

Turning quickly, therefore, from this barren contemplation to one better suited to her inclinations, Julia's thoughts resumed the agreeable reverie from which she had been awakened. She also could paint, and after twenty trials she at length sketched an outline of the figure of a man that answered to Anna's description, and satisfied her own eye. Without being conscious of the theft, she had copied from a print of the Apollo, and clothed it in the uniform which Bonaparte is said to have worn. A small scar was traced on the cheek in such a manner that although it might be fancied as the ravages of a bullet, it admirably answered all the purposes of a dimple. Two epaulettes graced the shoulders of the hero; and before the picture was done, although it was somewhat at variance with republican principles, an aristocratical star glittered on its breast. Had he his birth-right, thought Julia, it would be there in reality; and this idea amply justified the innovation. To this image, which it took several days to complete, certain verses were addressed also, but they were never submitted to the confidence of her friend. The whole subject was now beginning to be too sacred even for such a communication; and as the mind of Julia every hour became more entranced with its new master, her delicacy shrunk from an exposure of her weakness: it was getting too serious for the light compositions of epistolary correspondence.

We furnish a copy of the lines, as they me not only indicative of her feelings, but may give the reader some idea of the powers of her imagination.

"Beloved image of a god-like mind, "In sacred privacy thy power I feel;"What bright perfection in thy form's combin'd!

"How sure to injure, and how kind to heal.

"Thine eagle eye bedazzles e'en the brain, "Thy gallant brow bespeaks the front of Jove;"While smiles enchant me, tears in torrents rain, "And each seductive charm impels to love.

"Ah! hapless maid, why daring dost thou prove "The hidden dangers of the urchin's dart;"Why fix thine eye on this, the god of love, "And heedless think thee to retain thy heart!"This was but one of fifty similar effusions, in which Julia poured forth her soul. The flame was kept alive by frequent letters from her friend, in all of which she dwelt with rapture on the moment of their re-union, and never failed to mention Antonio in a manner that added new fuel to the fire that already began to consume Julia, and, in some degree, to undermine her health, at least she thought so.

In the mean time Katherine Emmerson paid her promised visit to her friends, and our heroine was in some degree drawn from her musings on love and friendship. The manners of this young lady were conspicuously natural; she had a confirmed habit of calling things by their right names, and never dwelt in the least in superlatives. Her affections seemed centered in the members of her own family; nor had she ever given Julia the least reason to believe she preferred her to her own sister, notwithstanding that sister was married, and beyond the years of romance. Yet Julia loved her cousin, and was hardly ever melancholy or out of spirits when in her company. The cheerful and affectionate good humour of Katherine was catching, and all were pleased with her, although but few discovered the reason. Charles Weston soon forgot his displeasure, and with the exception of Julia's hidden uneasiness, the house was one quiet scene of peaceful content. The party were sitting at their work the day after the arrival of Katherine, when Julia thought it a good opportunity to intimate her wish to have the society of her friend during the ensuing winter.

"Why did Mr. Miller give up his house in town, Iwonder?" said Julia; "I am sure it was inconsiderate to his family.""Rather say, my child, that it was in consideration to his children that he did so," observed Miss Emmerson; "his finances would not bear the expense, and suffer him to provide for his family after his death.""I am sure a little money might be spent now, to indulge his children in society, and they would be satisfied with less hereafter," continued Julia. "Mr.

Miller must be rich; and think, aunt, he has seven grown up daughters that he has dragged with him into the wilderness; only think, Katherine, how solitary they must be.""Had I six sisters I could be solitary no where," said Katherine, simply; "besides, I understand that the country where Mr. Miller resides is beautiful and populous.""Oh! there are men and women enough, I dare say,"cried Julia; "and the family is large--eleven in the whole; but they must feel the want of friends in such a retired place.""What, with six sisters!" said Katherine, laughing and shaking her head.

"There is a difference between a sister end a friend, you know," said Julia, a little surprised.

"I--indeed I have yet to learn that," exclaimed the other, in a little more astonishment.

"Why you feel affection for your sisters from nature and habit; but friendship is voluntary, spontaneous, and a much stronger feeling--friendship is a sentiment.""And cannot one feel this sentiment, as you call it, for a sister?" asked Katherine, smiling.

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    晋江当红作家尤四姐再掀京味儿古言浪潮,独家番外首面世。 温家嫡女温定宜年幼时,父亲犯事,一夜之间,繁华崩塌,锦衣玉食的日子仿佛梦一场。全家死的死、流放的流放,只剩下她一个,被奶妈子救了出来。为了谋生,定宜扮成小子,拜在顺天府最有名的刽子手乌长庚门下做学徒。寒来暑往的,长到了十七岁。这天出门没看黄历,一不留神把七王爷给得罪了。对方是天潢贵胄,看她和看只蝼蚁没什么区别,眼看着定宜就要被人拉下去当瓜切了,命悬一线之际,踱过来一个人,随口几句话,救了她一条小命。很久很久以后,有一次定宜问起他对自己的第一印象。他挑起一道眉,说:“小个儿,娘娘腔,站在大太阳底下歪个头、眯个眼儿,像个二愣子。”定宜:“……”