
第42章 学会做人(4)


The whole dramatic tradition of the English people, from the earliest church dramas to the plays of hiscontemporaries, had its impact on Shakespeare’s dramatic creations. The curious mixture of the comic withthe tragic which we find again and again in Shakespeare’s plays, especially in his great tragedies (notably inKing Lear and Hamlet), is something the poet learned from the mystery or miracle plays, as contrary to theclassical drama of Seneca according to which comic elements should be strictly excluded from tragedies.

In the adoption of the bland verse as the poetic medium for his tragedies, Shakespeare was following thetradition begun in Gorboduc and improved upon by Marlowe. He didn’t invent any plot for any of his plays,but he always took the stories from some old narrative poems, dramas or storybooks, from the ancient Greekor Roman times and French and Italian sources down to his immediate English predecessors. The secret liesin his ability to mould these source-materials to the best advantage. Quite often there would be three or fourthreads of story running through the play but there is always the main stream to which he would devote chieflyhis attention and make it entertaining and instructive.


Shakespeare often took already familiar stories, then told them in new ways, adding provocative twistsfor greater effect. He knew how to keep all the customers satisfied—whether they happened to be noblemenor apprentice boys. He normally presented characters and situations that were not alien, but accessible.

This gives many of his plays a timeless, universal quality. This is why his plays have always been pleasingall the people. This is what the public are prepared to pay to see. For fictional plays like Romeo and Juliet,Shakespeare happily lifted his plots from exciting sources, then re-arranged them in his own masterlyway. Maybe more surprisingly, he also based the plots of his non-fictional plays on people and events fromhistory—then sometimes re-arranged the facts and invented whole new episodes. This was either to makethe plots more exciting for his audience, or to put across a particular message to them—for example, aboutthe nature of power and kingship. So in this sense, some of his history plays are not entirely historical. Theseplays are often staged in modern dress, or set in periods long after Shakespeare himself lived. This universalappeal makes them seem as familiar and relevant now as when they were first performed. And for almostfour centuries since his death, the magic has continued to work, not just in the English language but also intranslation. New performances of his plays are staged every year all over the world. His creative influenceextends further still. Just as Shakespeare himself drew heavily on the work of others, countless later poets,playwrights, authors, painters, composers and film-makers have used his work as an inspiration—puttingtheir own spin on his plots and characters. For instance, the German Brahms, the Austrian Schubert, theRussian Tchaikovsky, the American Bernstein and the Italian Verdi—wrote marvelous music for songs,symphonic poems, musicals, ballets and operas inspired by Shakespeare’s theatrical works. Possibly themost famous piece composed for a Shakespeare performance was written by Felix Mendelssohn (1809—1847). Part of his incidental music for A Midsummer Night’s Dream is still played today as“The WeddingMarch”.


Thanks to Shakespeare’s great versatility and virtuosity, he wrote many great tragedies, a lot of lightand romantic comedies and tragicomedies, some serious and instructive histories and other domestic dramasand melodramas, etc.. Shakespeare’s tone could shift from“dark”to“light”within two scenes of a singleplay. A Shakespearean comedy was usually far more than a string of good jokes. The Merchant of Venice,for example, would have made audiences laugh a lot, yet it also explores the deeply serious matters of justiceand the way that Christians and Jews relate to each other. During the period of a severe outbreak of plague,the theatres had to close and Shakespeare turned to writing non-dramatic poetry to earn his living. In doingso, he proved that a genius can be a master of more than one“trade”. He not only could write poetry wellin different styles, and in different poetic forms, like sonnets, blank verse, rhymed couplets, etc., but he wasalso a master of prose, of various styles of prose. He turned his contemporary writer John Lyly’s euphuisticstyle into very effective and powerful prose. His great comedies The Merchant of Venice, The Merry Wivesof Windsor, Much Ado about Nothing, As You Like It and Twelfth Night written in the prose are particularlyvivid and moving. In these comedies there are some very beautiful songs whose lyricism sings of the cavalierspirit or the Renaissance mood to replace the otherworldliness and asceticism of the medieval church.

Shakespeare was not only the greatest poet but also the greatest prose-writer of his time.


