

"Well, proceed," cried the lady. "I have driven aunt Margaret from the field, and you will fare no better, I can assure you.""Men, you say, are too gross to feel a pure friendship; in the first place, please to explain yourself on this point.""Why I mean, that your friendships are generally interested; that it requires services and good offices to support it."{interested = not pure, having an ulterior motive}

"While that of women depends on--"

"Feeling alone."

"But what excites this feeling?" asked Charles with a smile.

"What? why sympathy--and a knowledge of each other's good qualities.""Then you think Miss Miller has more good qualities than Katherine Emmerson," said Weston.

"When did I ever say so?" cried Julia in surprise.

"I infer it from your loving her better, merely,"returned the young man with a little of Miss Emmerson's dryness.

"It would be difficult to compare them," said Julia after a moment's pause. "Katherine is in the world, and has had an opportunity of showing her merit;that Anna has never enjoyed. Katherine is certainly a most excellent girl, and I like her very much; but there is no reason to think that Anna will not prove as fine a young woman as Katherine, when put to the trial.""Pray," said the young lawyer with great gravity, "how many of these bosom, these confidential friends can a young woman have at the same time?""One, only one--any more than she could have two lovers," cried Julia quickly.

"Why then did you find it necessary to take that one from a set, that was untried in the practice of well-doing, when so excellent a subject as your cousin Katherine offered?""But Anna I know, I feel, is every thing that is good and sincere, and our sympathies drew us together.

Katherine I loved naturally."

"How naturally?"

"Is it not natural to love your relatives?" said Julia in surprise.

"No," was the brief answer.

"Surely, Charles Weston, you think me a simpleton.

Does not every parent love its child by natural instinct?""No: no more than you love any of your amusements from instinct. If the parent was present with a child that he did not know to be his own, would instinct, think you, discover their vicinity?""Certainly not, if they had never met before; but then, as soon as he knew it to be his, he would love it from nature.""It is a complicated question, and one that involves a thousand connected feelings," said Charles. "But all love, at least all love of the heart, springs from the causes you mentioned to your aunt--good offices, a dependence on each other, and habit.""Yes, and nature too," said the young lady rather positively; "and I contend, that natural lore, and love from sympathy, are two distinct things.""Very different, I allow," said Charles; "only I very much doubt the durability of that affection which has no better foundation than fancy.""You use such queer terms, Charles, that you do not treat the subject fairly. Calling innate evidence of worth by the name of fancy, is not candid.""Now, indeed, your own terms puzzle me," said Charles, smiling. "What is innate evidence of worth?""Why, a conviction that another possesses all that you esteem yourself, and is discovered by congenial feelings and natural sympathies.""Upon my word, Julia, you are quite a casuist on this subject. Does love, then, between the sexes depend on this congenial sympathy and innate evidence?""Now you talk on a subject that I do not understand," said Julia, blushing; and, catching up the highly prized work, she ran to her own room, leaving the young man in a state of mingled admiration and pity.

  • 总裁有瘾:娇妻受不了


  • 神柒月


  • 蛇王新娘:盛宠暴力小医后


  • 瓜分世界(第二次世界大战史丛书)


  • 醉花记


  • 穿越之蝶妃


  • 四大沟通模式


  • 资本大明


  • 谁解茶中味


    这里有的是茶和人的故事,有些茶和有些人一样,居于九天之上,视之绰约神仙中人,只能仰望之、嗟叹之;有些茶和有些人一样,挣扎在泥土之中,简直不在是茶,而是菜、是饭、是药,是穷人续命的东西;还有很多茶,和我们一样,泯然众人,不能飞黄腾达,也不能羽化成仙,只能在俗世浮沉中给自己添一点味道和情趣。有的人讲故事,像陆羽;有的人听故事,像蒲松龄;有的人就是故事里的人,像你我。 茶本性凉,皆因经受春雨之寒,虽然挨过烈火烹油之热,不改本性清凉。希望读到这本书的人,在炽烈红尘中,能感受到如饮茶的一股凉意。
  • 天火神将

