
第39章 THE VOYAGE(27)

Unfortunately for the fishmongers of London,the doree resides only in those seas;for,could any of this company but convey one to the temple of luxury under the Piazza,where Macklin the high-priest daily serves up his rich offerings to that goddess,great would be the reward of that fishmonger,in blessings poured down upon him from the goddess,as great would his merit be towards the high-priest,who could never be thought to overrate such valuable incense.

And here,having mentioned the extreme cheapness of fish in the Devonshire sea,and given some little hint of the extreme dearness with which this commodity is dispensed by those who deal in it in London,I cannot pass on without throwing forth an observation or two,with the same view with which I have scattered my several remarks through this voyage,sufficiently satisfied in having finished my life,as I have probably lost it,in the service of my country,from the best of motives,though it should be attended with the worst of success.Means are always in our power;ends are very seldom so.

Of all the animal foods with which man is furnished,there are none so plenty as fish.A little rivulet,that glides almost unperceived through a vast tract of rich land,will support more hundreds with the flesh of its inhabitants than the meadow will nourish individuals.But if this be true of rivers,it is much truer of the sea-shores,which abound with such immense variety of fish that the curious fisherman,after he hath made his draught,often culls only the daintiest part and leaves the rest of his prey to perish on the shore.If this be true it would appear,I think,that there is nothing which might be had in such abundance,and consequently so cheap,as fish,of which Nature seems to have provided such inexhaustible stores with some peculiar design.In the production of terrestrial animals she proceeds with such slowness,that in the larger kind a single female seldom produces more than one a-year,and this again requires three,for,or five years more to bring it to perfection.And though the lesser quadrupeds,those of the wild kind particularly,with the birds,do multiply much faster,yet can none of these bear any proportion with the aquatic animals,of whom every female matrix is furnished with an annual offspring almost exceeding the power of numbers,and which,in many instances at least,a single year is capable of bringing to some degree of maturity.

What then ought in general to be so plentiful,what so cheap,as fish?What then so properly the food of the poor?So in many places they are,and so might they always be in great cities,which are always situated near the sea,or on the conflux of large rivers.How comes it then,to look no farther abroad for instances,that in our city of London the case is so far otherwise that,except that of sprats,there is not one poor palate in a hundred that knows the taste of fish?

It is true indeed that this taste is generally of such excellent flavor that it exceeds the power of French cookery to treat the palates of the rich with anything more exquisitely delicate;so that was fish the common food of the poor it might put them too much upon an equality with their betters in the great article of eating,in which,at present,in the opinion of some,the great difference in happiness between man and man consists.But this argument I shall treat with the utmost disdain:for if ortolans were as big as buzzards,and at the same time as plenty as sparrows,I should hold it yet reasonable to indulge the poor with the dainty,and that for this cause especially,that the rich would soon find a sparrow,if as scarce as an ortolan,to be much the greater,as it would certainly be the rarer,dainty of the two.

Vanity or scarcity will be always the favorite of luxury;but honest hunger will be satisfied with plenty.Not to search deeper into the cause of the evil,I should think it abundantly sufficient to propose the remedies of it.And,first,I humbly submit the absolute necessity of immediately hanging all the fishmongers within the bills of mortality;and,however it might have been some time ago the opinion of mild and temporizing men that the evil complained of might be removed by gentler methods,I suppose at this day there are none who do not see the impossibility of using such with any effect.Cuncta prius tentanda might have been formerly urged with some plausibility,but cuncta prius tentata may now be replied:for surely,if a few monopolizing fishmongers could defeat that excellent scheme of the Westminster market,to the erecting which so many justices of peace,as well as other wise and learned men,did so vehemently apply themselves,that they might be truly said not only to have laid the whole strength of their heads,but of their shoulders too,to the business,it would be a vain endeavor for any other body of men to attempt to remove so stubborn a nuisance.

If it should be doubted whether we can bring this case within the letter of any capital law now subsisting,I am ashamed to own it cannot;for surely no crime better deserves such punishment;but the remedy may,nevertheless,be immediate;and if a law was made at the beginning of next session,to take place immediately,by which the starving thousands of poor was declared to be felony,without benefit of clergy,the fishmongers would be hanged before the end of the session.A second method of filling the mouths of the poor,if not with loaves at least with fishes,is to desire the magistrates to carry into execution one at least out of near a hundred acts of parliament,for preserving the small fry of the river of Thames,by which means as few fish would satisfy thousands as may now be devoured by a small number of individnals.But while a fisherman can break through the strongest meshes of an act of parliament,we may be assured he will learn so to contrive his own meshes that the smallest fry will not be able to swim through them.

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