

While in Washington I was very busy for a time in preparing the necessary orders for the new state of affairs; communicating with my different commanders of separate departments, bodies of troops, etc. But by the 14th I was pretty well through with this work, so as to be able to visit my children, who were then in Burlington, New Jersey, attending school. Mrs. Grant was with me in Washington at the time, and we were invited by President and Mrs. Lincoln to accompany them to the theatre on the evening of that day. I replied to the President's verbal invitation to the effect, that if we were in the city we would take great pleasure in accompanying them; but that I was very anxious to get away and visit my children, and if I could get through my work during the day I should do so. I did get through and started by the evening train on the 14th, sending Mr. Lincoln word, of course, that I would not be at the theatre.

At that time the railroad to New York entered Philadelphia on Broad Street; passengers were conveyed in ambulances to the Delaware River, and then ferried to Camden, at which point they took the cars again. When I reached the ferry, on the east side of the City of Philadelphia, I found people awaiting my arrival there; and also dispatches informing me of the assassination of the President and Mr. Seward, and of the probable assassination of the Vice President, Mr. Johnson, and requesting my immediate return.

It would be impossible for me to describe the feeling that overcame me at the news of these assassinations, more especially the assassination of the President. I knew his goodness of heart, his generosity, his yielding disposition, his desire to have everybody happy, and above all his desire to see all the people of the United States enter again upon the full privileges of citizenship with equality among all. I knew also the feeling that Mr. Johnson had expressed in speeches and conversation against the Southern people, and I feared that his course towards them would be such as to repel, and make them unwilling citizens; and if they became such they would remain so for a long while. I felt that reconstruction had been set back, no telling how far.

I immediately arranged for getting a train to take me back to Washington City; but Mrs. Grant was with me; it was after midnight and Burlington was but an hour away. Finding that I could accompany her to our house and return about as soon as they would be ready to take me from the Philadelphia station, I went up with her and returned immediately by the same special train. The joy that I had witnessed among the people in the street and in public places in Washington when I left there, had been turned to grief; the city was in reality a city of mourning. I have stated what I believed then the effect of this would be, and my judgment now is that I was right. I believe the South would have been saved from very much of the hardness of feeling that was engendered by Mr. Johnson's course towards them during the first few months of his administration. Be this as it may, Mr. Lincoln's assassination was particularly unfortunate for the entire nation.

  • 我在美国当特种兵


    作为世界上最神秘、最残酷的“杀人机器”,美军特种部队一直以严格选拔、残酷训练著称,绝少外籍士兵。然而,一名来自中国的狙击手却历经淬炼,厮杀于美军特种任务中,10年间,生死跌宕,铁血慷慨……2002年春天,被骗偷渡,到达缅甸果敢,认识美军上校;2003年春节,在英国米尔登霍尔基地通过选拔,正式加入美军特种部队;2004年元月,空降伊拉克,攻打基地组织和本·拉登;2005年11月,进入索马里海峡,围歼海盗;2006年4月,秘密潜入西伯利亚,与俄罗斯黑帮交火…… 那些惊险刺激、紧张曲折的特战故事,武装贩毒、解救人质、野外求生、海底偷袭……那些最尖端的特种战备,MP5冲锋枪、M4卡宾枪、霰弹枪、水下手枪、眩晕手榴弹、反坦克火箭筒……将在您的眼前一一呈现。
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