

From the gargoyled keep which the cultured enthusiasm of Eleanor and the purse of her father had recently erected at Lincoln Lodge, the brother and sister looked over a bend of the river, half a mile of valley road, a wave of forest country, and the greater billows of the bare hillsides towering beyond. But out of all this prospect it was only upon the stretch of road that their eyes were bent.

"Surely one should see their carriage soon!" exclaimed Eleanor.

"Seems to me," said her brother, "that you're sitting something like a cat on the pounce for this Tulliwuddle fellow. Why, Eleanor, I never saw you so excited since the first duke came along. I thought that had passed right off."

"Oh, Ri, I was reading 'Waverley' again last night, and somehow I felt the top of the keep was the only place to watch for a chief!"

"Why, you don't expect him to be different from other people?"

"Ri! I tell you I'll cry if he looks like any one I've ever seen before! Don't you remember the Count said he moved like a pine in his native forests?"

"He won't make much headway like that," said Ri incisively. "I'd sooner he moved like something more spry than a tree. I guess that Count was talking through his hat."

But his sister was not to be argued out of her exalted mood by such prosaic reasoning. She exclaimed at his sluggish imagination, reiterated her faith in the insinuating count's assurances, and was only withheld from sending her brother down for a spy-glass by the reflection that she could not remember reading of its employment by any maiden in analogous circumstances.

It was at this auspicious moment, when the heart of the expectant heiress was inflamed with romantic fancies and excited with the suspense of waiting, and before it had time to cool through any undue delay, that a little cloud of dust first caught her straining eyes.

"He comes at last!" she cried.

At the same instant the faint strains of the pibroch were gently wafted to her embattled tower.

"He is bringing his piper! Oh, what a duck he is!"

"Seems to me he is bringing a dozen of them," observed Ri.

"And look, Ri! The sun is glinting upon steel!

Claymores, Ri! oh, how heavenly! There must be fifty men! And they are still coming! I do believe he has brought the whole clan!"

Too petrified with delight to utter another exclamation, she watched in breathless silence the approach of a procession more formidable than had ever escorted a Tulliwuddle since the year of Culloden. As they drew nearer, her ardent gaze easily distinguished a stalwart figure in plaid and kilt, armed to the teeth with target and claymore, marching with a stately stride fully ten paces before his retinue.

"The chief!" she murmured.

Now indeed she saw there was no cause to mourn, for any one at all resembling the Baron von Blitzenberg as he appeared at that moment she had certainly never met before. Intoxicated with his finery and with the terrific peals of melody behind him, he pranced rather than walked up to the portals of Lincoln Lodge, and there, to the amazement and admiration alike of his clansmen and his expectant host, he burst forth into the following Celtic fragment, translated into English for the occasion by his assiduous friend from a hitherto undiscovered manuscript of Ossian:

"I am ze chieftain, Nursed in ze mountains, Behold me, Mac--ig--ig--ig ish!

(Yet the Count had written this word very distinctly.)

"Oich for ze claymore!

Hoch for ze philabeg!

Sons of ze red deers, Children of eagles, I will supply you Mit Sassenach carcases!"

At this point came a momentary lull, the chieftain's eyes rolling bloodthirstily, but the rhapsody having apparently become congested within his fiery heart.

His audience, however, were not given time to recover their senses, before a striking-looking individual, adorned with tartan trews and a feathered hat, in whom all were pleased to recognize Count Bunker, whispered briefly in his lordship's ear, and like a river in spate he foamed on:

"Donald and Ronald Avake from your slumbers!

Maiden so lovely, Smile mit your bright eyes!

Ze heather is blooming!

Ze vild cat is growling!

Hech Dummeldirroch!

Behold Tollyvoddle, Ze Lord of ze Mountains!"

Hardly had the reverberations of the chieftain's voice died away, when the Count, uttering a series of presumably Gaelic cries, advanced with the most dramatic air, and threw his broad-sword upon the ground.

  • The Scouts of the Valley

    The Scouts of the Valley

  • N021


  • 太上神咒延寿妙经


  • 困学纪闻


  • 周穆王


  • 战无止


  • 王妃会魔法


  • 雨雾缥缈


  • 四种爱


    一本洞彻人心的爱之经典,一部完美解读爱的文学名著!J.K.罗琳最喜爱的作家——英国著名文学家c.s.刘易斯散文作品中最脍炙人口的一本。爱是人类永恒的主题,是你我能彼此理解、包容和帮助的唯一方式。在本书中,C. S. 刘易斯以丰富的人生经验、睿智的洞察力和厚重绝美的笔力深刻剖析了爱的种种美德与缺欠,开阔了我们的视野,全面挖掘了爱,揭示了爱的真谛。
  • 无限战争之王


  • 怎样舍,怎样得


  • 蒲公英不曾吹过的季节


  • 轮战


  • 风流赌侠


  • 一八六七年日记

