

"It's no use going into the rights and wrongs of the affair now, Celia," said Cousin Caroline with some acerbity, for she believed herself the only practical one of the family, and regretted that, owing to the slowness of the kitchen clock, Mrs. Milvain had already confused poor dear Maggie with her own incomplete version of the facts. "The mischief's done, and very ugly mischief too. Are we to allow the third child to be born out of wedlock? (I am sorry to have to say these things before you, Katharine.) He will bear your name, Maggie--your father's name, remember.""But let us hope it will be a girl," said Mrs. Hilbery.

Katharine, who had been looking at her mother constantly, while the chatter of tongues held sway, perceived that the look of straightforward indignation had already vanished; her mother was evidently casting about in her mind for some method of escape, or bright spot, or sudden illumination which should show to the satisfaction of everybody that all had happened, miraculously but incontestably, for the best.

"It's detestable--quite detestable!" she repeated, but in tones of no great assurance; and then her face lit up with a smile which, tentative at first, soon became almost assured. "Nowadays, people don't think so badly of these things as they used to do," she began.

"It will be horribly uncomfortable for them sometimes, but if they are brave, clever children, as they will be, I dare say it'll make remarkable people of them in the end. Robert Browning used to say that every great man has Jewish blood in him, and we must try to look at it in that light. And, after all, Cyril has acted on principle. One may disagree with his principle, but, at least, one can respect it--like the French Revolution, or Cromwell cutting the King's head off. Some of the most terrible things in history have been done on principle,"she concluded.

"I'm afraid I take a very different view of principle," Cousin Caroline remarked tartly.

"Principle!" Aunt Celia repeated, with an air of deprecating such a word in such a connection. "I will go to-morrow and see him," she added.

"But why should you take these disagreeable things upon yourself, Celia?" Mrs. Hilbery interposed, and Cousin Caroline thereupon protested with some further plan involving sacrifice of herself.

Growing weary of it all, Katharine turned to the window, and stood among the folds of the curtain, pressing close to the window-pane, and gazing disconsolately at the river much in the attitude of a child depressed by the meaningless talk of its elders. She was much disappointed in her mother--and in herself too. The little tug which she gave to the blind, letting it fly up to the top with a snap, signified her annoyance. She was very angry, and yet impotent to give expression to her anger, or know with whom she was angry. How they talked and moralized and made up stories to suit their own version of the becoming, and secretly praised their own devotion and tact! No;they had their dwelling in a mist, she decided; hundreds of miles away --away from what? "Perhaps it would be better if I married William,"she thought suddenly, and the thought appeared to loom through the mist like solid ground. She stood there, thinking of her own destiny, and the elder ladies talked on, until they had talked themselves into a decision to ask the young woman to luncheon, and tell her, very friendlily, how such behavior appeared to women like themselves, who knew the world. And then Mrs. Hilbery was struck by a better idea.

  • 人性禁岛2:海魔号


    一个暴雨的夜晚,岛岸上出现一艘神秘的大船。这并未给追马和女人们带来幸运,而是生存下去的更大危机。卑格米人、狐猴和可怕的搁浅, 再度将船上的人们推进深渊。杀戮机器重新启动,妄图带女人们逃出生天 。然而,血腥之路一再延伸下去,却通往了另一个更大的秘密—— 海魔号到底为何而来?让海盗们虎视眈眈的宝藏又是什么?潮湿的丛林里,死神的喘息步步紧逼,一个男人带着四十个手无寸铁的女人,将怎么篡改他们的死亡名册?
  • 孤单心事


  • 无依道人录


  • 异界之极品无赖


  • 章衣萍作品集(中国现代文学名家作品集)


  • “昏”前婚后


  • 四教仪集注节义


  • 赛尔号之永恒誓约


  • 中医天下


  • 末路日记之三国奇遇

