

She passed her hands over her face, and hair, and dress.How long had it lasted? How long had they been out here? And she began slowly moving back towards the house.Thank God! She had not yielded to fear or pity, not uttered falsities, not pretended she could love him, and betrayed her heart.That would have been the one unbearable thing to have been left remembering! She stood long looking down, as if trying to see the future in her dim flower-beds; then, bracing herself, hurried to the house.No one was on the veranda, no one in the drawing-room.She looked at the clock.

Nearly eleven.Ringing for the servant to shut the windows, she stole up to her room.Had her husband gone away as he had come?

Or would she presently again be face to face with that dread, the nerve of which never stopped aching now, dread of the night when he was near? She determined not to go to bed, and drawing a long chair to the window, wrapped herself in a gown, and lay back.

The flower from her dress, miraculously uncrushed in those dark minutes on the grass, she set in water beside her at the window--Mark's favourite flower, he had once told her; it was a comfort, with its scent, and hue, and memory of him.

Strange that in her life, with all the faces seen, and people known, she had not loved one till she had met Lennan! She had even been sure that love would never come to her; had not wanted it--very much; had thought to go on well enough, and pass out at the end, never having known, or much cared to know, full summer.Love had taken its revenge on her now for all slighted love offered her in the past; for the one hated love that had to-night been on its knees to her.They said it must always come once to every man and woman--this witchery, this dark sweet feeling, springing up, who knew how or why? She had not believed, but now she knew.And whatever might be coming, she would not have this different.Since all things changed, she must change and get old and be no longer pretty for him to look at, but this in her heart could not change.

She felt sure of that.It was as if something said: This is for ever, beyond life, beyond death, this is for ever! He will be dust, and you dust, but your love will live! Somewhere--in the woods, among the flowers, or down in the dark water, it will haunt!

For it only you have lived!...Then she noticed that a slender silvery-winged thing, unlike any moth she had ever seen, had settled on her gown, close to her neck.It seemed to be sleeping, so delicate and drowsy, having come in from the breathless dark, thinking, perhaps, that her whiteness was a light.What dim memory did it rouse; something of HIM, something HE had done--in darkness, on a night like this.Ah, yes! that evening after Gorbio, the little owl-moth on her knee! He had touched her when he took that cosy wan velvet-eyed thing off her!

She leaned out for air.What a night!--whose stars were hiding in the sheer heavy warmth; whose small, round, golden moon had no transparency! A night like a black pansy with a little gold heart.

And silent! For, of the trees, that whispered so much at night, not even the aspens had voice.The unstirring air had a dream-solidity against her cheeks.But in all the stillness, what sentiency, what passion--as in her heart! Could she not draw HIMto her from those woods, from that dark gleaming river, draw him from the flowers and trees and the passion-mood of the sky--draw him up to her waiting here, so that she was no more this craving creature, but one with him and the night! And she let her head droop down on her hands.

All night long she stayed there at the window.Sometimes dozing in the chair; once waking with a start, fancying that her husband was bending over her.Had he been--and stolen away? And the dawn came; dew-grey, filmy and wistful, woven round each black tree, and round the white dove-cot, and falling scarf-like along the river.

And the chirrupings of birds stirred among leaves as yet invisible.

She slept then.

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    为了保住面子,她在前男友和前闺蜜的婚礼上一时头昏脑热,拉来这个路人甲充当自己的男朋友。没想到,这个路人甲,居然是RT集团的苏少。 更没想到,短短的一个星期之后,他会再次出现在她面前,表情厌恶声音冷淡,说出的话却是:“陪我去宋府参加晚宴。”威武能屈富贵能淫的她在资本主义的糖衣炮弹下屈服了,陪着他前去宋府演了第二场戏。说好从此以后各归各路一拍两散,可在晚宴上,宋府老太太却问:“对了,苏少,你打算什么时候把我们悄悄娶回去啊?” 她吓得差点把一口鸡汤喷出来,没想到他却笑眯眯地喝了一口鸡汤:“我当然是希望尽快了,悄悄这么讨人喜欢,不赶紧用结婚证把她拴牢我也不放心。”【情节虚构,请勿模仿】
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