
第41章 学会做人(3)




In the summer of 1600, Shakespeare was invited to take part in revising the play, The Book of SirThomas More. Among the additions to the manu, now in the British Library, three pages (totaling 148lines) and maybe also a few other short passages are believed to be in Shakespeare’s hand. This year,Shakespeare wrote Twelfth Night, in which the character Feste was meant for the young comedian RobertArmin. In the same year, Shakespeare completed Hamlet as well. On February 7, 1601, Lord Chamberlain’sMen played at the Globe Theatre Shakespeare’s Richard II, which had been laid aside for many years. Thespecial arrangement was made by followers of Earl of Essex with manager Augustine Phillips and others ofthe company, bribing them with an additional pay of 40 shillings. The Essex party wanted to use this play withits story of deposition to bolster morale and create opinion, but this was unknown to the companymanagement. The next day, i. e. February 8, Earl of Essex and his followers went on the streets of London andtried to stir up the citizens to pressurize the Queen to change her government, or else arrest her. But therebellion failed, and Essex, Southampton and their party were imprisoned. The two leaders were sentenced todeath. February 24, Lord Chamberlain’s Men gave a court performance at Whitehall. The Queen apparentlydid not blame the company or Shakespeare for the staging of Richard II. February 25, Essex was beheaded.

Southampton was spared death, but still imprisoned in London Tower. This year, Shakespeare wrote Troilusand Cressida, a cynical intellectuals’ play. It was probably written and produced for the students of the innsof court in London. This year, Love’s Martyre, a collection of poems by Robert Chester, was published.

Included at the end of the volume are“diuerse poetical essaies on the... subject... the Turtle and Phoenixdone by the best and chiefest of our modern writers...”The first of these is The Phoenix and the Turtleascribed to Shakespeare. It was also in the same year that Shakespeare’s father (who had regained his seat onthe council) was buried in Stratford on September 8. After father died the Henley Street houses belonged toShakespeare... In 1757 when the roof of the Henley Street houses was being retiled, a booklet was foundbetween the rafters and the tiling, which was said to be John Shakespeare’s spiritual testament, revealing thathe embraced the Catholic faith in his later years. In 1602 Shakespeare wrote All’s Well That Ends Well,whose main source was the ninth story of day 3 of Boccaccio’s Decameron. May 1, Shakespeare bought fromJohn and William Combe 107 acres of arable and 20 acres of pasture in Old Stratford for £320, brotherGilbert acting for him in signing the deed. On September 28 of the same year, Shakespeare bought a cottageand ground in Chapel Lane near New Place. The same day he bought 1/4 acre with cottage and garden atRowington from Walter Getley. On March 24, 1603, Queen Elizabeth I died at the age of 70. On April 10, onthe orders of the new king James I, the Earl of Southampton was released from prison and was grantedfavours. On May 17, the new king gave directions for the reorganization of Lord Chamberlain’s Men into theKing’s Men and grant them certain privileges. Shakespeare and others were at the same time appointedGrooms of the Royal Chamber. Hence till Shakespeare’s death in 1616, the King’s Men gave a total of 187performances at court in 14 years. This year, Shakespeare wrote Othello, which was his only domestic tragedyset in his own age—the Renaissance. In 1604, Shakespeare wrote Measure for Measure, which play andOthello both derived their stories from the Italian Giraldi Cinzio’s Ecatommiti. On July 24, 1605, in adocument of this day“William Shakespeare, of Stratford-upon-Avon”gentleman invested £440 in thepurchase of tithes in Old Stratford, Welcombe and Bishopton. It is estimated that the investment brought inan annual income of £60. This year, Shakespeare wrote King Lear.“These late eclipses in the sun andmoon”at I ii 115 seem to refer to the partial eclipse of the moon on September 27 and the nearly total eclipseof the sun on October 2 this year. The play was probably completed late this year or early the next year. In1606, Shakespeare wrote Macbeth, in which Banquo, the new king of Scotland, was an ancestor of James I.

So the play was a veiled eulogy of the Stuart dynasty. This year, the poet William D’Avenant was born. Abouthis relation to Shakespeare, Thomas Hearne wrote the following in 1709 in his diary:“It was reported bytradition in Oxford that Shakespeare as he us’d to pass from London to Stratford upon Avon, where he liv’dand now lies buried, always spent some time in ye Crown Tavern in Oxford, which was kept by one Davenant(John, mayor of Oxford 1621) who had a handsome wife, and lov’d witty Company, tho’ himself a reserv’d andmelancholy Man. His wife had born to him a Son who was afterwards Christen’d by ye Name of Wm. whoprov’d a very Eminest Poet, and was knighted (by ye name of Sr. William Davenant) and ye said Mr.