Shakespeare’s success as a playwright and poet and the success of his plays upon the stage fromElizabethan England to the present-day world depend on not only what is mentioned above, but also upon histhemes of progressive significance and penetrating insight and his assiduous pursuit of the true, the good andthe beautiful with untiring vigour through his life. When we take into account Shakespeare’s complete works,our overall impression is that he distinguished himself from most of his contemporaries in his keen observationof the social realities around him and his unfailing condemnation of many of the social evil practices of hisfeudal-bourgeois world. He was against unscrupulous Machiavellianism either for political power or personalgains, against religious persecution and racial discrimination, against social inequality, sometimes alsoagainst inequality between men and women, and against the corrupting influence of gold or money, yet in allthese objections to the evil ways of the feudal-bourgeois society the poet never went the whole hog, becauseShakespeare was living in an age when many feudal and bourgeois practices were considered the rightfulthings to do, and being himself an up and rising man of the world under the patronage of the great—a wellknown actor and playwright, a shareholder of some playhouse and an owner of a big house and much privateproperty, could not really wish for any fundamental change politically or socially. The fact that he could seeand condemn some of the outstanding evils in the England of his time sufficiently calls for our applause on theprogressive significance of his dramas, and the more so because sometimes his sense of justice and his strongnatural antipathy against oppression make him stand on the side of the poor and the oppressed, sometimeseven in spite of his own social station. Shakespeare’s poems express so many shades of passion with such skilland verve that his volume of verse has been called the poet’s own“spiritual biography”. In his Sonnet 105,the poet wrote:“Fair, kind, and true, is all my argument, / Fair, kind, and true, varying to other words; / Andin this change is my invention spent, / Three themes in one, which wondrous scope affords.”



Shakespeare’s dramatic career lasted for more than twenty years. It may be divided into three periodsaccording to the development of his thinking and art. The first or the early period is dated from around 1588to about 1600, including his earliest plays, either in collaboration with or in imitation of other playwrights.

The nine of his ten history plays (except Henry VIII) tell the historical stories, expose the brutal bloodshedand unscrupulous treachery and intrigue at the court, censure sharply the ambitions of the feudal barons inEngland that led to civil wars and political instability, detect in the new human relations in the rising capitalistworld the dominant element of“Commodity”which may be interpreted as“self-interest”or“profit”(oreven“cash nexus”), and eulogize an“ideal”monarch who worked for the welfare of the whole nation.

Such an attitude of Shakespeare’s in the plays coincided with the interests of the rising bourgeoisie at thetime and so has its historical progressive significance. The three tragedies (Titus Andronicus, Romeo andJuliet and Julius Caesar) extol the great humanist heroes because they are represented as men of highdemocratic ideals working selflessly in the interests of the people against enemies of freedom. The threeexperimental comedies of early apprenticeship (Love’s Labour’s Lost, The Two Gentlemen of Verona andThe Comedy of Errors) and one fantasy and two farces (A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Taming ofthe Shrew and The Merry Wives of Windsor and his four mature“Romantic”comedies (The Merchantof Venice, Much Ado about Nothing, As You Like It and Twelfth Night or What You Will) reveal clearlyShakespeare’s ever-present, strong sympathy for the oppressed, and his almost instinctive antipathy againstoppression of any kind. The second or mature period stretched roughly from 1601 to 1608, including all hisgreat tragedies (Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, etc.) and some of his earlier tragi-comedies (Troilusand Cressida, All’s Well that Ends Well, Measure for Measure) which were quite different from those of thepoet’s early period, not only because he had grown more mature but also because the English society hadundergone much fundamental change in the transition from Elizabethan England in the last decades of the16th century to the new regime of James I in the early years of the 17thcentury. Shakespeare’s great tragediesand his“dark”tragi-comedies naturally reflect that age of social and political unrest. The sharpenedcontradictions in the political and social arena are reflected through the life-and-death struggles between theevil forces (e.g. Claudius in Hamlet, Iago in Othello, etc.) and the idealist heroes or heroines (e.g. Hamlet,Othello, etc.), with the latter all becoming victims in their conflict with tyranny and hypocrisy and treachery,but those victims are shown by Shakespeare to be morally victorious in the end because the poet cherishedthe illusion of the so-called“poetic justice”, believing that villains may triumph for a time but not for longwhile the righteous ones may die but will eventually earn their deserved after-fame. The third or last perioddated from 1609 to 1613, including chiefly his three last tragicomedies (Cymbeline, The Winter’s Taleand The Tempest) and several other plays cooperated in writing with John Fletcher. The mature playwrightShakespeare in the first decade of the 17thcentury had expressed his keen awareness of many horrible evils ofthe society of his day, though exposed and criticized, he must have come to the realization that nothing couldreally be done to right the wrongs or to work for the common good. He had to turn from his harrowing tragediesand his“dark”comedies to his plays of unrealistic compromises and fantasy. That’s why we witness acurious mixture of wishful thinking and downright escapism in his three last tragicomedies.



