

Clay had disappeared from the door; but he came in, now, and the neighbors reverently fell apart and made way for him. He leaned upon the open coffin and let his tears course silently. Then he put out his small hand and smoothed the hair and stroked the dead face lovingly. After a bit he brought his other hand up from behind him and laid three or four fresh wild flowers upon the breast, bent over and kissed the unresponsive lips time and time again, and then turned away and went out of the house without looking at any of the company. The old lady said to Hawkins:

"She always loved that kind o' flowers. He fetched 'em for her every morning, and she always kissed him. They was from away north somers--she kep' school when she fust come. Goodness knows what's to become o' that po' boy. No father, no mother, no kin folks of no kind. Nobody to go to, nobody that k'yers for him--and all of us is so put to it for to get along and families so large."

Hawkins understood. All, eyes were turned inquiringly upon him. He said:

"Friends, I am not very well provided for, myself, but still I would not turn my back on a homeless orphan. If he will go with me I will give him a home, and loving regard--I will do for him as I would have another do for a child of my own in misfortune."

One after another the people stepped forward and wrung the stranger's hand with cordial good will, and their eyes looked all that their hands could not express or their lips speak.

"Said like a true man," said one.

"You was a stranger to me a minute ago, but you ain't now," said another.

"It's bread cast upon the waters--it'll return after many days," said the old lady whom we have heard speak before.

"You got to camp in my house as long as you hang out here," said one.

"If tha hain't room for you and yourn my tribe'll turn out and camp in the hay loft."

A few minutes afterward, while the preparations for the funeral were being concluded, Mr. Hawkins arrived at his wagon leading his little waif by the hand, and told his wife all that had happened, and asked her if he had done right in giving to her and to himself this new care? She said:

"If you've done wrong, Si Hawkins, it's a wrong that will shine brighter at the judgment day than the rights that many' a man has done before you.

And there isn't any compliment you can pay me equal to doing a thing like this and finishing it up, just taking it for granted that I'll be willing to it. Willing? Come to me; you poor motherless boy, and let me take your grief and help you carry it."

When the child awoke in the morning, it was as if from a troubled dream.

But slowly the confusion in his mind took form, and he remembered his great loss; the beloved form in the coffin; his talk with a generous stranger who offered him a home; the funeral, where the stranger's wife held him by the hand at the grave, and cried with him and comforted him;and he remembered how this, new mother tucked him in his bed in the neighboring farm house, and coaxed him to talk about his troubles, and then heard him say his prayers and kissed him good night, and left him with the soreness in his heart almost healed and his bruised spirit at rest.

And now the new mother came again, and helped him to dress, and combed his hair, and drew his mind away by degrees from the dismal yesterday, by telling him about the wonderful journey he was going to take and the strange things he was going to see. And after breakfast they two went alone to the grave, and his heart went out to his new friend and his untaught eloquence poured the praises of his buried idol into her ears without let or hindrance. Together they planted roses by the headboard and strewed wild flowers upon the grave; and then together they went away, hand in hand, and left the dead to the long sleep that heals all heart-aches and ends all sorrows.

  • 经验丹方汇编


  • 燕子笺


  • 文殊师利发愿经


  • 时贤本事曲子集


  • 居士传


  • 乱花间集


  • 中学生最爱读的星座美文


    《中学生最爱读的星座美文》主要内容包括“月夜一帘幽梦 清风十里柔情”“天阶夜色凉如水 卧看牵牛织女星”和“残星几点雁横塞 长笛一声人倚楼”三个部分。分别介绍了与星座有关的古今中外的传说故事及爱情美文。如:《一年只有这一次》《悲伤而美丽的音乐》《让我守候你一生》《像流星一样萨罗》《飞到北方天空的龙》《忠诚的狗马尔拉》《美丽的公主》《变成熊的母子》《悲惨的贝鲁罗冯》《美杜莎的首级》《一个带血的手绢》《牛郎织女》等。故事语言通俗易懂,结构清晰。对青少年具有一定的启发意义,使他们能够更多的了解宇宙的奥秘,星座的知识。
  • 极限任务系统


  • 成功的人与你想的不一样


  • 超能虫师


  • 萱色如画倾天下


  • 世界娱乐大亨


  • 职场自控力(金牌员工必读书系)


  • 特殊身份


  • 绝色暧昧行

