

"But one way--you and I must go--together--into its embrace! Yea, we must pass within it--loving each other, loving the world, realizing to the full all that we sacrifice and sacrificing all, our love, our lives, perhaps even that you call soul, O loved one; must give ourselves ALL to the Shining One --gladly, freely, our love for each other flaming high within us--that this curse shall pass away! For if we do this, pledge the Three, then shall that power of love we carry into it weaken for a time all that evil which the Shining One has become--and in that time the Three can strike and slay!"The blood rushed from my heart; scientist that I am, es-sentially, my reason rejected any such solution as this of the activities of the Dweller.Was it not, the thought flashed, a propitiation by the Three out of their own weakness--and as it flashed I looked up to see their eyes, full of sorrow, on mine--and knew they read the thought.Then into the whirling vortex of my mind came steadying reflections--of history changed by the power of hate, of passion, of am-bition, and most of all, by love.Was there not actual dy-namic energy in these things--was there not a Son of Man who hung upon a cross on Calvary?

"Dear love o' mine," said the O'Keefe quietly, "is it in your heart to say YES to this?""Larry," she spoke low, "what is in your heart is in mine;but I did so want to go with you, to live with you--to--to bear you children, Larry--and to see the sun."My eyes were wet; dimly through them I saw his gaze on me.

"If the world IS at stake," he whispered, "why of course there's only one thing to do.God knows I never was afraid when I was fighting up there--and many a better man than me has gone West with shell and bullet for the same idea;but these things aren't shell and bullet--but I hadn't Lakla then--and it's the damned DOUBT I have behind it all."He turned to the Three--and did I in their poise sense a rigidity, an anxiety that sat upon them as alienly as would divinity upon men?

"Tell me this, Silent Ones," he cried."If we do this, Lakla and I, is it SURE you are that you can slay the--Thing, and save my world? Is it SURE you are?"For the first and the last time, I heard the voice of the Silent Ones.It was the man-being at the right who spoke.

"We are sure," the tones rolled out like deepest organ notes, shaking, vibrating, assailing the ears as strangely as their appearance struck the eyes.Another moment the O'Keefe stared at them.Once more he squared his should-ers; lifted Lakla's chin and smiled into her eyes.

"We stick!" he said again, nodding to the Three.

Over the visages of the Trinity fell benignity that was--awesome; the tiny flames in the jet orbs vanished, leaving them wells in which brimmed serenity, hope--an extraor-dinary joyfulness.The woman sat upright, tender gaze fixed upon the man and girl.Her great shoulders raised as though she had lifted her arms and had drawn to her those others.

The three faces pressed together for a fleeting moment;raised again.The woman bent forward--and as she did so, Lakla and Larry, as though drawn by some outer force, were swept upon the dais.

Out from the sparkling mist stretched two hands, enor-mously long, six-fingered, thumbless, a faint tracery of golden scales upon their white backs, utterly unhuman and still in some strange way beautiful, radiating power and--all womanly!

They stretched forth; they touched the bent heads of Lakla and the O'Keefe; caressed them, drew them together, softly stroked them--lovingly, with more than a touch of bene-diction.And withdrew!

The sparkling mists rolled up once more, hiding the Silent Ones.As silently as once before we had gone we passed out of the place of light, beyond the crimson stone, back to the handmaiden's chamber.

Only once on our way did Larry speak.

"Cheer up, darlin'," he said to her, "it's a long way yet before the finish.An' are you thinking that Lugur and Yo-lara are going to pull this thing off? Are you?"The handmaiden only looked at him, eyes love and sorrow filled.

"They are!" said Larry."They are! Like HELL they are!"

  • 亲亲我的宝贝


  • 倾城影后:洛少宠妻如命


  • 烈炎记


  • 双规


  • 鬼罪


  • 躲不掉的恶魔情人


  • 女人好交际,职场好人气


    “女子无才便是德”的年代已经过去,从女人进入职场的那一刻起,就注定了她们要告别平庸的自己,成就辉煌的人生。而我们的Office Lady展现在众人面前的姿态万千、谈吐优雅、气质高贵、集美丽智慧于一身的形象,也说明了这一点。但是,如花般绽放的职场女性要怎样才能把最有魅力的一面展现给大家,得到大家的支持和认可,进而取得事业上的成功呢?秘诀就是:经营人际,利用人力,成就人气!人力是职场中最大的资源,职业女性若想取得成功就不能让资源浪费。而只有你的人际得到了提升,你的人脉才会贯通,人力才能发挥,人气才会上扬,人生才能成功!
  • 异界大符师


  • 盗墓笔记同人之雨童


  • 神级保安