One of Shakespeare’s chief artistic achievements in his dramas is that he used the English languagewith the greatest freedom and ease, so that almost all the speeches fit all the characters who speak them,not only different characters speak differently, even the same character speaks differently on differentoccasions when he is in different moods or speaks for different purposes to different persons. For this a verylarge vocabulary is necessary. Some concordance puts Shakespeare’s vocabulary at 43,566 words. Thereare other concordances that put his vocabulary at a much fewer 20,000 or so. But anyway the consensus isShakespeare’s vocabulary outnumbers the entire vocabulary of the Authorized Version of the Holy Bible.

Also he was skilful in forming very new and striking expressions out of rather common words. His plays,all combined, are like a book of epigrams, idioms, mottos, familiar sayings. A lot of things, which we stillsay today, are attributable to Shakespeare. Most of his plays were written in blank verse. His height ofachievement in poetry lies in his expertly wielding of the blank verse, beginning from the early tragedy ofRomeo and Juliet to the history plays and the great comedies, through the great tragedies to the final tragi-comedy of The Tempest. His ability to make the blank verse suit all different characters on different occasionsoften leads to brilliant passages of great poetic flights. In a word, Shakespeare’s language is very rich andcolorful, vivid and lively, especially very expressive, full of metaphors or similes, puns and witty repartee.

His irony is very sharp and poetic. Shakespeare’s another chief artistic achievement is the perfect integrationof the vividness and richness of his stories. He broke through the restriction of the“three unities”of theclassical Greek and Roman drama and the demarcation between the tragedy and comedy. He often drew onhis predecessors for the stories of his plays. He always made the past serve the present and brought forth thenew through the old. He learned from the long dramatic tradition of the English people the portraiture of livinghuman beings in the English environment of his time and the dramatization of the important social problemsand contradictions of the day, freely and fully. The most effective as well as the most frequently employedtheatrical device that we find in Shakespeare’s plays is what has often been termed“dramatic irony”, whichis the main thing to sustain interest and to provoke laughter from the audience. Dramatic irony at its height ofsuccess in some scenes of Henry IV in two parts, which were staged the character Falstaff who is most lovedby the English audience, is certainly one very outstanding feature in Shakespeare’s skill in plot constructionworth our emulation. The third Shakespeare’s chief artistic achievements is his great success in character-creations. The important themes in Shakespeare’s dramas that reflect so truthfully the social contradictions ofhis age are presented with so much power by Shakespeare chiefly through the vivid portraits of his dramaticcharacters. In his different types of dramas through the different periods of his dramatic career there is awhole gallery of well-known characters in all their variety. From kings, queens, princes and princesses, highminister, nobles, bishops, generals and others on the higher rungs of the ladder to the lower ones like workers,farmers, soldiers and mercenaries, actors and clowns, merchants and usurers, the list may be lengthened toinclude as many as a hundred and more of Shakespeare’s carefully-etched heroes and heroines, and all ofthem could compare very favourably in vividness and intensity, in emotional and psychological depth, withthe outstanding character-creations by other English dramatists from the University Wits to Dramatist GeorgeBernard Shaw who won the Nobel prize for literature in 1925. Shakespeare’s major characters and even anumber of his minor figures do not stand for the persons or the views of the dramatist himself, nor is any ofthem made to say or do things because the story requires it of him or her. His major characters are usually notsimply type characters but they are individuals representing certain types. He also frequently used contraststo give his characters greater vividness and more sharply etched profiles. One very striking phenomenon inconnection with Shakespeare’s character-portrayal is his emphasis on the psychological make-up of each ofhis major characters. And psychological analysis is frequently Shakespeare’s distinction in characterizationthat lifts his characters. The many soliloquies in his plays, especially in his tragedies, are very admirablymanaged by the poet to give greater depth and breadth to the thoughts and feelings of his characters.


From the above introduction based on the original records relating to Shakespeare’s life—from hisbaptism to his burial, with certain other legal documents in between, some of the buildings where he oncelived and now are still standing and some references to him in the writings of his contemporaries, it is notdifficult to see that Shakespeare’s unparalleled body of work as a playwright and poet has established hisreputation for all time. He has been living in the hearts of his audiences who read or watch or listen to hisimmortal masterpieces although it has been almost four hundred years since he died. But, as an ordinary man,just like all common people on earth, he had the same human nature with both kind side and evil side. Hisconsistent hatred for the oppressors and ever-present sympathy for the oppressed demonstrated his kind sideof human nature. A Stratford record from 1598 showed him hoarding ten quarters (2.5 tons) of corn and malt,for brewing. This was after a succession of bad harvests, and many of the poorer townspeople were starving.

He misused his wealth and showed little public spirit. He invested in land and more property, and may alsohave made loans to those in need. These showed his evil side of human nature. Therefore, we would like tosay that Shakespeare was both great and ordinary. He lived a not very long yet very busy and full life. He hasbeen still living in the hearts of the peoples all over the world though he has been dead for many years.

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