

The thinker requires, to be fully equipped, the hypotheses of pure reason, which, although but leaden weapons (for they have not been steeled in the armoury of experience), are as useful as any that can be employed by his opponents.If, accordingly, we have assumed, from a non-speculative point of view, the immaterial nature of the soul, and are met by the objection that experience seems to prove that the growth and decay of our mental faculties are mere modifications of the sensuous organism- we can weaken the force of this objection by the assumption that the body is nothing but the fundamental phenomenon, to which, as a necessary condition, all sensibility, and consequently all thought, relates in the present state of our existence; and that the separation of soul and body forms the conclusion of the sensuous exercise of our power of cognition and the beginning of the intellectual.The body would, in this view of the question, be regarded, not as the cause of thought, but merely as its restrictive condition, as promotive of the sensuous and animal, but as a hindrance to the pure and spiritual life; and the dependence of the animal life on the constitution of the body, would not prove that the whole life of man was also dependent on the state of the organism.We might go still farther, and discover new objections, or carry out to their extreme consequences those which have already been adduced.

Generation, in the human race as well as among the irrational animals, depends on so many accidents- of occasion, of proper sustenance, of the laws enacted by the government of a country of vice even, that it is difficult to believe in the eternal existence of a being whose life has begun under circumstances so mean and trivial, and so entirely dependent upon our own control.As regards the continuance of the existence of the whole race, we need have no difficulties, for accident in single cases is subject to general laws;but, in the case of each individual, it would seem as if we could hardly expect so wonderful an effect from causes so insignificant.

But, in answer to these objections, we may adduce the transcendental hypothesis that all life is properly intelligible, and not subject to changes of time, and that it neither began in birth, nor will end in death.We may assume that this life is nothing more than a sensuous representation of pure spiritual life; that the whole world of sense is but an image, hovering before the faculty of cognition which we exercise in this sphere, and with no more objective reality than a dream; and that if we could intuite ourselves and other things as they really are, we should see ourselves in a world of spiritual natures, our connection with which did not begin at our birth and will not cease with the destruction of the body.And so on.

We cannot be said to know what has been above asserted, nor do we seriously maintain the truth of these assertions; and the notions therein indicated are not even ideas of reason, they are purely fictitious conceptions.But this hypothetical procedure is in perfect conformity with the laws of reason.Our opponent mistakes the absence of empirical conditions for a proof of the complete impossibility of all that we have asserted; and we have to show him that be has not exhausted the whole sphere of possibility and that he can as little compass that sphere by the laws of experience and nature, as we can lay a secure foundation for the operations of reason beyond the region of experience.Such hypothetical defences against the pretensions of an opponent must not be regarded as declarations of opinion.The philosopher abandons them, so soon as the opposite party renounces its dogmatical conceit.To maintain a simply negative position in relation to propositions which rest on an insecure foundation, well befits the moderation of a true philosopher;but to uphold the objections urged against an opponent as proofs of the opposite statement is a proceeding just as unwarrantable and arrogant as it is to attack the position of a philosopher who advances affirmative propositions regarding such a subject.

It is evident, therefore, that hypotheses, in the speculative sphere, are valid, not as independent propositions, but only relatively to opposite transcendent assumptions.For, to make the principles of possible experience conditions of the possibility of things in general is just as transcendent a procedure as to maintain the objective reality of ideas which can be applied to no objects except such as lie without the limits of possible experience.The judgements enounced by pure reason must be necessary, or they must not be enounced at all.Reason cannot trouble herself with opinions.But the hypotheses we have been discussing are merely problematical judgements, which can neither be confuted nor proved; while, therefore, they are not personal opinions, they are indispensable as answers to objections which are liable to be raised.But we must take care to confine them to this function, and guard against any assumption on their part of absolute validity, a proceeding which would involve reason in inextricable difficulties and contradictions.

SECTION IV.The Discipline of Pure Reason in Relation to Proofs.

  • 燥门


  • 广百论本


  • Beatrix


  • 养生类要


  • 般若波罗蜜多心经注解


  • 拳爆虚空


  • 星座有心语:读懂星座的50篇奇幻美文


    据说,星座的故乡是四大文明古国之一的古巴比伦。在那里,牧羊人过着逐草而居的游牧生活。每到夜晚的时候,闪烁的星星便成了牧羊人最好的伙伴,牧羊人一边守护羊群,一边遥望着夜空中如街市上明灯一样的繁星,他们将较亮的星星互相连接,将随意连接而成的形状联想成各种动物或人物的形象,结合神话故事为它们命名。在指南针还没有出现的时代,星星就是船员和冒险家最忠实的向导。人们将一年分成十二等份,然后给每个时间段都分得-位“守护神”,这就是我们通常所说的“十二星座”,也就是“黄道十二宫”。 除了这十二宫之外,其他星座则根据它们所在的位置、出现的时间以及一年中的最佳观测时间,分为了春、夏、秋、冬四季的星座。
  • 化蛹成蝶


  • 魔道之本


  • 重生之恶毒妖妃


  • 权益维护篇(农民十万个怎么做)


    本书着眼于为农民朋友解决现实生活中经常遇到的政策和法律难题,内容涵盖三个方面:一是解答关于农业生产产前、 产中、 产后的一些政策与法律问题;二是解答关涉农民民主权利的政策与法律问题;三是解答农民民生方面的政策与法律问题。
  • 我的娇蛮毒后


  • 逃离风岛


  • 爱玛大陆


  • 死神的世界

