

We have had in England a controversy, What is Profit? as we have just seen.In France there has been a controversy,Whether there ought to be Profits? Whether capital ought to be allowed to bring Profit to its owner? It has been maintainedby the socialists that the Profit of capital is a thing which is wrong and against nature.

(Bastiat, p.3.) "It is thus that the democratic Socialist, Thoré, expresses himself:

"`The revolution will always have to be recommenced, so long as we occupy ourselves with consequences only, withouthaving the logick or the courage to attack the principle itself".This principle is capital, false property, interest, and usury,which by the old regime, is made to weigh upon labour.

"`Ever since the aristocrats invented the incredible fiction, that capital possesses the power of reproducing itself, the workershave been at the mercy of the idle.

"`At the end of a year, will you find an additional crown in a bag of one hundred shillings? At the end of fourteen years, willyour shilling have doubled in your bag?

"`Will a work of industry or of skill produce another, at the end of fourteen years?

"`Let us begin, then, by demolishing this fatal fiction.'

"I have quoted the above," Bastiat says, "merely for the sake of establishing the fact, that many persons consider theproductiveness of capital a false, a fatal, and an iniquitous principle.But quotations are superfluous; it is well known that thepeople attribute their sufferings to what they call die trafficking in man by man.

"In fact, the phrase, tyranny of capital, has become proverbial."Bastiat argues against this doctrine with great force and ingenuity.To us the matter will seem to need no argument.A manwho has capital will not give the use of it for nothing.And no one would accumulate capital if he was to get nothing by it.

Bastiat gives a curious illustration of this.

(Bastiat, p.45.) "A friend of mine, commissioned to make enquiry into Parisian industry, has assured me that themanufacturers have revealed to him a very striking fact, which proves, better than any reasoning can, how much insecurityand uncertainty injure the formation of capital.It was remarked, that during the most distressing period, the popularexpenses of mere fancy had not diminished.The small theatres, the fighting lists, the public-houses, and tobacco depots,were as much frequented as in prosperous times.In the inquiry, the operatives themselves explained this phenomenon thus:'

What is the use of pinching? Who knows what will happen to us? Who knows that interest will not be abolished? Whoknows but that the State will become a universal and gratuitous lender, and that it will wish to annihilate all the fruits that wemight expect from our savings?' Well! I say, that if such ideas could prevail during two single years, it would be enough toturn our beautiful France into a Turkeymisery would become general and endemic, and, most assuredly, the poor would bethe first upon whom it would fall."Mercantile Price is meant.

I return to the subject of Price.

Price, as I have said, depends on three elements; Wages, Profits, and Rent.The Price here spoken of is what may be calledMercantile Price.

Mr Mill notices this duly according to its importance ( Pol.Econ.pp.519, 521), he says:

"I must give warning, once for all, that the cases I contemplate are those in which value and prices are determined bycompetition alone.In so far only as they are thus determined, can they be reduced to any assignable law.`rho buyers must besupposed as studious to buy cheap, as the sellers to sell dear.The values and prices, therefore, to which our conclusionsapply, are mercantile values and prices; such prices as are quoted in price-currents; prices in the wholesale markets, in whichbuying as well as selling is a matter of business; in which the buyers take pains to know, and generally do know, the lowestprice at which an article of a given quality can be obtained, and in which, therefore, the axiom is true, that there cannot be,for the same article, of the same quality, two prices in the same market.Our propositions will be true in a much morequalified sense, of retail prices; the prices paid in shops, for articles of personal consumption.For such things there often arenot merely two, but many prices in different shops, or even in the same shop; habit and accident have as much to do in thematter as general causes.Purchases for private use, even by people in business, are not always made on business principles:

the feelings which come into play in the operation of getting and that of spending their income, are often extremely different.

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    本书是Seeker Chinese探险团队系列图书的开山之作,优酷网、旅游卫视全程记录了张昕宇、梁红一行在索马里的疯狂之旅,其中许多内容均为首次披露。从探寻“黑鹰坠落”之地到遭遇绑架威胁;从荷枪实弹的安保团队到触目惊心的索马里“美食”;从满目疮痍的难民营到广袤无垠的东非草原……他们近距离接触索马里人的生活,他们走访爆炸案的幸存者,他们与索马里总统擦肩而过,他们在摩加迪沙寻找中国的印记,本书带您走进真实的索马里,真实的摩加迪沙。
  • 唐诗宋词元曲(第十卷)


    唐诗、宋词是中国诗歌史上流芳百世的不朽丰碑,将我国的诗词艺术推向了最高峰。警句名篇被历代文人墨客所吟咏,以至名人评说“唐后无诗,宋后无词。”为了更好的继承发扬中华民族优秀传统文化,我们本着思想性、艺术性、可读性兼顾,信达雅并重的原则,重新校订注释编纂了这部《唐诗宋词》,并配以清晰线描图,以飨读者。可谓“吟一首如遍品天下之敬醴,诵一句若尽阅华夏之圣观”! 本书采取最为脍炙人口的经典选本,融合中国古代绘画艺术作品,生动形象地阐发文学的主旨和意境,达到了“诗中有画,画中有诗”的完美境界。
  • 金箓祈祷晚朝仪


  • 上清侍帝晏桐柏真人真图赞


  • 让学生诚实守信的故事(让学生受益一生的故事)


  • 不变的刀


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  • 吸血鬼之情陷苍龙


  • 樱花公主的爱情

