, in contrast with the petty figures of the President, the coalesced royalists, the respectable republicans, the democratic Montagize, and the socialist doctrines of the proletariat, caused the proletariat's real revolutionists to appear as primordial monsters such as only a deluge leaves behind on the surface of society, or such as could only precede a social deluge; the election agitation; the execution of the Brea murderers; the continual proceedings against the press; the violent interference of the government with the banquets by police action; the insolent royalist provocations; the exhibition of the portraits of Louis Blanc and Caussidiére on the pillory;the unbroken struggle between the constituted republic and the Constituent Assembly, which each moment drove the revolution back to its starting point, which each moment made the victors the vanquished and the vanquished the victors and in an instant changed around the positions of the parties and the classes, their separations and connections; the rapid march of the European counterrevolution; the glorious Hungarian fight; the armed uprisings in Germany; the Roman expedition; the ignominious defeat of the French army before Rome -- in this vortex of the movement, in this torment of historical unrest, in this dramatic ebb and flow of revolutionary passions, hopes, and disappointments, the different classes of French society had to count their epochs of development in weeks when they had previously counted them in half-centuries.A considerable part of the peasants and of the provinces was revolutionized.Not only were they disappointed in Napoleon, but the Red party offered them, instead of the name, the content, instead of illusory freedom from taxation, repayment of the milliard paid to the Legitimists, the adjustment of mortgages, and the abolition of usury.

The army itself was infected with the revolutionary fever.In voting for Bonaparte it had voted for victory, and he gave it defeat.In him it had voted for the Little Corporal behind whom the great revolutionary general is concealed, and he once more gave it the great generals behind whom the pipe-clay corporal shelters himself.There was no doubt that the Red party, that is, the coalesced democratic party, was bound to celebrate, if not victory, still, great triumphs; that Paris, the army, and a great part of the provinces would vote for it.Ledru-Rollin, the leader of the Montagne, was elected by five departments; no leader of the party of Order carried off such a victory, no candidate belonging to the proletarian part.

proper.This election reveals to us the secret of the democratic-socialist party.If, on the one hand, the Montagne, the parliamentary champion of the democratic petty bourgeoisie, was forced to unite with the socialist doctrinaires of the proletariat -- the proletariat, forced by the terrible material defeat of June to raise itself up again through intellectual victories and not yet enabled through the development of the remaining classes to seize the revolutionary dictatorship, had to throw itself into the arms of the doctrinaires of its emancipation, the founders of socialist sects -- the revolutionary peasants, the army, and the provinces, on the other hand, ranged themselves behind the Montagne, which thus became lord and master in the revolutionary army camp and through the understanding with the socialists eliminated every antagonism in the revolutionary party.

  • 这些年我一直在路上


  • 当家十七妾


  • 心想事成法则


    纵观大千世界形形色色的人,我们会发现,总有些人是“幸运儿”,他们生活顺心,工作顺利,家庭美满,似乎好运总是伴随着他们,这也许会让许多平庸的人抱怨上天的不公。其实,只要明辨真理,认识到潜意识的力量无所不在,懂得一个人习惯性的思维方式和头脑意象,无时无刻不在塑造、引导和影响着自身的命运,并且能够对其大加利用的话,那么,勿庸置疑,你也可以拥有灿烂的人生。有的人能够实现自己的愿望,走向幸福的人生,有的人却无论怎么努力都无法实现自己的理想,过着平庸的生活,这种差别究竟是怎么造成的呢?实现愿望的成功者和丧失理想的失败者究竟有何区别呢? 答案就在本书的70条智慧之中。
  • 神罚日


  • 炫舞之传奇梦


  • 做你永远的我


  • 倾城毒妃要休夫


  • 那卡的曙光


  • 那神仙真坏


  • 凡花蚀锦

