

It gives me a pleasure which I am afraid I cannot impart, to linger in this effort to materialize his presence from the fading memories of the past.I am afraid I can as little impart a due sense of what he spiritually was to my knowledge.It avails nothing for me to say that I think no man of my years and desert had ever so true and constant a friend.He was both younger and older than I by insomuch as he was a poet through and through, and had been out of college before I was born.

But he had already come to the age of self-distrust when a man likes to take counsel with his juniors as with his elders, and fancies he can correct his perspective by the test of their fresher vision.Besides, Lowell was most simply and pathetically reluctant to part with youth, and was willing to cling to it wherever he found it.He could not in any wise bear to be left-out.When Mr.Bret Harte came to Cambridge, and the talk was all of the brilliant character-poems with which he had then first dazzled the world, Lowell casually said, with a most touching, however ungrounded sense of obsolescence, He could remember when the 'Biglow Papers' were all the talk.I need not declare that there was nothing ungenerous in that.He was only too ready to hand down his laurels to a younger man; but he wished to do it himself.Through the modesty that is always a quality of such a nature, he was magnanimously sensitive to the appearance of fading interest; he could not take it otherwise than as a proof of his fading power.I had a curious hint of this when one year in making up the prospectus of the Magazine for the next, I omitted his name because I had nothing special to promise from him, and because I was half ashamed to be always flourishing it in the eyes of the public."I see that you have dropped me this year," he wrote, and I could see that it had hurt, and I knew that he was glad to believe the truth when I told him.

He did not care so much for popularity as for the praise of his friends.

If he liked you he wished you not only to like what he wrote, but to say so.He was himself most cordial in his recognition of the things that pleased him.What happened to me from him, happened to others, and I am only describing his common habit when I say that nothing I did to his liking failed to bring me a spoken or oftener a written acknowledgment.

This continued to the latest years of his life when the effort even to give such pleasure must have cost him a physical pang.

He was of a very catholic taste; and he was apt to be carried away by a little touch of life or humor, and to overvalue the piece in which he found it; but, mainly his judgments of letters and men were just.

One of the dangers of scholarship was a peculiar danger in the Cambridge keeping, but Lowell was almost as averse as Longfellow from contempt.

He could snub, and pitilessly, where he thought there was presumption and apparently sometimes merely because he was in the mood; but I cannot remember ever to have heard him sneer.He was often wonderfully patient of tiresome people, and sometimes celestially insensible to vulgarity.

In spite of his reserve, he really wished people to like him; he was keenly alive to neighborly good-will or ill-will; and when there was a question of widening Elmwood avenue by taking part of his grounds, he was keenly hurt by hearing that some one who lived near him had said he hoped the city would cut down Lowell's elms: his English elms, which his father had planted, and with which he was himself almost one blood!

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    解读王朝 帝王卷

    当皇帝的对他统治下的臣民动不动就“开刀问斩”。杀人者人恒杀之,反过来被杀的皇帝也特别多。 从西周武王到清朝溥仪,共882个在位帝王,有288个不得善终(被杀死、缢死、饿死、毒死),占在位帝王的32.6%;84个王朝,在位帝王被杀50%以上的,有27个;6个王朝的在位帝王100%;死于非命;未成年即毙命的帝王有16个;有的帝王登基当天即被杀死。 为了那张天下至尊的龙椅,他们对别人狠,对自己人更狠。 阎德荣创作的《解读王朝(帝王卷)》讲述了帝王们的故事。 《解读王朝(帝王卷)》包括了死前尝尽了死的滋味——北魏孝庄帝元子攸、三次逃离京城的皇帝——唐昭宗李哗等内容。
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