


A Catherine is not an unmixed good in a strange house.The governing power is strong in her.She has scarce crossed the threshold ere the utensils seem to brighten; the hearth to sweep itself; the windows to let in more light; and the soul of an enormous cricket to animate the dwelling-place.But this cricket is a Busy Body.And that is a tremendous character.It has no discrimination.It sets everything to rights, and everybody.Now many things are the better for being set to rights.But everything is not.Everything is the one thing that won't stand being set to rights; except in that calm and cool retreat, the grave.

Catherine altered the position of every chair and table in Margaret's house; and perhaps for the better.

But she must go farther, and upset the live furniture.

When Margaret's time was close at hand, Catherine treacherously invited the aid of Denys and Martin; and on the poor, simple-minded fellows asking her earnestly what service they could be, she told them they might make themselves comparatively useful by going for a little walk.So far so good.But she intimated further that should the promenade extend into the middle of next week all the better.This was not ingratiating.The subsequent conduct of the strong under the yoke of the weak might have propitiated a she-bear with three cubs, one sickly.They generally slipped out of the house at daybreak; and stole in like thieves at night; and if by any chance they were at home, they went about like cats on a wall tipped with broken glass, and wearing awe-struck visages, and a general air of subjugation and depression.

But all would not do.Their very presence was ill-timed; and jarred upon Catherine's nerves.

Did instinct whisper, a pair of depopulators had no business in a house with multipliers twain?

The breastplate is no armour against a female tongue; and Catherine ran infinite pins and needles of speech into them.In a word, when Margaret came down stairs, she found the kitchen swept of heroes.

Martin, old and stiff, had retreated no farther than the street, and with the honours of war: for he had carried off his baggage, a stool; and sat on it in the air,Margaret saw he was out in the sun; but was not aware he was a fixture in that luminary.She asked for Denys."Good, kind Denys;he will be right pleased to see me about again."Catherine, wiping a bowl with now superfluous vigour, told her Denys was gone to his friends in Burgundy."And high time, Hasn't been anigh them this three years, by all accounts.""What, gone without bidding me farewell?" said Margaret, uplifting two tender eyes like full-blown violets.

Catherine reddened.For this new view of the matter set her conscience pricking her.

But she gave a little toss and said, "Oh, you were asleep at the time: and I would not have you wakened.""Poor Denys," said Margaret, and the dew gathered visibly on the open violets.

Catherine saw out of the corner of her eye, and without taking a bit of open notice, slipped off and lavished hospitality and tenderness on the surviving depopulator.

It was sudden: and Martin old and stiff in more ways than one -"No, thank you, dame.I have got used to out o' doors.And I love not changing and changing.I meddle wi' nobody here; and nobody meddles wi' me.""Oh, you nasty, cross old wretch!" screamed Catherine, passing in a moment from treacle to sharpest vinegar.And she flounced back into the house.

On calm reflection she had a little cry.Then she half reconciled herself to her conduct by vowing to be so kind, Margaret should never miss her plagues of soldiers.But feeling still a little uneasy, she dispersed all regrets by a process at once simple and sovereign.

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