
第28章 学习是人生的需要(1)

Learning Is a Necessity in One’s Life


Anyone who is just born does not know how to live on. In order to live, everyone has to learn—learn howto suck at one’s mother’s breast or how to suck milk through a nipple of a feeding bottle, learn how to crawand walk, learn how to express oneself, learn how to read and write, learn how to make a living, learn how todeal with other people, and so on. If anyone does not learn after his or her birth, how can he or she live on?


Let’s read Wu Cheng’en’s Journey to the West! We can see how the writer and his main characters havebeen learning all their lives.

1.1 内容介绍

1.1 Introduction


Just like some classics in the world literature, such as Faust by German writer J.W Goethe, Journey tothe West is developed and created on the basis of some stories spread far and wide for a long time. Its storiescame from a historic event that a Buddhist monk named Xuanzang (602—664) traveled alone through CentralAsia to the land of Tianzhu (present-day India) to seek the original Buddhist ures in the Zhenguanperiod of the Tang Dynasty. Xuanzang’s journey to the West and back covered thousands of miles, took 17years, and he traversed 138 states, writing a brilliant page not only in the history of Buddhist culture but alsoin the history of Sino-Indian cultural exchanges. All kinds of stories about Xuanzang’s quest for the uressoon circulated among the people, or with the passage of time and the gradual geographical spread of thesestories, they acquired a more and more mystical coloring. Xuanzang’s adventures, which were made moreadventurous through hyperboles or exaggerations in the succeeding generations, gradually developed from theBuddhist’s stories into a novel of literature.


Many stories about Xuanzang’s quest for the ures were orally circulated among the people andcould not be found any record of written form. In an extant printed storyteller’s prompt book (printed in thethirteenth century or thereabouts) of the Southern Song, titled The Tale of How Sanzang of the Great TangDynasty Fetched the Scriptures, Monkey appears among Xuanzang’s companions in episodes such as TheMountain of Flowers and Fruit, Slaying the White Tiger Spirit, Expelling the Dragon Kui, Overcoming theDeep Sand God and Stealing and Eating the Peach of Immortality. Although the characterization of thestoryteller’s prompt book is somewhat coarse and unimaginative, Monkey is from then on a permanent fixturein the framework of the stories. The Deep Sand God is an earlier image of Friar Sand.


By the time of the Yuan Dynasty, the story had been refined by countless unknown artists of the commonfolk, and its content had been greatly enriched and its dramatic character enhanced. The Story of Journeyto the West, which appeared at this time, seems to have been much different from The Tale of How Sanzangof the Great Tang Dynasty Fetched the Scriptures, judging by the only fragment to have survived, knownas Beheading the Dragon of the Jing River (and contained in the Yongle Canon—an early fifteen-centuryencyclopaedic compendium, see the character Meng under the Song rhyme in Volume 13,139). The fragmentconsists of about 1,200 characters, and corresponds to the first part of Chapter 9 of the Shidetang version ofthe Journey to the West. Moreover, a Korean textbook of the Chinese language, Paktongsa Onbae, whichdates from the latter part of the Yuan period, contains a section of The Story of Journey to the West—theepisode when the travelers reach the Kingdom of Tarrycart—which is an abbreviated version of Chapter 46in the Shidetang version. This textbook also has eight notes to the text, and describes the plot of the Story ofJourney to the West. From this we can see that key episodes in the novel Journey to the West, such as Havocin Heaven, and those involving the Bear Spirit, the Lion Spirit, the Spider Spirit, the Yellow Wind Spirit, theRed Boy Spirit, the Fiery Mountains, Womanland, etc., were already incorporated in the Story of Journey tothe West.


The story of Xuanzang’s quest was early adapted for the stage. The Yuan Dynasty’s Zaju dramaincluded Sanzang of Tang Seeks the Scriptures from the Western Paradise by Wu Changling. But it hasbeen lost. Journey to the West Zaju, compiled by Yang Jingxian, who lived at the end of the Yuan Dynastyand the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, consists of six separate plays of a total of 24 acts. Starting withXuanzang’s birth, other episodes are Havoc in Heaven, Monkey Joins the Companions, Friar Sand Joinsthe Companions, Pig Joins the Companions, Womanland and Borrowing the Fan for the Fiery Mountains.

Thus the companions—including the While Dragon Horse, all appear. The story of Xuanzang’s quest for theures shows an expanded scale and structure by the time of the Ming Dynasty.


