
第9章 Chapter 6(1)

Of providence From everything which is or happens in the world, it is easy to praise Providence, if a man possesses these two qualities, the faculty of seeing what belongs and happens to all persons and things, and a grateful disposition.

If he does not possess these two qualities, one man will not see the use of things which are and which happen; another will not be thankful for them, even if he does know them. If God had made colours, but had not made the faculty of seeing them, what would have been their use? None at all.

On the other hand, if He had made the faculty of vision, but had not made objects such as to fall under the faculty, what in that case also would have been the use of it? None at all. Well, suppose that He had made both, but had not made light? In that case, also, they would have been of no use. Who is it, then, who has fitted this to that and that to this? And who is it that has fitted the knife to the case and the case to the knife?

Is it no one? And, indeed, from the very structure of things which have attained their completion, we are accustomed to show that the work is certainly the act of some artificer, and that it has not been constructed without a purpose. Does then each of these things demonstrate the workman, and do not visible things and the faculty of seeing and light demonstrate Him?

And the existence of male and female, and the desire of each for conjunction, and the power of using the parts which are constructed, do not even these declare the workman? If they do not, let us consider the constitution of our understanding according to which, when we meet with sensible objects, we simply receive impressions from them, but we also select something from them, and subtract something, and add, and compound by means of them these things or those, and, in fact, pass from some to other things which, in a manner, resemble them: is not even this sufficient to move some men, and to induce them not to forget the workman? If not so, let them explain to us what it is that makes each several thing, or how it is possible that things so wonderful and like the contrivances of art should exist by chance and from their own proper motion?

What, then, are these things done in us only. Many, indeed, in us only, of which the rational animal had peculiar need; but you will find many common to us with irrational animals. Do they them understand what is done? By no means. For use is one thing, and understanding is another: God had need of irrational animals to make use of appearances, but of us to understand the use of appearances. It is therefore enough for them to eat and to drink, and to sleep and to copulate, and to do all the other things which they severally do. But for us, to whom He has given also the faculty, these things are not sufficient; for unless we act in a proper and orderly manner, and conformably to the nature and constitution of each thing, we shall never attain our true end. For where the constitutions of living beings are different, there also the acts and the ends are different. In those animals, then, whose constitution is adapted only to use, use alone is enough: but in an animal which has also the power of understanding the use, unless there be the due exercise of the understanding, he will never attain his proper end. Well then God constitutes every animal, one to be eaten, another to serve for agriculture, another to supply cheese, and another for some like use; for which purposes what need is there to understand appearances and to be able to distinguish them? But God has introduced man to be a spectator of God and of His works; and not only a spectator of them, but an interpreter. For this reason it is shameful for man to begin and to end where irrational animals do, but rather he ought to begin where they begin, and to end where nature ends in us; and nature ends in contemplation and understanding, in a way of life conformable to nature. Take care then not to die without having been spectators of these things.

  • 劝忍百箴


  • 本草蒙筌


  • 海道经


  • 花木鸟兽集类


  • 金刚经感应传


  • 公共关系学作业集


    随着市场经济的发展和国际经济一体化步伐的加快, 公共关系学也日益成为新兴的应用性极强的学科而受到人们的重视。为帮助大家更好地理解、掌握公共关系学理论与方法, 我们编写了这本作业集。本作业集是依据居延安主编的《公共关系学》第二版 编写的。本作业集包括各章重点、难点、习题及参考答案, 并附有模拟试题及答案。
  • 中国货币政策的传导机制与操作规则


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  • 女主霸倾天下


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  • 爆笑五行群侠传


  • 乱五代:五代史的另类解读


    本书作为第一部系统解读五代历史的通俗性、史论性读物,从多个视觉品读五代的人和事,试图寻找破解五代历史之所以“ 混乱”和“无耻”的密码。唐朝灭亡后,在中原一带相继出现了后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周五个朝代,史称“五代”。五代存在了凡五十三年,共更换了八姓十四君。五代多武夫,五代多俗臣,他们抹杀仁义道德、败坏三纲五常,随处可见子弑、兄杀弟、军戏臣、臣反君的历史闹剧。
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  • 觅仙踪之兵体


  • 我的世界之战争的终结

