
第52章 奋斗改变人生(2)

2.2 作者人生

2.2 The Writer’s Life


In ancient China people thought of novels as trivialities and novelists as inferior to others, so fewerbiographies of novelists were in existence. similarly, very scanty information remained about Luo Guanzhong,the author of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and even his place and year of birth were stillcontroversial.


According to the generally agreeable views, Luo Guanzhong, alias Luo Ben or Wanderer by Lakes andSeas, was a novelist, dramatist and the founder of Chinese chapter novel. He was a prolific writer whose majorworks include The Flying Tiger, Feng Yuhui, Lian Huan Jiang, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, SuiTang Zhizhuan, The End of Tang Dynasty and the Period of the Five Dynasties, Fenzhuang Lou, SansuiPingyao Zhuan and Outlaws of the Marsh and so on. He lived a comparatively long life with the age ofseventy.


The earliest notice about Luo Guanzhong occurs in a pamphlet called Luguibu Xubian (Supplementaryjottings on those who have died) by Jia Zhongming, which reads:“Luo Guanzhong is a native of Taiyuan,who uses the sobriquet Wanderer by Lakes and Seas. He rarely associates with other people, but he’s skilledin writing poems which are extremely fresh and invigorating. He is an older generation friend of mine, but dueto the tumultuous events of these times we became separated. We met again in the cyclical year jiachen ofthe Zhizheng reign period (1364), but since departing some sixty years have passed, and I do not know whatbecame of him.”


In the Baishi Huibian (Collection of minor romances) by the Ming scholar Wang Qi, he wrote:“LuoGuanzhong and Ge Kejiu were engaged in a quest for an ideal king to govern the empire; and theydid encounter a true ruler. Subsequently, Ge gave himself to medicine and Luo to writing unofficialhistory.”The“true ruler”was Zhang Shicheng, presumable. It is also possible that it was not ZhangShicheng whose uprising army Luo joined and left, but that of another rebel leader or even Zhu Yuanzhanghimself.


The period during which Luo Guanzhong lived was marked by sharp ethnical and class conflicts. Withinthe Yuan Empire, the harsh rule of The Mongol nobility triggered nationwide uprisings. At that time, uprisingarmies led by Zhu Yuanzhang, Chen Youliang and Zhang Shicheng engaged in fierce fight with the Yuantroops. An ambitious youngster, Luo Guanzhong joined the uprising army and served a strategist.


Probably due to his unsuccessful political life, he turned to writing of fictions and unofficial history. Assuch, it was possible for him to afford time to concentrate on literary writing. Actually, he was the first writerwho committed himself to novel writing in Chinese history of literature. The Romance of the Three Kingdomswas a novel written during his later literary career.



How did Luo Guanzhong come to create The Romance of the Three Kingdoms? Gao Ru of the MingDynasty gives the following outline of the book in Volume Six of his Bai Chuan Shu Zhi:“It is based onhistorical facts, but also incorporates fictional elements. The language is elegant and it upholds righteousness.

It is easy to read, while avoiding vulgarity and triviality. It is not written in the pedantic style of the historian,but it eschews careless chatter and jocularity. It is a panorama of 100 years.”Gao Ru’s assessment of thenovel is an accurate one.


In a strict sense, Luo Guanzhong was not the sole creator of the Romance of the Three Kingdomsbecause the stories of the Three Kingdoms had been circulating in the society for over one thousand yearsbefore he started writing his novel. In the Western Jin dynasty Chen Shou, a historian, produced the ThreeKingdoms; and in the Tang Dynasty the stories of the Three Kingdom spread far and wide; and in the Songdynasty the same stories became the themes intended specially for story-tellers and in the Yuan dynastythere appeared another book on the stories of the Three Kingdoms—The Three Kingdoms, A Popular Tale—and many dramas about the same stories. A synthesizer and recreator of the stories of the Three Kingdoms,Luo Guanzhong made a great novel of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.


Based on Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms by Chen Shou as well as Pei Songzhi’s corrections andadditions to it, Luo Guanzhong, drawing on what folklore has to offer and his own experience in the uprisingarmy, skillfully reworked into a great novel which presents a panoramic view of the turbulent period from LateYuan to Western Jin.


This masterpiece, while reflecting his likes and dislikes, objectively portrays the political and militarystruggle, be it public or covert, legal or illegal. In depicting pursuit of fame and interest by means of schemingagainst each other among the feudal ruling class, Luo, knowingly or not, explains the reasons underlying theuprisings staged by the wretchedly oppressed peasants.



