

What she took out, or whether she took out anything, this spy upon her movements could not say, for when Loretta heard the drawer being pushed back into place she drew the curtains close, perceiving that Miss Tuttle would have to face this window in coming back. However, she ventured upon one other peep through them just as that lady was leaving the room, and remembered as if it were yesterday how clay-white her face looked, and how she held her left hand pressed close against the folds of her dress. It was but a few minutes after this that Miss Tuttle left the house.

As we all knew what was kept in that drawer, the conclusion was obvious. Whatever excuse Miss Tuttle might give for going into her sister's room at this time, but one thought, one fear, or possibly one hope, could have taken her to Mr. Jeffrey's private drawer. She wished to see if his pistol was still there, or if it had been taken away by her sister, - a revelation of the extreme point to which her thoughts had flown at this crisis, and one which effectually contradicted her former statement that she had been conscious of no alarm in behalf of her sister and had seen her leave the house without dread or suspicion of evil.

The temerity which had made it possible to associate the name of such a man as Francis Jeffrey with an outrageous crime having been thus in a measure explained, the coroner recalled that gentleman and again thoroughly surprised the gaping public.

Had the witness accompanied his wife to the Moore house?


Had he met her there by any appointment he had made with her or which had been made for them both by some third person?


Had he been at the Moore house on the night of the eleventh at any time previous to the hour when he was brought there by the officials?


Would he glance at this impression of certain finger-tips which had been left in the dust of the southwest chamber mantel?

He had already noted them.

Now would he place his left hand on the paper and see - "It is not necessary," he burst forth, in great heat. "I own to those marks. That is, I have no doubt they were made by my hand"

Here, unconsciously, his eyes flew to the member thus referred to, as if conscious that in some way it had proved a traitor to him; after which his gaze traveled slowly my way, with an indescribable question in it which roused my conscience and made the trick by which I had got the impression of his hand seem less of a triumph than I had heretofore considered it. The next minute he was answering the coroner under oath, very much as he had answered him in the unofficial interview at which I had been present.

"I acknowledge having been in the Moore house and even having been in its southwest chamber, but not at the time supposed. It was on the previous night." He went on to relate how, being in a nervous condition and having the key to this old dwelling in his pocket, he had amused himself by going through its dilapidated interior. All of this made a doubtful impression which was greatly emphasized when, in reply to the inquiry as to where he got the light to see by, he admitted that he had come upon a candle in an upstairs room and made use of that; though he could not remember what he had done with this candle afterward, and looked dazed and quite at sea, till the coroner suggested that he might have carried it into the closet of the room where his fingers had left their impression in the dust of the mantel-shelf. Then he broke down like a man from whom some prop is suddenly snatched and looked around for a seat. This was given him, while a silence, the most dreadful I ever experienced, held every one there in check. But he speedily rallied and, with the remark that he was a little confused in regard to the incidents of that night, waited with a wild look in his averted eye for the coroner's next question.

  • 尚书大论


  • 太乙金镜式经


  • 大乘法界无差别论之二


  • 三论元旨


  • Pierrette


  • 明七子诗选注


  • 人间罪恶


  • 逆神回天


  • 秀才游戏兵


  • 跨越喜马拉雅障碍


  • 为君解罗裳:妖女倾天下


  • 死神天使恶魔的空间降临恋爱天使


  • 无限叔


  • 会做人能做事:年轻人要体会的101个成功忠告


    这本书可能不是特意为你而编写的,但数以百万计的年轻人认为这就是他们想要看的。做人一定要有梦想 人生在勤,不索何获? 做一个讲规则的人 做一个能独立思考、做出判断的人 做事可以失败,做人不能失败 少说话,多干事 怀着归零心态去做事 莫让自己打败自己 人生不怕慢,就怕站 勤奋和努力可以克服一切障碍 与人相处之道,在于无限的容忍 世事多变,应该学会随机应变 在小事上认真的人,做大事才会卓越 投资自己的大脑永远不会“亏本” 习惯寻求别人的认同,等于放弃了自己 实现自身价值,先要找到自己的位置 当你对自己诚实的时候,这世界就没有人能够欺骗你 人人都想依赖强者,但真正可以依赖的还是自己 成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。
  • 江湖好先生

