
第40章 LETTER XIV(2)

If I could have dreamed of waiting here so long,I would have run up to Algoa Bay or East London by sea,and had a glimpse of Caffreland.Capetown makes me very languid -there is something depressing in the air -but my cough is much better.I can't walk here without feeling knocked-up;and cab-hire is so dear;and somehow,nothing is worth while,when one is waiting from day to day.So I have spent more money than when I was most amused,in being bored.

Mr.J-drove me to the Capetown races,at Green Point,on Friday.

As races,they were NICHTS,but a queer-looking little Cape farmer's horse,ridden by a Hottentot,beat the English crack racer,ridden by a first-rate English jockey,in an unaccountable way,twice over.The Malays are passionately fond of horse-racing,and the crowd was fully half Malay:there were dozens of carts crowded with the bright-eyed women,in petticoats of every most brilliant colour,white muslin jackets,and gold daggers in their great coils of shining black hair.All most 'anstandig',as they always are.Their pleasure is driving about EN FAMILLE;the men have no separate amusements.Every spare corner in the cart is filled by the little soft round faces of the intelligent-looking quiet children,who seem amused and happy,and never make a noise or have the fidgets.I cannot make out why they are so well behaved.It favours A-'s theory of the expediency of utter spoiling,for one never hears any educational process going on.

Tiny Mohammed never spoke but when he was spoken to,and was always happy and alert.I observed that his uncle spoke to him like a grown man,and never ordered him about,or rebuked him in the least.I like to go up the hill and meet the black women coming home in troops from the washing place,most of them with a fat black baby hanging to their backs asleep,and a few rather older trotting alongside,and if small,holding on by the mother's gown.

She,poor soul,carries a bundle on her head,which few men could lift.If I admire the babies,the poor women are enchanted;-DURESTE,if you look at blacks of any age or sex,they MUST grin and nod,as a good-natured dog must wag his tail;they can't help it.

The blacks here (except a very few Caffres)are from the Mozambique -a short,thick-set,ugly race,with wool in huge masses;but here and there one sees a very pretty face among the women.The men are beyond belief hideous.There are all possible crosses -Dutch,Mozambique,Hottentot and English,'alles durcheinander';then here and there you see that a Chinese or a Bengalee A PASSE PAR LE.The Malays are also a mixed race,like the Turks -i.e.they marry women of all sorts and colours,provided they will embrace Islam.

A very nice old fellow who waits here occasionally is married to an Englishwoman,CI-DEVANT lady's-maid to a Governor's wife.I fancy,too,they brought some Chinese blood with them from Java.I think the population of Capetown must be the most motley crew in the world.

Thursday,May 8th.-I sail on Saturday,and go on board to-morrow,so as not to be hurried off in the early fog.How glad I am to be 'homeward bound'at last,I cannot say.I am very well,and have every prospect of a pleasant voyage.We are sure to be well found,as the Attorney-General is on board,and is a very great man,'inspiring terror and respect'here.

S-says we certainly SHALL put in at St.Helena,so make up your minds not to see me till I don't know when.She has been on board fitting up the cabin to-day.I have SUCH a rug for J-!a mosaic of skins as fine as marqueterie,done by Damara women,and really beautiful;and a sheep-skin blanket for you,the essence of warmth and softness.I shall sleep in mine,and dream of African hill-sides wrapt in a 'Veld combas'.The poor little water-tortoises have been killed by drought,and I can't get any,but I have the two of my own catching for M-.

Good-bye,dearest mother.

You would have been moved by poor old Abdool Jemaalee's solemn benediction when I took leave to-day.He accompanied it with a gross of oranges and lemons.

  • 女人明白要趁早之米字路口问答


    很多人不但实现了十年前的梦想,还实现了毕生的终极梦想。真的,只有死的时候,才有资格说你的梦想是否破灭了。热血要浇灌在最理性的种子上,才能开花结果。钱通常帮助我们构建了梦想,是缔造梦想的重要工具,但一定不是梦想本身。运气应该是天赋和努力条件俱足时候才会得到的馅饼。人们一直在试图为福祸和功名利禄找答案,其实答案的大部分始终在自己身上。 做一回人的意义,就是在随机而有限的生命里,在那些无能为力中,做过最大化的抗争吧。熬过冬天,熬过所有的草木都发芽,熬到情绪平复,熬过隐忍的每一天,直到再一次看见希望的光。
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