

What hast thou to meddle or make in the matter? If our young lord hath will to ride out and see the world, why should we let him?

Yea, why should his father let him, if it come to that?

Take my word for it that my gossip shall go through the world and come back to those that love him, as goodly as he went forth.

And hold! here is for a token thereof."

Therewith she went to an ark that stood in the corner, and groped in the till thereof and brought out a little necklace of blue and green stones with gold knobs betwixt, like a pair of beads; albeit neither pope nor priest had blessed them; and tied to the necklace was a little box of gold with something hidden therein. This gaud she gave to Ralph, and said to him:

"Gossip, wear this about thy neck, and let no man take it from thee, and I think it will be salvation to thee in peril, and good luck to thee in the time of questing; so that it shall be to thee as if thou hadst drunk of the WELL AT THE WORLD'S END."

"What is that water?" said Ralph, "and how may I find it?"

"I know not rightly," she said, "but if a body might come by it, I hear say it saveth from weariness and wounding and sickness; and it winneth love from all, and maybe life everlasting.

Hast thou not heard tell of it, my husband?"

"Yea," said the chapman, "many times; and how that whoso hath drunk thereof hath the tongue that none may withstand, whether in buying or selling, or prevailing over the hearts of men in any wise.

But as for its wheraebouts, ye shall not find it in these parts.

Men say that it is beyond the Dry Tree; and that is afar, God wot!

But now, lord Ralph, I rede thee go back again this evening with Andrew, my nephew, for company: forsooth, he will do little less gainful than riding with thee to Upmeads than if he abide in Wulstead; for he is idle. But, my lord, take it not amiss that I spake about the mayor and the tipstaves; for it was but a jest, as thou mayest well wot."

Ralph's face cleared at that word, and he stood smiling, weighing the chaplet in his hand; but Dame Katherine said:

"Dear gossip, do it on speedily; for it is a gift from me unto thee: and from a gossip even king's sons may take a gift."

Quoth Ralph: "But is it lawful to wear it? is there no wizardry within it?"

"Hearken to him!" she said, "and how like unto a man he speaketh; if there were a brawl in the street, he would strike in and ask no word thereof, not even which were the better side: whereas here is my falcon-chick frighted at a little gold box and a pair of Saracen beads."

"Well," quoth Ralph, "the first holy man I meet shall bless them for me."

"That shall he not," said the dame, "that shall he not.

Who wotteth what shall betide to thee or me if he do so?

Come, do them on, and then to table! For seest thou not that the goodman is wearying for meat? and even thine eyes will shine the brighter for a mouthful, king's son and gossip."

She took him by the hand and did the beads on his neck and kissed and fondled him before he sat down, while the goodman looked on, grinning rather sheepishly, but said nought to them; and only called on his boy to lead the destrier to stable.

So when they were set down, the chapman took up the word where it had been dropped, and said: "So, Lord Ralph, thou must needs take to adventures, being, as thou deemest, full grown. That is all one as the duck taketh to water despite of the hen that hath hatched her. Well, it was not to be thought that Upmeads would hold you lords much longer.

Or what is gone with my lords your brethren?"

Said Ralph: "They have departed at all adventure, north east, and west, each bearing our father's blessing and a bag of pennies.

And to speak the truth, goodman, for I perceive I am no doctor at lying, my father and mother would have me stay at home when my brethren were gone, and that liketh me not; therefore am I come out to seek my luck in the world: for Upmeads is good for a star-gazer, maybe, or a simpler, or a priest, or a worthy good carle of the fields, but not for a king's son with the blood running hot in his veins.

Or what sayest thou, gossip?"

Quoth the dame: "I could weep for thy mother; but for thee nought at all.

It is good that thou shouldest do thy will in the season of youth and the days of thy pleasure. Yea, and I deem that thou shalt come back again great and worshipful; and I am called somewhat foreseeing.

Only look to it that thou keep the pretty thing that I have just given thee."

"Well," said the chapman, "this is fine talk about pleasure and the doing of one's will; nevertheless a whole skin is good wares, though it be not to be cheapened in any market of the world.

Now, lord, go thou where thou wilt, whether I say go or abide; and forsooth I am no man of King Peter's, that I should stay thee.

As for the name of the next town, it is called Higham-on-the-Way, and is a big town plenteous of victuals, with strong walls and a castle, and a very rich abbey of monks: and there is peace within its walls, because the father abbot wages a many men to guard him and his, and to uphold his rights against all comers; wherein he doth wisely, and also well. For much folk flocketh to his town and live well therein; and there is great recourse of chapmen thither. No better market is there betwixt this and Babylon. Well, Sir Ralph, I rede thee if thou comest unhurt to Higham-on-the-Way, go no further for this time, but take service with the lord abbot, and be one of his men of war; thou may'st then become his captain if thou shouldest live; which would be no bad adventure for one who cometh from Upmeads."

Ralph looked no brighter for this word, and he answered nought to it: but said presently:

"And what is to be looked for beyond Higham if one goeth further?

Dost thou know the land any further?"

The carle smiled: "Yea forsooth, and down to the Wood Perilous, and beyond it, and the lands beyond the Wood; and far away through them.

I say not that I have been to the Dry Tree; but I have spoken to one who hath heard of him who hath seen it; though he might not come by a draught of the Well at the World's End."

Ralph's eyes flashed, and his cheeks reddened as he listened hereto; but he spake quietly:

  • 无敌制造


  • 先欢厚爱:王爷轻点儿


  • 宿命伊始


  • 偏方治小病,烦恼一扫光


  • 乱世七界


  • 喵喵,王子殿下


    我!超级无敌美少女伊莉雅,最大的心愿就是加入社团,实现自己的价值!! 虽然在这条路上屡败屡战,但在16岁时,我终于成为了自由会社的新社员! 可是……我在入社的第一天就遇见了一个神秘美少年,而且我还发现了他的秘密——他居然会冒出猫耳朵!!这究竟是怎么回事? 浪漫清新恋爱自由式!不可思议的恋人,不可思议的爱恋,喵星来的王子大作战!
  • 言之有琪


  • 轮回的传承


  • 金色德蓝岛:度亡经传说2


    覆盖了地球表面百分之七十的太平洋,星罗密布地散布了一万个岛屿,唯有—个小岛如钻石般闪耀着,那就是——金色德蓝岛!而我,硕果果——原本与这一切完全没有交界点的女生,在误闯金色德蓝岛的那一刻开始,生活就发生了翻天覆地的变化——一向体贴入微的路德维希摇身一变幻化为神秘冷酷的代言人,以火爆著称的辰玄野,竟然成为我唯—依靠信赖的人。 隐匿在阴影下的黑手,到底在密谋着什么? 我与父母又能否顺利团聚? 一切都与拥有着魅惑人心、无穷魔力的度亡经息息相关。在亲情、友情、爱情、历险中进行艰难抉择的硕果果,心中的另一种羁绊也越来越强烈……
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