From the arrangement of the plot and the deions of the characters, we can indeed see that LuoGuanzhong embellished historical facts with fictional elements. Also, his artistic method was to combineinvention with authenticity and cater to both refined and popular tastes. Some scholars and writers havethought highly of Luo Guanzhong, who has often been compared to Sima Qian and Guan Hanqing. He hasmade a great contribution to the treasury of Chinese literature and world literature. He has made a greatercontribution to our country and the world. Encyclopedia Britannica acclaims him as“the first universallyrecognized artist”.


In addition, the earliest of the many printed editions of The Romance of the Three Kindoms extantdates from the first year of the Jiajing reign period of the Ming Dynasty (1522). Bearing the title SanguozhiTongsu Yanyi or Historical Novel for Popular Reading Based on the Annals of the The Romance of the ThreeKindoms, it consists of 240 episodes in 24 volumes. Mao Lun and his son Mao Zonggang, during the reign ofEmperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, made a thorough arrangement of all the previous editions, and removedor changed many of the verse passages and details of the plot. They also added a comprehensive critique. Butwhile the Maos improved the elegance of the language, they took liberties with the original text, to the extentof infiltrating their own opinions into it at times. Nevertheless, Mao’s version of the Romance of the ThreeKingdoms is much more readable than any of the others, and it has eclipsed the earlier versions and becomethe most popular version for over three centuries. Now we are reading and appreciating The Romance of theThree Kingdoms which is the edition based on Mao’s version (i.e. the mid-1660s version) and with referenceto the 1522 preface edition. That’s why at times we use“the novel”or Three Kingdoms referring to bothversions together.



As to the controversial issues about the author Luo Guanzhong’s place and year of birth, we agree withthe majority’s opinions. About his place of birth, different historical materials were written differently. It’squite understandable. Just as our birth-places are often different from where we are working or living andour colleagues or friends easily misunderstand them, let alone Luo Guanzhong’s sobriquet was“Wandererby Lakes and Seas”. The key lies in the years of Luo Guanzhong’s birth and death. Some scholars saidLuo was born in 1330 and died in 1400. The others said Luo was born in 1315 and died in 1385. The 1522version is preceded by a preface dated the seventh year of the Hongzhi reign period of the Ming Dynasty(1494) and written by Yongyuzi (Jiang Daqi). Luo Guanzhong is the author named in the 1522 edition, and hisaccepted dates are 1330-1400. Thus, there is a gap of ninety-four years between the presumed date of LuoGuanzhong’s death (1400 and the 1494 preface). Consequently, some scholars put forward a question whetherSanguozhi Tongsu Yanyi was written as traditionally assigned to the late Yuan-early Ming (say, 1350-1390)?

It is believed that a convincing explanation will surely be given for the question in our academic circles.

2.3 作品赏析

2.3 Appreciation of the Novel


In The Romance of the Three Kingdoms’ vast world nearly one thousand characters cross the stage. Theaction, moving on several planes at once, encompasses the four corners of the realm, and the novel’s themesare varied and complex. In lively discussion over the past decades Chinese scholars have attempted to identifya single main theme in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Some say it is the theme of“virtue qualifies forrule”. The others say the theme is“the propagation of righteous politics”. Some say it is the theme of idealliege finding ideal minister, their rise to power, rejecting the prime minister’s advice and being defeated andtheir tragic end. Some consider the struggle of ideal liege and ultimate villain to be the principal theme. Somesee in the novel an expose of the cruelties and injustice of feudal (i.e., dynastic) government itself. Othersattach less importance to character and values; they emphasize the large, impersonal theme of the restorationof national unity after a period of civil wars. Still others see the book primarily as military history, a dramaticrecord of personal combat, raids, surprises, offensives, sieges, pitched battles, and protracted campaigns, byan author well versed in the art of war. All of theses themes or general topics are important in The Romanceof the Three Kingdoms; yet all of them are engaged by a single conflict that dominates the first two-thirdsof the novel, the conflict between Liu Bei and Cao Cao. Moreover, when Cao Cao and Liu Bei pass from thescene, their rivalry continues, as the Kingdoms they have founded, Wei in the north and Shu-Han in the west(the Two Plain) exhaust themselves in civil war.


It is very natural that different people from different perspective have different views on The Romanceof the Three Kingdoms’ theme. But the novel is extremely rich in content and the events of the ThreeKingdoms period contribute much to its literary complexity and depth. It faithfully reflects the waxing andwaning of the political and military fortunes of the actors of the time and vividly describes the fall of theHan Dynasty, the emergence, development, struggle of the three Kingdoms—Wei, Shu and Wu and thereunification of the realm of the Jin dynasty. It is such a great full-length novel that we do not think it properto identify a single main theme, let alone its multi-dimensions—its culminating and synthesizing historical,literary, military, cultural, etc. many traditions. It eclipses a number of its predecessors—as far as the literarypublic is concerned—in particular, the Sanguo Pinghua and Yuan Three Kingdoms drama.

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