Shakespeare as his Godfather &; gave him his name. (In all probability he got him.)”But some people saidthat William Davenant, with much the same colour hair and eyes as William Shakespeare, was Shakespeare’sson, even said that William Davenant himself told a lot of people he was Shakespeare’s son. In 1607,Shakespeare wrote Antony and Cleopatra, which is the most Loosely constructed of the three Shakespeareandramas based on ancient Roman history. Antony’s passionate love for Cleopatra eventually leads to his loss ofa whole empire and of his very life. This year, Shakespeare wrote Pericles, Prince of Tyre in cooperation withGeorge Wilkins. In 1608, the plague was rampant in London. It seemed that Shakespeare was ill and stayedat home at Southwark. He wrote Coriolanus and Timon of Athens.“The coal of fire upon the ice”at I i 179of Coriolanus appeared to refer to the scene on the frozen Thames on January 8, a scene which had not beenseen in 40 years. The numerous stage directions in the play seem to be a remedy measure used by the author,unable to direct the rehearsals himself. In Timon of Athens there are comments which seem to be reminderssetting forth the author’s ideas yet to be developed. On May 20, 1609, Shakespeare’s Sonnets was entered inthe Stationers’ Register and soon published by Thomas Thorpe as Q1. This year, Shakespeare wroteCymbeline, one of whose sources was the ninth story of the second day in Boccaccio’s Decameron, whosedenouement Shakespeare read in the Italian original because it was missing from the then English translation.

In 1610, Shakespeare wrote The Winter’s Tale. He based his plot on a story by a man who had figured in hisown early career. This was Robert Greene, the rival playwright who in 1592 attacked him as an“UpstartCrow”and“Johannes Factotum”. In 1611, Shakespeare returned to live in Stratford and wrote TheTempest—one of Shakespeare’s shortest plays and one of his most memorably moving. It’s also his mostoriginal work of retrospection. On September 11, a list was drawn up of the aldermen and leading townsmenof Stratford, 71 in all, who promised to contribute towards forwarding a bill in Parliament“for the betterrepair of the highways”. Shakespeare’s name was added in the margin of the list, perhaps after his returnhome. In 1612, Shakespeare and Fletcher cooperated in writing Cardenio, the story of which was taken fromchapters 24, 27, 28 and 36 of Cervantes’ Don Quixote. This year, Shakespeare cooperated with Fletcher inwriting Henry VIII. This is a historical play of loosely joined scenes, more like a pageant. On February 4,1613, Shakespeare’s younger brother Richard was buried in Stratford, at the age of 39, unmarried. Thus allthree of Shakespeare’s brothers died without issue. On March 10 of the same year, Shakespeare purchasedfrom Henry Walker the big house over the great gate into the Blackfriars at the price of £140. Thisdemonstrated that Shakespeare himself clearly liked the location of the Blackfriars venue and bought his lastLondon property just a couple of hundred metres away. This year, Shakespeare and Fletcher cooperated inwriting The Two Noble Kinsmen. The story of Palamon and Arcite came from the Knight’s Tale in Chaucer’sCanterbury Tales. Up to then, Shakespeare had written at least 39 plays, two long narrative poems, hissequence of 154 sonnets, some other kind of poems and some episodes.


Shakespeare’s company continued to perform for the whole range of London society at the Globe too—for tradesmen and apprentices as well as for courtiers. The Blackfriars Theatre was a smaller and morerefined theatre than the Globe. Indoors, candle-lit and seating 700, it served well both in winter and at night.

The audience was socially superior, having to pay at least 6 pennies. for a ticket. These conditions providednew possibilities for, and made new demands on, the plays, which tended to be new and exotic, gorgeous andelegant, with more songs and music, catering to the taste of high society. Henceforth upper-class indoorstheatres of this type grew in number, while public theatres like the Globe fell into decline. This had to dowith the fact that Shakespeare in his later years wrote romances and cooperated in writing plays with JohnFletcher who was adept at writing this kind of pageants and fifteen years younger than him. His late playshad a common theme, which was a tendency to look back to the past. Maybe this was inevitable, since theplaywright was approaching his own life’s end. From 1614, Shakespeare spent more and more of his time inStratford and could write little then. Though he still made trips to London, he just went there for other things.

