

Thus such conditions are called affections, not qualities.In like manner there are affective qualities and affections of the soul.That temper with which a man is born and which has its origin in certain deep-seated affections is called a quality.I mean such conditions as insanity, irascibility, and so on: for people are said to be mad or irascible in virtue of these.Similarly those abnormal psychic states which are not inborn, but arise from the concomitance of certain other elements, and are difficult to remove, or altogether permanent, are called qualities, for in virtue of them men are said to be such and such.

Those, however, which arise from causes easily rendered ineffective are called affections, not qualities.Suppose that a man is irritable when vexed: he is not even spoken of as a bad-tempered man, when in such circumstances he loses his temper somewhat, but rather is said to be affected.Such conditions are therefore termed, not qualities, butaffections.

The fourth sort of quality is figure and the shape that belongs to a thing; and besides this, straightness and curvedness and any other qualities of this type; each of these defines a thing as being such and such.Because it is triangular or quadrangular a thing is said to have a specific character, or again because it is straight or curved; in fact a thing's shape in every case gives rise to a qualification of it.

Rarity and density, roughness and smoothness, seem to be terms indicating quality: yet these, it would appear, really belong to a class different from that of quality.For it is rather a certain relative position of the parts composing the thing thus qualified which, it appears, is indicated by each of these terms.A thing is dense, owing to the fact that its parts are closely combined with one another; rare, because there are interstices between the parts; smooth, because its parts lie, so to speak, evenly; rough, because some parts project beyond others.

There may be other sorts of quality, but those that are most properly so called have, we may safely say, been enumerated.

These, then, are qualities, and the things that take their name from them as derivatives, or are in some other way dependent on them, are said to be qualified in some specific way.In most, indeed in almost all cases, the name of that which is qualified is derived from that of the quality.Thus the terms 'whiteness', 'grammar', 'justice', give us the adjectives 'white', 'grammatical', 'just', and so on.

There are some cases, however, in which, as the quality under consideration has no name, it is impossible that those possessed of it should have a name that is derivative.For instance, the name given to the runner or boxer, who is so called in virtue of an inborn capacity, is not derived from that of any quality; for lob those capacities have no name assigned to them.In this, the inborn capacity is distinct from the science, with reference to which men are called, e.g.boxers or wrestlers.Such a science is classed as a disposition; it has a name, and is called 'boxing' or 'wrestling' as the case may be, and the name given to those disposed in this way is derived from that of the science.Sometimes, even though a name exists for the quality, that which takes its character from the quality has aname that is not a derivative.For instance, the upright man takes his character from the possession of the quality of integrity, but the name given him is not derived from the word 'integrity'.Yet this does not occur often.

We may therefore state that those things are said to be possessed of some specific quality which have a name derived from that of the aforesaid quality, or which are in some other way dependent on it.

  • 斗鬼纪


  • 心理素质决定成败


    人的一切行为都是自内而外的。一个成功的人,一个成功的社会,都离不开心理的成功。世界巨富沃沦·巴菲特在有人问他为什么比上帝还富有时说:”这个问题很简单,就像聪明人会做一些阻碍自己发挥全部工效的事情,原因不在智商,而在于心理素质。”当时在场的比尔· 盖茨深表赞同。具有良好行为的人必有良好的品性,具有伟大人格的人必有伟大的心性。心理素质是一个人成功的基础,更是使一个人富有一生的资本。一种健全的人格,比一百种智慧都有力量。战胜别人从战胜自己开始。在个人整体素质中,处于基础、核心与归宿地位的心理素质,越来越成为人们身心健康、事业成败、生活幸福的决定因素,也越来越引起研究者和社会大众的热切关注。
  • 岁月游离


  • 前世今生之旅


  • 杨力谈孕期养生


  • 我一直在,待你满城花开


  • 绿色锋芒


  • 长腿叔叔


    简·韦伯斯特(Jean Webster,1876-1916),美国人。1976年出生于纽约州的佛雷多尼亚一个充满文艺气息的家庭中,父亲从事出版工作,母亲是马克·吐温的侄女。在校期间,她就常常在巴萨女子大学校友杂志和地方新闻刊物投稿,并利用课余时间到孤儿院和感化院做社会服条。这段时间的所见所闻,成为她日后写作《长腿叔叔》的最佳素材。1912年,韦伯斯特出版小说《长腿叔叔》。在她众多作品中,《长腿叔叔》最受读者喜爱,此书后业被拍成电影,由当时最受欢迎的女明星担任女主角,使小说的影响更加深入。幸运女神忽然降临在孤女茱蒂身上,因为她写的一篇文章,孤儿院的一位匿名理事愿意资助她上大学,并培育她成为作家。
  • 万古轩辕


  • 传道侠之霸先道人