We have been looking so far at written versions of the story as it developed from about the thirteenthcentury onwards. Much of the real development of the story, however, was not on paper but in performances,sometimes on stage but especially by storytellers. In the cities of China drama and storytelling then werecommercialized: they were show business. Storytellers in Tang Dynasty had sometimes been Buddhist monks.

By the Song Dynasty storytelling was primarily a secular trade, thought the professionals undoubtedly wereinfluenced by some of the religious parables. It is thus at the transition from what is primarily preaching whilealso being fun, to what is primarily fun but still has more than a touch of religion to it. Storytellers earningtheir living in a highly competitive market such as the city of Hangzhou had their work cut out to keep theircustomers by saying“listen to the explanation in the next chapter”. Different storytellers specialized intelling different kinds of stories, and within their own fields each one had to be predictable enough for theaudience to know more or less what kind of thing to expect, while also being original enough within thoselimits to keep the public interested and wanting to come back for more. Just as television viewers can switchchannels, the would-be hearers of stories could always go elsewhere if they did not like what was on offer.

So the storytellers in fourteenth century Chinese cities enriched and developed the very simple formula ofmonk plus monkey they had inherited into the vital triangle of monk, monkey and pig facing a long seriesof troubles. The chapters in the book were equivalent to performances; new episodes could be freely added.

Once the successful formula had been found it could be developed. Now that the audience knew and likedthe pilgrims it wanted new stories and plays about them as well as the familiar ones return. And as the seriesbecame more and more popular in theatres, teahouses and bars, enterprising publishers, not restricted bycopyright then, brought out printed versions of the stories and plays that enabled the rich to enjoy them inprivate. There would always have been a demand for new, self-contained episodes. And as more and morebooklets were added, the book-ends were pushed further apart.

谁是明朝小说《西游记》的作者,仍有争论,并且过去对作者的归属也是错的。最早的版本都未署名;世德堂本、杨闽斋本和其他一些版本都简单地署名“华阳洞天主人校”, 有李卓吾批评的版本印有“李卓吾评论”的题词。在这些木刻印版的前言中也没表明作者是谁。事实上,在所有早期印刷出版的版本中,作者都是个谜。元朝的虞集所写的《西游证道书》原序,在清朝初期出现,有汪象旭的评论,称其书作者是元朝初期的一名道士,名叫丘长春。在清朝乾隆和嘉庆时的着名学者纪昀争论说小说《西游记》的作者是明朝人,不是元朝人,因为小说中使用的官衔是明朝的。根据对原文的研究,阮葵生在他《茶余客话》中,丁宴在他《石亭记事续编》中,都鉴定作者是生活在明朝嘉靖时期的吴承恩。然而,上述各种理论都没被普遍接受。至上世纪20年代,鲁迅在他的《中国小说史略》中,在对清朝学者们的各种意见的评价基础之上,确认吴承恩是作者。尽管目前意见仍有分歧,但无人能把吴承恩从《西游记》的作者这个已被普遍接受的位置上赶下去。

There is still controversy over who the author of the Ming Dynasty novel Journey to the West was, andit has been erroneously attributed in the past. The earliest versions carry no author’s name;the Shidetangversion, the Yangmingzhai version and others simply carry the attribution“Collated by the master ofHuayang Dongtian”, and the version with Li Zhuowu’s Critique bears the inion“Commentary by LiZhuowu”. Neither do the prefaces to these wood-block editions indicate who the author was. The author,in fact, is a mystery in all the early printed and published versions. In the Original Preface by Yu Ji of theYuan Dynasty included in A Taoist Interpretation of Journey to the West, which appeared in the early QingDynasty with a commentary by Wang Xiangxu, the author is named as a Taoist priest of the early YuanDynasty, by the name of Qiu Changchun. During the Qianlong and Jiaqing periods of the Qing Dynasty, thefamous scholar Ji Yun argued that the author of the novel was a person of the Ming Dynasty, not the YuanDynasty, because the official titles used in the novel were of the Ming Dynasty. Textual research done byRuan Kuisheng in his Leisurely Chats and Ding Yan in his More Notes from the Stone Pavilion identify theauthor as Wu Cheng’en of Huai’an, who lived in the Jiajing Period of the Ming Dynasty. However, none ofthese various theories are universally accepted. As late as the 1920s, Lu Xun, in his Short History of ChineseFiction, confirmed that Wu Cheng’en was the author, based on his appraisal of the opinions of Qing Dynastyscholars. Although informed opinion is still divided, nobody has been able to dislodge Wu Cheng’en from hisposition as the generally accepted author of Journey to the West.