In Shakespeare’s time, men usually made wills when they felt they did not have long to live. This may havebeen Shakespeare’s reason for making one around January 15, 1615. On March 25, the same year, summonedby Shakespeare, Lawyer Francis Collins revised his will, because Thomas Quiney, husband of Shakespeare’syounger daughter, was punished by the church court for having had illicit relations with another womanwho had died of the consequent childbirth with the infant. In his re-written will, Shakespeare excluded thepromiscuous Quiney. On April 23, 1616 (could well have been his 52nd birthday). Shakespeare died atNew Place, Stratford. John Word, vicar of Stratford in the 1660s, wrote in his diary:“Shakespeare, Draytonand Ben Johnson had a merry meeting and, it seems, drank too hard, for Shakespeare died of a fever therecontracted.”


After Shakespeare’s death, his friend and rival Ben Jonson said,“He was not of an age, but for alltime!”To many, he can seem as timeless as some of the masterpieces he wrote. But Shakespeare belongedvery much to his own time, too, living as a man among men and working as a writer among writers. Notonly did his genius lie in producing poetry and plays that still thrill us, but also in providing first-classentertainment for the audiences of Tudor and Stuart England.



As Robert Greene, decayed scholar-playwright, lay dying of his own excesses, filthy, verminous anddestitute, in a borrowed bed, he penned a last pamphlet, Greene’s Groatsworth of Wit Bought with aMillion of Repentance (1592), in which there is a letter addressed to his three dramatist friends, ChristopherMarlowe, Thomas Nashe and George Peele:“... there is an Uptart Crow, beautified with our feathers, thatwith his Tiger’s heart wrapped in a player’s hide, supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blank verseas the best of you; and being an absolute Johannes Factotum, is in his own conceit the only Shake-scene ina country ...”This passage was clearly an attack on Shakespeare. The phrase“tiger’s heart wrapped in aplayer’s hide”is a parody of Shakespeare’s line,“O tiger’s heart wrapped in a women’s hide!”(Henry ⅥPart 3 I iv 137). This play had been performed by then and had had a certain success.“Shake-scene”isa hint at Shake-speare. The phrase“an Upstart Crow’ is an attack on Shakespeare who had achievedsome success in play-writing though he had never attended university, had become well-known in Londonas a“player”(actor) and writer and posed a challenge to the playwrights who had university education.

By“Johannes factotum”(Jack-of-all-trades) is meant that Shakespeare could at once act and revise andwrite plays, and probably also that he could write tragedies as well as comedies and histories. The allegationof“beautified with our feathers”seems a charge of plagiarism. Awareness of the authorship of plays wasgenerally low, as might be expected when constant adaptation and collaboration were the rule then. It wasprecisely Shakespeare’s forte to cull excellences from other authors and forge and transform them intosomething infinitely better. Greene died before anyone could find out exactly what he meant. His letter wasnot well received, even by his addressees—Marlowe and Nashe, and Chettle was blamed for making theletter public. Shakespeare evidently took the trouble to speak to Henry Chettle, who had prepared the faircopy of Greene’s work for the publisher, and Chettle apologized handsomely to him in the preface to his ownKind-Heart’s Dream in December of the same year.“I am as sorry as if the original fault had been my fault,because myself have seen his demeanour no less civil than he excellent in the quality he professes. Besides,divers of worship have reported his uprightness of dealing, which argues his honesty, and his facetious gracein writing, that approves his art.”There is no good reason for supposing sixteen-century commercial theatreto be any less protean than that of the twentieth century, where plays are not so much written as rewritten inperformance. As a successful actor, Shakespeare may well have turned to the university wits for additionalmaterial and felt perfectly free to revise what they provided in production. Therefore, Shakespeare’s strengthis very much the strength of his time and his milieu; although he transformed everything he found and thegreatness of that transformation cannot be exaggerated, the culture of his contemporaries afforded him someremarkable resources.

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  • 真情处处(最受学生喜爱的散文精粹)


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  • 守护甜心之友情的破碎


  • 巴人寻根:巴人·巴国·巴文化


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  • 等不来

