


The hour was late by now, but Dunn felt no inclination for sleep, and there was no need for him to return indoors as yet, since Deede Dawson, who always locked up the house himself, never did so till past midnight.Till the small hours, very often he was accustomed to sit up absorbed in those chess problems, the composing and solving of which were his great passion, so that, indeed, it is probable that under other circumstances he might have passed a perfectly harmless and peaceful existence, known to wide circles as an extraordinarily clever problemist and utterly unknown elsewhere.

But the Fate that is, after all, but man's own character writ large, had decreed otherwise.And the little, fat, smiling man bending over his travelling chess board on which he moved delicately to and fro the tiny red and white men of carved ivory, now and again removing a piece and laying it aside, had done as much with as little concern to his fellow creatures from the very beginning of his terrible career.

Outside, leaning on the gate where Deede Dawson had left him, Dunn was deep in thought that was not always very comforting, for there was very much in all this laid out for him to accomplish that he did not understand and that disturbed him a good deal.

A careful, cautious "Hist!" broke in upon his thoughts, and in an instant he stiffened to close attention, every nerve on the alert.

The sound was repeated, a faint and wary footstep sounded, and in the darkness a form appeared and stole slowly nearer.

Dunn poised for a moment, ready for attack or retreat, and then all at once his tense attitude relaxed.

"You, Walter," he exclaimed."That's good! But how did you get here? And how did you know where I was?"The new-comer drew a little nearer and showed the tall, thin form of Walter Dunsmore to whom Dunn had spoken at Wreste Abbey.

"I had to come," he murmured."I couldn't rest without seeing you.

You upset me the other day, saying what you did.Isn't it very dangerous your being here? Suppose Deede Dawson - ""Oh, if he suspected, there would soon be an end of me," answered Dunn grimly."But I think I'm going to win - at least, I did till tonight.""What's happened?" the other asked sharply and anxiously.

"He has been telling me his plans," answered Dunn."He has told me everything - he has put himself entirely in my power - he has done what I have been waiting and hoping for ever since I came here.

He has given me his full confidence at last, and I never felt more uneasy or less certain of success than I do at this moment.""He has told you - everything?" Walter Dunsmore asked."Everything, except who is behind it all," answered Dunn."I asked him who he was acting for, and he refused to say.But we shall know that tomorrow, for he told me something almost as good - he told me where this employer would be at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon.So then we shall have him, unless Deede Dawson was lying.""Of course, it all depends on finding that out," remarked Walter thoughtfully."Finding out his identity.""Yes, that's the key move to the problem," Dunn said."And tomorrow we shall know it, if Deede Dawson was speaking the truth just now.""I should think he was," said Walter slowly."I should think it is certain he was.You may depend on that, I think.""I think so, too," agreed Dunn."But how did you find out where Iwas?"

"You know that day you came to Wreste Abbey? There was some fellow you had with you who told the landlord of the Chobham Arms, so Ieasily found out from him," answered Walter.

"Anyhow, I'm glad you're here," Dunn said."I was wondering how to get in touch with you.Well, this is Deede Dawson's plan in brief.

Tomorrow, at four in the afternoon, Rupert Dunsmore is to be killed - and I've undertaken to do the deed.""What do you mean?" exclaimed Walter, starting.

"I've promised that if Deede Dawson will bring me face to face with Rupert Dunsmore, I'll murder him," answered Dunn, laughing softly.

"A fairly safe offer on your part, isn't it?" observed Walter."At least, unless there's any saving clause about mirrors.""Oh, none," answered Dunn."I told Deede Dawson Rupert Dunsmore was my worst enemy, and that's true enough, for I think every man's worst enemy is himself.""I wish I had none worse," muttered Walter.

"I think you haven't, old chap," Dunn said smilingly."But come across the road.It'll be safer on the common.Deede Dawson is so cunning one is never safe from him.One can never be sure he isn't creeping up behind.""Well, I daresay it's wise to take every precaution," observed Walter."But I can't imagine either him or any one else getting near you without your knowledge."Robert Dunn, - or rather, Rupert Dunsmore, as was his name by right of birth - laughed again to himself, very softly in the darkness.

"Perhaps not," he said."But I take no chances I can avoid with Deede Dawson.Come along."They crossed the road together and sat down on the common at an open spot, where none could well approach them unheard or unseen.

Dunn laid his hand affectionately on Walter's shoulder as they settled themselves.

"Old chap," he said."It was good of you to come here.You've run some risk.It's none too safe near Bittermeads.But I'm glad to see you, Walter.It's a tremendous relief after all this strain of doubt and watching and suspicion to be with some one I know - some one I can trust - some one like you, Walter."In the darkness, Walter put out his hand and took Dunn's and held it for a moment.

"I have been anxious about you," he said.Dunn returned the pressure warmly.

"I know," he said."Jove, old chap, it's good to see you again.

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