

"I have you, Julian," he said. "That very belief which you have just expressed is our justification, because it is the common belief throughout the country. I can prove to you that you are mistaken - can prove it, with the help of that very packet which is responsible for your incarceration here."

"Explain," Julian begged.

"That packet," the Bishop declared, "contains the peace terms formulated by the Socialist and Labour parties of Germany."

"Worth precisely the paper it is written on?' Julian scoffed.

"And ratified," the Bishop continued emphatically, "by the three great men of Germany, whose signatures are attached to that document - the Kaiser, the Chancellor and Hindenburg."

Julian was electrified.

"Do you seriously mean," he asked, "that those signatures are attached to proposals of peace formulated by the Socialist and Labour parties of Germany?"

"I do indeed," was the confident reply. "If the terms are not what we have been led to expect, or if the signatures are not there, the whole affair is at an end."

"You are telling me wonderful things, sir," Julian confessed, after a brief pause.

"I am telling what you will discover yourself to be the truth," the Bishop insisted. "And, Julian, I am appealing to you not only for the return of that packet, but for your sympathy, your help, your partisanship. You can guess now what has happened. Your anonymity has come to an end. The newly formed Council of Labour, to which we all belong, is eager and anxious to welcome you."

"Has any one given me away?" Julian asked.

Catherine shook her head.

"The truth was discovered this evening, when your rooms were searched," she explained.

"What is the constitution of this Council of Labour?" Julian enquired, a little dazed by this revelation.

"It is the very body of men which you yourself foreshadowed," the Bishop replied eagerly. "Twenty of the members are elected by the Trades Unions and represent the great industries of the Empire; and there are three outsiders - Miss Abbeway, Miles Furley and myself. If you, Julian, had not been so successful in concealing your identity, you would have been the first man to whom the Council would have turned for help. Now that the truth is known, your duty is clear. The glory of ending this war will belong to the people, and it is partly owing to you that the people have grown to realise their strength."

"My own position at the present moment," Julian began, a little grimly -"You have no one to blame for that but yourself," Catherine interrupted. "If we had known who you were, do you suppose that we should have allowed these men to deal with you in such a manner? Do you suppose that I should not have told you the truth about that packet? However, that is over. You know the truth now. We five are all members of the Council who are sitting practically night and day, waiting - you know what for. Do not keep us in suspense any longer than you can help. Tell us where to find this letter?"

Julian passed his hand over his forehead a little wearily.

  • 原来我们都是爱着的


  • 凤起云涌:无敌帝后


  • 召唤之帝国再起


  • 春秋笔


  • 魔域战神


  • 变成约翰马尔科维奇


  • 長生录


  • 低调做人高调做事大全集(超值金版)


    在人的一生中,能够立定根基的不外乎两件事:一是做人,二是做事。会不会做人,决定一个人的事业成败和人生走势;会不会做事,决定一个人的成就高低和生存状态。低调做人, 高调做事。一个人如果做到这两点,就能够不断地发展与成就自己。陈荣赋、张凯编著的《低调做人,高调做事大全集》将低调做人、高调做事的细节一一呈现。《低调做人,高调做事大全集》取材于我们熟悉的生活,通过生动有趣的实例和简洁的分析,将做人做事的智慧加以系统总结以供你参考,语言平实、活泼,娓娓叙来又无哗众取宠之意,目的是启迪你的智慧,让你在烦躁的生活中顿悟人生之道。
  • 祸水天下之六宫无妃


  • 梵天火罗九曜