In fact, Journey to the West was both a collective creation by countless professional entertainers whoever nine hundreds of years developed its stories and characters in response to audience demand and alsothe work of an individual writer of unusual quality who used the excellent material he inherited to makesomething even better. The“individual writer of unusual quality”is none other than Wu Cheng’en. It’s alsoWu Cheng’en who has made Journey to the West one of“the Four Outstanding Novels”in China. Journeyto the West has been immensely popular both in China and in the world for over 400 years, just because of itsfresh and convoluted plots, distinctive and life-like characters, profound and incisive ideological content, andlight-hearted style.


Once Wu Cheng’en’s Journey to the West was published, all earlier versions disappeared. All latereditions of the story were reprints, adaptions or abridgements of Wu’s version; and though it gave rise tosequels it left no room in the market for rivals. Given the absence of competitiveness of the Ming book trade,publishers would have been only too willing to bring out other versions of the story had ones as good as thisbeen available. It proves the authoritativeness and perfectiveness of Wu’s Journey to the West. Wheneverwe can compare a passage in Wu’s version with a related one in a previous version of the story Wu’s versionis vastly superior. For many hundreds of years, it has been enjoyed by countless readers and episodes in thebook have been the basis for many a tale and an opera through which many more people have known the storythan have read it. It has been adapted for the large and small screen and been turned into comic books. Everychild brought up in the Chinese world wants to be Monkey, and would rather laugh at the greedy and idle Pigthan be compared to him. It tells of the fantastic, interesting stories and miraculous figures, which provide uswith boundless joy and imagination. In it are embodied the children’s innocence and the grownups’ fantasies.

It is, so to speak, a collection of fairy tales both for children and grownups.


The 100-chapter Shidetang version of Journey to the West can be divided into two parts. The first partconsists of twelve chapters, i. e. from Chapter 1 to Chapter 12. The best of these chapters are the first seven,describing the birth of Monkey and the episodes—how the Monkey learns to be a man, how the Monkeybecomes the king of the monkeys on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, how the Monkey seeks a master andlearns the Way of Immortality and why the Monkey causes uproar in the Dragon Palace, the underworld andHeaven. The chapters—from Chapter 8 to Chapter 12, include the episodes in which Monkey, Friar Sand,Pig and the White Dragon Horse are Converted to Buddhism, Sanzang’s Origins, the Beheading of the DragonKing of the Jing River, The Tang Emperor Taizong Returns to Life After Touring the Underworld, the CausesWhy the Tang Priest Travels to the West to Fetch the Buddhist Scriptures. The second part consists of eighty-eight chapters, i. e. from Chapter 13 to Chapter 100. It covers the whole journey itself and includes more thanforty series of episodes which elaborate how Sanzang acquires his three disciples, Sun Wukong, Zhu Wuneng,Sha Wujing as well as his white dragon horse and how they travel to the west to fetch the Buddhist uresand attain their goal after the nine times nine ordeals.


The ideological content of Journey to the West is very rich and profound. Its plot is quite complicatedand eccentric. Its writing characteristics are unusually unique and strange. Its language is very lively andhumorous. Its characters are especially eccentric and life-like, free to ascend up to the celestial palaces anddescend down to Hades, travel through the dragons’ palaces, mount the fairy mountains and visit the cavesdeep in the mountains, breaking away in time and space from the fetters of life and death and the barriersbetween heaven and earth. All contribute to the rarities of both Chinese literature and world literature. It’snot only loved by Chinese readers but also welcomed by the worldwide readers. As early as 1758, a famousJapanese novelist began to translate Journey to the West into Japanese. Only in the 20thcentury, a dozenfull-length translations of the novel appeared and lots of episodes in the translations were the basis for manycartoons and programmes for their large and small screens in Japan. The first translation into English fromthe novel Journey to the West was published in 1913 by the Shanghai Christian Literature Society. Followingthis, a number of abridged versions were published in various English-speaking countries. The first full-length translation into English was published by the University of Chicago Press in 1977. The latest full-length translation in English was published by Foreign Languages Press in China in 1977-1986. There aretwo abridged editions in French, both published in Paris in 1924 and 1957 respectively. Two versions inGerman were published in 1946 and 1962 respectively. A complete translation into Russian in four volumeswas published by the Moscow National Literature Publishing House in 1959. There are two translations intoboth archaic Korean and modern Korean in Korea. So are in Vietnam. Apart from these, there are a Spanishversion, a Czech-language version, a Romanian version, a Polish version, a Swahili version, Esperantoversion, etc. Thus it can be seen that numerous readers all over the world have been fascinated by the novelJourney to the West which is really a prominent one in the world literature.

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