

These cedar-bark torches Foxy disposed of to the larger boys who came down to the pond at night. Foxy's methods of finance were undoubtedly marked by ability, and inasmuch as his accounts were never audited, the profits were large and sure. He made it a point to purchase a certain proportion of his supplies from his father, who was proud of his son's financial ability, but whether his purchases always equaled his sales no one ever knew.

If the pond and river were covered with snow, then Foxy would organize a deer-hunt, when all the old pistols in the section would be brought forth, and the store would display a supply of gun caps, by the explosion of which deadly ammunition the deer would be dropped in their tracks, and drawn to the store by prancing steeds whose trappings had been purchased from Foxy.

When the interest in the deer-hunt began to show signs of waning, Foxy would bring forth a supply of gunpowder, for the purchase of which any boy who owned a pistol would be ready to bankrupt himself. In this Hughie took a leading part, although he had to depend upon the generosity of others for the thrilling excitement of bringing down his deer with a pistol-shot, for Hughie had never been able to save coppers enough to purchase a pistol of his own.

But deer-hunting with pistols was forbidden by the teacher from the day when Hughie, in his eagerness to bring his quarry down, left his ramrod in his pistol, and firing at Aleck Dan Campbell at point-blank range, laid him low with a lump on the side of his head as big as a marble. The only thing that saved Aleck's life, the teacher declared, was his thick crop of black hair. Foxy was in great wrath at Hughie for his recklessness, which laid the deer-hunting under the teacher's ban, and which interfered seriously with the profits of the store.

But Foxy was far too great a man to allow himself to be checked by any such misfortune as this. He was far too astute to attempt to defy the teacher and carry on the forbidden game, but with great ability he adapted the principles of deer-hunting to a game even more exciting and profitable. He organized the game of "Injuns,"some of the boys being set apart as settlers who were to defend the fort, of which the store was the center, the rest to constitute the invading force of savages.

The result was, that the trade in caps and gunpowder was brisker than ever, for not only was the powder needed for the pistols, but even larger quantities were necessary for the slow-matches which hissed their wrath at the approaching enemy, and the mounted guns, for which earthen ink-bottles did excellently, set out on a big stump to explode, to the destruction of scores of creeping redskins advancing through the bush, who, after being mutilated and mangled by these terrible explosions, were dragged into the camp and scalped. Foxy's success was phenomenal. The few pennies and fewer half-dimes and dimes that the boys had hoarded for many long weeks would soon have been exhausted had Hughie not wrecked the game.

Hughie alone had no fear of Foxy, but despised him utterly. He had stood and yelled when those heroes of old, Murdie and Don Cameron, Curly Ross, and Ranald Macdonald, and last but not to be despised Thomas Finch, had done battle with the enemy from the Sixteenth or the Front, and he could not bring himself to acknowledge the leadership of Foxy Ross, for all his bull's-eyes and liquorice.

Not but what Hughie yearned for bull's-eyes and liquorice with great yearning, but these could not atone to him for the loss out of his life of the stir and rush and daring of the old fighting days. And it galled him that the boys of the Sixteenth could flout the boys of the Twentieth in all places and on all occasions with impunity.

  • 上清九真中经内诀


  • 易冒


  • 纯备德禅师语录


  • 莲叶


  • 涌幢小品


  • 灵道


  • 洪恩灵济真君自然行道仪


  • 金庸传


    金庸的笔下世界道尽人生真义,金庸的现实世界写尽人生传奇,金庸迷倒了天下华人!有人说:有井的地方就有柳永的词,有华人的地方就有金庸的小说。却不知他的人生比他的小说更精彩。他经历过寻梦的困惑与执着,经历过打拼的挫败与辉煌,经历过情感的失意与恬淡。最后,他如同一个历经世事的大侠,看淡了时间的风云变幻,放下名利,成为一个传奇。他赤手空拳闯荡香江,用一支妙笔写出了一片锦绣人生。他有过他的青春梦想,有过他的美丽初恋 ,今天我们再次提及,不愿它成为一段被掩埋的故事。本书以金庸的人生故事为主线,结合他的经典作品与经典人物,为读者展示一个立体的、有血有肉的武侠大师。
  • 开店生意经:各种店铺业务优化与管理细节大全


  • 缘生论


  • 重生穿越:终寻真爱


  • 虚雪剑


  • 重生之纵横苍穹


  • 老板喜欢员工的特征


    职业生涯可以算做人生中阳主要的组成部分,每个人都要在职场中不断地发展和完善自己,都要在职场中实现自己的人生理想和目标。可是,有些人却在自己的事业征途中迷了路,找不到正确的方向。从“择业”到“就业”,再到“跳槽”,他们似乎没有系统地、科学地规划自己的职业生涯,以至于自己始终处于不稳定的工作状态中,从而偏离了成功的轨道。有些人在工作中义气用事,结果使自己丧失了宝贵的工作和发展的机会;还有一些人在工作中遇到了各种问 题的困扰,无形中给自己增加了很多压力。
  • 潜规则游戏:与狼共枕

